17 (End)

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A year later.


The audience clapped excited for the announcement of the next top 10 hero's. Everyone was that was watching behind the screen was hoping that their favorite got a high spot on the list.

Announcer: "Let's name the Number 10 Hero... URAVITY!" the mc yelled. Cops filled the venue congratulating here.

She said her speech and stood at the end of the stage. This went on until it reached the last spot.
9. Red Riot
8. Nejire Chan
7. Edgeshot
6. Gale Force (Inasa)
5. Suneater
4. IcyHot (Shoto Todoroki)
3. Lemillion
2. Hawks

Announcer: "NOW LETS GIVE IT UP FOD YOUR NUMBER ONE HERO... DYNAMITE!!" the mc yelled loudly.

Everyone in the venue erupted into cheers and claps. The hospital staff was excited, his old classmates at UA and Shiketsu were cheering. His husband was in tears, happy that he achieved their dream.

Announcer: "Dynamite, do you have anything to say?" the announcer asked.

Katsuki: "I have an important thing that I need to say. This speech is about my journey on how I ended up here. The press and my old classmates at UA have been waiting years for my explanation on why I left there, so here it is. " he said. He took a deep breath and started to speak.

"Growing up me and my best friend wanted to become the greatest hero's. We promised to become the number 1 hero duo history has ever seen. At the age of 4 I got my quirk, but my friend ended up quirkless. I promised him that I will carry on our dream for the both of us and he can stay by my side as my partner.

Growing up he got bullied because of his quirklessness and I protected him form the bullies. This went on through elementary and middle school. In our second year of middle school he became my lover which was one of the best days of my life. 10 months before the UA entrance exam he got suffocated by a villian. He ended up getting put in a coma.

When I heard the news I vowed to his mother and to myself that I will become the number one hero and when he wakes up I will protect him. I took the entrance exam and broke All Mights record. After a week of me being in UA my boyfriends mother died in a villian attack. Loser her was one of the worst days of my life. A couple weeks later my parents died in a car crash.

I lost 4 of the most important people of my life in the span of a year. I said 4 because it wasn't confirmed that my boyfriend was going to wake up. The day my parents died I immediately held a funeral for them. I didn't have time to grieve. I had to figure out a way to pay for my boyfriends hospital bills and a new place to live.

I quickly sold the house and bought a small apartment in a not so nice neighborhood. The place was cheap and I have a good quirk to protect myself so I wasn't worried about my safety. I ended up getting a job at a club. You see the club wasn't known for good things. I used to work at the club called the Dragons Den. The owner understood my situation and hired me knowing that I was underaged. I enjoyed working there. Being a bartender earned me a lot of money, especially the tips.

I was working there for a few months, but the class started to notice that I was sneaking out of the dorms. They made a plan and followed me back to my apartment. They found out that I had a job and when I left they asked my neighbor about it. They told the teachers where I worked and they shut the club down. I felt angry and betrayed that they went behind my back and pushed their way into my personal life without even asking me. Because of that I left UA, I honestly never wanted to see their faces again, but since we are all hero's that's unavoidable.

I ended up transferring to Shiketsu and getting a job at the hospital. I also got payed to clean and cook for some of my neighbors. That is how I made a living through most of highschool. During my second year my boyfriend finally woke up from his coma and started to do physical therapy. He took online classes and was able to start his third year at Shiketsu with me.

We both graduated and got married right when we turned 18. We opened the Wonder duo agency and now we are here. We achieved our goal that we've always dreamed about.

I honestly wouldn't have been here without a certain someone that stayed by my side motivating me while I was at my lowest. I don't know if you want me to say your name but thank you for being there for me. I don't think I would've made it this far without you.

The main message that I hope you learn from this story is, you can do it as long as you try your best." he said not noticing that he had tears rolling down his face.

Most people watching were crying about his life story. Most of his class at UA cried hearing about the reason why he left. Aizawa, All Might, and Nezu felt guilty for not knowing what was going on with his student.

Announcer: "Wow Dynamite, I think everyone watching can agree that you are strong for what you went through. You are also amazing that you became the fastest pro hero to reach the number one spot!" he announces. "Do you have anything else to say before we end the event?" he asked handing over the mic to him.

Katsuki: "I think it's time to reveal my anonymous partner the helped me open the agency. Deku can you come up here." he said with a smile.

Izuku made his way up to the stage and hug his husband.

Izuku: "Hi I'm Deku. I am Dynamites husband. I am also that quirkless person in the story." he says shyly.

Katsuki pulled Izuku into a kiss and they laughed on stage. The event ends and boy lovers were happy that they finally achieved goal.
Katzu: "Dad, I still can't believe you went through all that and still became the number one hero." the young boy says

Yui: "Dad how did you do it?" the little girl asked.

Katsuki just looked at his husband and smiled.

"I just tried my best."

The End

I hope you enjoyed. Make sure to check out my other stories :)

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