december 6

212 3 0

song of the day: Do You Hear What I Hear

Throughout the day, James had another thing to look forward to: Secret Santa!

After class, it was finally time to draw names. All the Gryffindor students were sitting in circles on the floor of the common room, separated by years.

The common room was in the full swing of the Christmas spirit, despite it only being the sixth of December. There were bells, wreathes, and ribbons galore. The ceiling had a false snow mirage that disappeared right above head-level. It reminded James of the unfortunate fact that there had not yet been a significant amount of snow that season.

McGonagall went around each circle, from youngest to oldest to help everyone pick names without cheating. After what felt like an eternity, Minnie found her way to the seventh years' circle.

"I want everyone to write down your name, and a list of things you want. Now, please don't go too expensive, for I don't want anything to seem too unfair." She passed everyone a piece of paper.

James wrote his name at the top and underlined it: James Potter. He thought about what he wanted for a few moments, then wrote, sweets, broom cleaning kit, anything quidditch related. He couldn't really think of anything else he wanted, so he folded his paper and put it in McGonagall's pointy witch hat.

Most of the others were finished right after him, and within a few minutes, Sirius was finished writing his list. McGonagall conjured the hat from the middle of the circle with the flick of her wand and a presumed 'accio', and shook the hat a few times to mix it up. She then went around the circle, letting everyone pick a name.

When she got to him, James picked a slip and opened it, cupping his hand around the paper so no one would see who he got. Remus Lupin and under it: chocolate, knitted sweaters, preferably oversized, books.

This would be easy. A walk in the park. Remus was one of his best mates, and he knew exactly what to get him. James would get Moony a couple bars of chocolate, a sweater, and a book, and maybe add a handmade card and some candy canes. He wouldn't go too overboard, but he would hit the nail right on the head, so to speak.

James had a plan, but he just needed to find the perfect time to execute it. Maybe he could casually ask Lily to go shopping for their secret santa gifts at Hogsmeade together? They could tell each other who they had to help each other out.

"And remember," McGonagall said to the entire Gryffindor house, "don't tell anyone who you got, it makes it all so much less fun. I don't want to put a damper on the 'Christmas Spirit'," she finished with air quotes.

Everyone was dismissed and the four boys went up to their room

"So who did you all get?" Sirius asked as soon as they got up, jumping onto Remus's bed, followed suit by Remus. The two of them lay in the bed with their arms around each other, looking into each other's eyes for a minute or two, before sitting up. "C'mon guys! Just tell me!" Sirius whined.

Peter looked at the others nervously. "Minnie said we shouldn't tell anyone, though," he said, frowning.

"Who cares what Minnie says. I doubt there will be any consequences. I, for one, got the one and only Lily Evans. Aren't we jealous, Prongsie?" He taunted.

"Nah, I don't mind," James smiled.

No one said anything for a minute after that, waiting to see if anything would happen. Nothing did so Peter said, "Alright, well I got Marlene."

"How about you two? You've been awfully quiet," Sirius noted. "Who did you possibly get?"

"Not saying," Remus said with a smug face.

James nodded. "Me neither."

"You both just suck the fun out of everything, don't you. I mean you've always been a little goody-goody," Sirius gestured to Remus. "But you," he pointed at James, "you used to be fun. What the bloody hell happe—"

Just then, something appeared on both Sirius and Peter's faces. A bunch of tiny little pimples that formed letters. On Sirius's it said 'LILY EVANS', and on Peter's it said 'MARLENE MC'KINNON'.

"Well shit," Sirius mumbled. "It appears there are consequences. We should probably go to Minnie for help on this one," he said, slightly annoyed. "You guys wanna join?"

"I'm always up for seeing my best mates and boyfriend get in trouble. Usually it includes you, but good on you for being on the right end of it this time." Remus patted James on the back.

"We have to redraw," Minnie told them. "Gather the girls."

They checked the map and found the girls in the library. Peter and Sirius got hats first to hide their foreheads.

"We're drawing names again," Remus informed them, letting Sirius and Peter reveal the names written on their faces.

Mary took off a headband to reveal Dorcas's name. "I may have told someone too." Lily pointed at herself subtly so only James could see, and they both snickered silently.

"We need to meet Minnie back at the common room," Peter told them.

James unfolded the paper for the second time and got Remus once again. He was genuinely really excited to get a gift for Remus.

"For the record, I got Sirius the first time," Lily told everyone.

"And I got you, Remus," James told his friend. No one would suspect he got him again.

"I got Peter," Remus said.

"You all know who Peter, Mary, and I got," Sirius said, and everyone laughed.

This was good. Life was looking good. All Matthew-shaped clouds floating in his head, causing storms, were nowhere to be found. His mind had a sunny day. 

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