Low self-esteem

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7.years I have been bullied and it has ruined my self-esteem. I have very very low self-esteem. Back when I was younger and they called me ugly I didn't believe them now I do. Hearing the same thing over and over again has made me believe it.

I am ugly, a b*tch, and just every bad thing they said about me. And the bullies know that I believe what they say. They know I think the worst of me. And they use it against me. If they say I'm ugly I say I know.

Whenever I go to school I sometimes notice people staring at me and whispering. It doesn't bother me anymore. If there is something wrong with the way I dress or my personality, I don't care. They can make fun of me behind my back all they want. I'm not going to let them get the best of me. They won't tear me down not now not ever. I am stronger then them. They need to get over there jealousy that they have towards me and move on with their lives. But also things could be really bad for them at home. Which could be a reason to bully someone.The bully wants to see someone hurt even more then how they are hurting inside.I know I was a bully.

But I learned that what I did and was doing was not right. It was awful. Disgusting.

I'm happy to tell you that the bullying hasn't happened in about 2 weeks!! There has been some things that have happened but I can't tell you because it's confidential information.

Sorry it took forever to update and sorry this is really short. I don't know when I will update again. If nothing happens with the bullies I will just let you know how I am doing. Thanks for all of your support.. vote comment read enjoy!! (:

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