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Katsuki was in shock after what he heard the words come from Inko's mouth. He didn't even realize that he was crying. He didn't realize that his parents were trying to talk to him. All he could hear are the words...

'Izuku is in a coma'

After a few more seconds he snapped out of his daze.

Katsuki: "Can we go visit him?" he said softly.

Mitsuki: "Yea honey let's go." she said with a soft smile. She helped Inko up and walked her to the car, while Masaru and Katsuki followed.

After the 30 minute drive they finally arrived at the hospital.

Receptionist: "Hi, what can I do for you?" she asked with a smile.

Inko: "We are here to visit my son Izuku Midoriya. He was admitted today because of a villain attack." she said with red eyes from her crying.

??: "He is in room 420." she told them.

Mitsuki: "Thank you." she said before leading Inko to the elevator.

The four of them ride the elevator to the fourth floor and slowly made their way to Izuku's room. The four stood outside the door before slowly opening it, just to see Izuku with an oxygen mask and tubes coming from his arm.

Inko: "My baby!" she sobbed loudly, before rushing to her sons side.

Katsuki rushed to the other side of Izuku's bed gripping his hand tightly with tears flowing out his eyes.

Mitsuki comforted Inko while Masaru comforted his son. After about 10 minutes the doctor came into the room.

Doctor: "Hello. I'm guessing you are Inko Midoriya?" he said while looking at the green haired women.

Inko: "Yes I am doctor. Can you tell me what's wrong with my son?" she asked while wiping her tears away.

Doctor: "Well to put it simply your son didn't get enough oxygen to his brain during the attack. Because of that now he is in a coma. He has a chance of waking up but we do know when that is going to be. Also if he does wake up we don't know what type of affects his brain went through because of the lack of oxygen." he explained to her.

Inko: " Okay thank you for explaining. Can we discuss a payment plan for the hospital bills?" she asked.

Doctor: "You can discuss that with the receptionist. I'll me taking my leave." the doctor said before bowing and walking out.

Mitsuki: "Inko me and Masaru will help with the hospiyal bills. Also you will move in with us for tyne time being." she said sternly but with a soft tone.

Inko: "Mitsuki you can't. I cant let you do that." she said while crying.

Mitsuki: "Inko you are my best friend and I know you won't be able to handle this alone. Also Masaru and I treated Izuku like our own son and plus we will be in laws soon, so it is only right that we help you out." she says with a reassuring smile.

Masaru: "Please Inko let us do this." Masaru said before smiling at her.

Inko started to sob.

Inko: "Thank you. Thank you so much." she said while bawling her eyes out. Mitsuki and Masaru pulled her into a hug.

Katsuki: "Auntie I will go to UA and become the number one hero. I promised Izuku I'll be number one and I'll keep that promise no matter what it takes." he said with a determined face.

Inko looked at Katsuki with a sad smile. She pulled him into a hug and felt her shirt get wet from his tears.

Inko: "I think Izuku would be glad if you completed your dreams for him. He's your number one fan after all." she said with a smile.

Katsuki: "Thank you Auntie. I'll try my best." he said before looking at Izuku once more and leaving the room.

Katsuki decided that he needs to put himself through some intense training. He is determined to get into UA and be the best.

Katsuki: "Hmm what should I do for training?" he thought while walking around the city.

While he was walking he pasted by a beach filled with garbage and a smirk appeared on his face.

Katsuki: "This place is perfect." he said to himself and smirked.

For the next 10 months Katsuki cleaned the beach without his quirk so he could gain some muscle. He moved cars, washing machines, refrigerators, and other things.

During those 10 months he would always cost Izuku. He would visit after school and at night time after his training ends. Updating Izuku about his day was always the best part of his day. Even though Izuku can't respond, Katsuki likes to think that Izuku is still listening to him and when he wakes up they can talk about the things that he said to him while in the coma.

Katsuki: "Whew, I hinally finished the beach. Wow I gained a lot of muscle from this. Time to get home, so I can rest for the exam tomorrow." he said to himself while looking at the cleaned beach.

Katsuki left the beach at went to the hospital.

Nurse Joy: "Hey Katsuki. You have an hours before visiting hours end.

Katsuki: "Thanks nurse joy." he says with a small smile.

Nurse Joy is the nurse that takes care of Izuku. She always nice towards Katsuki and sometimes gets him food with her hospital discount.

Katsuki: "Hey Deku I'm back." he said before kissing his forehead. "Well I finished my training for the entrance exams. My body has gained a lot of muscle from cleaning that dirty beach. I already feel like a hero cleaning the beach, which is now usable for the public." he said with a sad smile. "Deku I miss you so much. Please wake up soon." he said with tears filling his eyes.

After the hospital, Katsuki went home ate dinner and took a shower. He payed down in bed and stared at a picture of him and Izuku.

Katsuki: "I promise I'll achieve our dreams." he said with a small smile before kissing the picture and drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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