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Katsuki: "What are you doing here....Kirishima?" he asked

Kirishima: "What happened to shitty hair?" he thought to himself. "Well I wanted to apologize and see if you would reconsider going back to UA." he said while bowing.

Katsuki: "No, now leave." he replied coldy.

Kirishima: "Why not?!" he slightly yelled

Katsuki: "BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU GUYS DID! I HATE PEOPLE WHO SNOOPS INTO MY PERSONAL LIFE AND THEN MAKES DECISIONS WITHOUT ASKING ME!" he yelled back making some of the residents peak out their door.

Kirishima: " YOU CAN'T ME MAD IF YOU NEVER TOLD US ANYTHING!" he yelled in response.

Katsuki: "NONE OF YOU EVER ASKED! YOU GUYS JUST FOLLOWED ME AND STARTED TO ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT ME AND NOW I LOST MY JOB!" he yelled. He took a deep breath and said, "It doesn't matter anymore. I already found a new job and I transferred to Shiketsu. Now if you would excuse me I need to get inside to my apartment and if you don't leave I will call the police." he said while pushing Kirishima aside.

Kirishima: "Did we really fuck up that bad?" he thought to himself before leaving the apartment and walking back to UA.

Kirishima walked into the dorms and was met by curious classmates hoping that he got Bakugo to come back.

Mina: "Kiri what did he say?@ she asked hoping it was the answer she wanted.

Kirishima: "He said that he got a new job and he transferred to Shiketsu." he said sadly.

Denki: "Why is he acting like that?" he asked.

Kirishima: "I don't know. He said if we asked him before snooping into his personal life he probably would've told us, but instead we snooped around and did things we shouldn't have done." he said sadly.

The class looked down realizing what Kirishima said was right. The should've asked first instead of spying on him. Especially since they thought of him as a friend. The class sat together in the common room realizing that they were reason why their strongest student left UA.

Katsuki: "Ugh those bastards are annoying. Can't they take a fucking hint that I'm not coming back." he said angrily. Katsuki's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Who the hell is it now?!" he said angrily before opening the door and was met by a short old man.

??: "Hey Katsuki. I think it's my fault that you lost your job." the man said sadly.

Katsuki: "What are you talking about?" he replied.

??: "Well your classmates came to me and started asking about you because they were worried. I was the one who told them about your job." he said while looking at the ground in shame.

Katsuki: "C'mom old man, look up at me." he said and man looked up. "It isn't your fault. It is their fault for snooping in my life without permission. You thought that they were my friends, so obviously you would tell. If they wanted to know what was wrong with me they should've asked me myself, so don't blame yourself." he told the man with a reassuring smile.

??: "But-." the man was saying

Katsuki: "No buts old man. I already got a new job and I go to a new school. Also this new school doesn't have dorms so now I can cook and clean for you more." he said with a smile.

??: " Thank you Katsuki." the old man said.

For the past few days Katsuki has been working non stop at the hospital. One day after work he got a call.

Principal: "Hey Bakugou, you can start coming to school tomorrow. You will be in class 1A." the principal said before hanging up.

Katsuki: " I finally can start school tomorrow." he said excitedly. "I have to go to tell the nurse and Deku." he said to himself.

Katsuki walked through the halls to see if he could find the nurse. After a few minutes of searching he finally found her.

Katsuki: "Hey Nurse Joy?" he asked

Joy: "Katsuki you can drop the nurse and just call me Joy." she said with a smile. "Now what is it?" she asked.

Katsuki: "Well I officially start Shiketsu tomorrow" he said proudly. " I can't come into work during school hours anymore." he said.

Joy: "Congrats I'm proud of you." she said to him. "I'm guessing you are going to tell your little boyfriend." she teased.

Katsuki blushed and nodded before leaving her.

Joy: "He's such a strong boy. I believe he'll become the number one hero." she thought to herself.

Katsuki went into Izuku's room to tell him the news.

Katsuki: "Hey Deku, I officially start Shiketsu today." he said while holding his hand. "Also the doctor said that you might've waking up soon. You have been showing a lot of progress. Thank you for not leaving me." he said to his unconscious lover.

Katsuki went home and cooked dinner for him and his neighbor. He enjoyed his neighbor's company because he thinks of him as a grandfather he never had. The old man sometimes calls him grandson.

Katsuki: "Old man can you promise me something?" he asked.

??: "What is it?" he replied.

Katsuki: "Promise me that you'll be alive when I become the number one hero. Also you have to stay alive so I can introduce you to my boyfriend." he said with a smile.

The old man was shocked hearing the blondes request, but he quickly smiled.

??: "I promise. Also I can't wait to meant the young man that stole your heart." the man teased.

Katsuki chuckled at the old man's antics. After staying there for a while, it was time for him to leave.

Katsuki went into his apartment and went to bed. He look at his picture frame and smiled.

Katsuki: "Tomorrow starts a new journey." he said to the picture before falling asleep.

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