1st and 2nd grade

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Now for some reason i didnt gt bullied in Kindergarden, but i suppose that is a good thing and i am pretty gratefull but i just wished i was a little bit more prepared. Because i certainly was not ready for what was coming for me.

I have Freckles as i mentioned earlier and i wish i hadnt had them because they are the main reason for the name calling. Some people say freckles look cute on kids and usally they are... But not on me i think they look hideous. Some people think they are ugly as Heck! and i cant bame them my freckles are like a light brown and light orange mixed together color and they are ALL over my face!!

I have one imparticular that is massivly huge on the side of my nose! 

You know, one of the fascinating things about being bullied for me is that once you get the bully in trouble and word goes around which ever school, they want to be your friend. Isnt that ODD??? I find it quite interesting.

Okay now let me tell you a story, 1st  and 2nd grade people were saying that snce i had so many freckles on my face that i must have them all over my body.. the body part the said exactly was my butt. I was embarrassed i dont want people to think that i have freckles every where i just have them on my face! I dont know why people have chozen that body part.

Eventually my friends heard about it and were laughing at me not with me. Soon word got around the school. I was terrified. My crush was laughing and people drew ictures of a butt with a freckle covering a whole cheek! I didnt appreciate that. But with bullies when they see you cry or when you show you are sad and that what they have said hurt them. They know that it is working and will continue untill it breaks you,Shatters you,Ruins you,like you are as thin as paper. Like a magician doing a magic trick to have you disappear. 

The girl that was bulling me was my teachhers daughter,so i had a disadvantage...A big one.

I really really wanted to get all of this off my chest and just tell the principal but obviously i had to tell my parents first. UGGGH. 

I told my daddy after 2nd grade was over and he said that if the third grade continue like my second grade that he would tell the Principal. i Said okay.\

To my dismay, I was getting bullied again by three girls:Sally,Martha,Diana. Sally was a girly girl and so am i but she thought of me as compettiotion because we are both somewhat popular in our own way. Im crazy and have my own style and she is all about watching the boys play football but to not get to close to get her skirt dirty.Do you know what i mean? like she was a girly girl and all she cared about was not ruining her reputation and her grades and she wanted a boyfriend.

So one day Matthew her crush (my best friend) was chasing me, She thought i was stealing "her man". when we were just haveing a good time. She walked up to us as we were talking on a bench catching our breath,she said "Shawna do i need to help you show your way oout? Or should i just connect the dots on your face?" Her and Diana and Martha let out a little evil laugh.

I just walked away.. i didnt want any drama. I am not one that would start drama but always want to know about it and would some how be in it. I heard Matthew say, "Sally whats your probem thats my best friend." 

I heard him walking through the tall grass over to the tree that i was laying next to face down, he put his hand on my back and i lifted my head up a little high as i hit him right in the chin!

I giggled. He said, "Shawna are you okay? Im sorry about Sally she is just-" 

I cut him off saying, " just dont its fine. she did the same thing last year... she was th one who spread th rumor about me have a freckle on my butt and drew the pictures"

"I;m so sorry Shawna" He stood up. so dd i and he went in for a hug, but i pushed him down and rolled him down the hill. we both gt to the bottom laughing uncontroably. 

then he said something interesting he said, " Hey, How is it possible that you can smile whenn they have jus insulted you. knowing that you have been bullied for a while i know you are used to it but doesnt it hurt deep down?"

I said " Of course. but it is so far deep that all on top of it is me,laughter,craziness,and the funies. If i worry about it and show that i care they will continue. I guess i show that i care or that im hurt somehow because it hasnt stopped yet." We smiled at each other then went to our next class.


I know i said i would ppost this part on Monday but i got excited!! Tell me what you think.. The next part is 3rd grade.. the name calling and crying will start to happen.

Wish me luck!!

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