3rd Grade- Demon Child

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Okay now third grade for me was pretty tough considering i was like 8 or even 7. 

Okay so I had a blodd vessel thingy POP in my eye and in result, A little tiny (but big enough to see) red dot was placed near the center of my eye on the whit part. I was called alot of names due to this. For example, Target eye,Bulls eye,Demoned child. And more..

The one that realy got to me was Demoned Child.. I am a Christian and i believe in god. I used to be very very very religious and go to church every Sunday. But it got boring and we lost our car..

My eye was like that for about 2 months or so. and my daddy said i woud need a glass eye. Like a pirate. But thank god i didnt cause could you imagine what people would call me then!

After the red dot blood vessel thing went Buh Bye! I had what's called a sty eye.

Basically a sty eye is like idk but heres a picture:                                             http://www.google.com/imgres?q=sty+in+eye&num=10&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1600&bih=775&tbm=isch&tbnid=LtplmDkg1BuneM:&imgrefurl=http://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/styes.htm&docid=GzGfSaW-9VLVlM&imgurl=http://i1.allaboutvision.com/i/me/co0047-200x166.jpg&w=200&h=166&ei=_FqhUPPaDIGK2gWpk4DwAw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=288&sig=115576722790809282670&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=132&tbnw=156&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:145&tx=54&ty=86

That is a big link but anyways my sty eye was bigger and a lot worse. I had to put eye drops in every night and morning. But i would have thought that i would get made fun of a bunch but not at all because one of the popular girls had it too. She was my friend. 

We hung out and shared common interests, But then our only connection:the sty eye. left our eyes. and we were normal people again. i lost one of my only friends. Other than her i had 4 other friends. I think that when you are a bully you seem popular for the wrong reasons. I think that when you are the one that is being bulied it is difficult to make friends and trust them.. 

Right now i only have about 6 or 7 friends.. It is hard to hold on to your friends exspecially when you have been bullied at such a young age. I feel like i dont have friends untill i know that they are there for me through my journey. And if my friends stay with me through it i can trust them and tell them my story.

it is definintley hard to trust and when you are at such a young age like i was you dont want to be let down. If you are sensitive lke me then if you are let down you will cry your eyes out and feel useless. Some of my closest friends at the beginning ended up to me some of my biggest enemies in the end.

At the school i am at now i am established with a great group of friends i know i have at least 2 friends that i can fully trust but i hope it will be more as the year moves closer to an end. i will give more detail about my school and everything when we get to 7th grade.(that is the grade i am in now)


Tell me what you think.. Leave comments and as always Critisisim is welcomed.. Good and bad

If you are going through some similar stuff you can always leave me a message or comment.. i can give you advice or if it is in the past you can always tell me how you have dealt with it. (: 

Love you all to bits and pieces!! Thanks for reading!!

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