december 1

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hey y'all enjoy la jily fic hehe

song of the day: All I Want for Christmas is You

The Hogwarts house elves had never failed to amaze James Potter with their incredible Christmas decorations that were nowhere to be found the eve of November 30, but by breakfast December first, the entire castle would be decked out in full Christmas glamour. Even in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, James walked into the great hall with his jaw nearly at the floor.

He slid into a seat beside Sirius, who only had eyes for Remus. The two of them had begun dating at the end of their sixth year, and were still in the honeymoon phase.

"Morning, Padfoot," James said to his best mate. Sirius didn't reply. James hung his head, disappointed, but not surprised.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Don't be bothered by them. They'll come around eventually, but for now, it's pretty much the two of us," Peter said with his usual cheery smile from across the table.

James sighed. "I suppose so."

"Oh, morning James, when did you get here?" Sirius said a few minutes later, after feeding a piece of fruit to Remus.

James chewed his bite of waffle, looked down at his nearly empty plate, swallowed, and said, "I've been here a while."

"So," Sirius began, turning to face James now. "You've got patrol with Evans tonight. You excited?"

"You know what? I don't think I fancy Lily anymore. I mean, we're friends now, we're Head Boy and Girl, but that's it. I think I'm finally over her," James replied, grinning.

His friends smiled back at him. "Really mate? Good for you. It's about time you move on," Remus said. The others agreed.

"Hello boys." James turned his head to see none other than Lily and her friends sitting down by their group.

James turned to Sirius and whispered, "Dear Merlin, I'm in love with Lily Evans."

Sirius rolled his eyes and gave James a discreet thumbs up.

James turned to Lily, who had chosen the seat next to him. "What did you choose to write about for your charms paper?" Lily asked him.

"How Hexes and Jinxes Can be Differentiated, and How to Create Each One," James replied. To be honest, he just chose the easier option. "How about you?"

"A History of Healing Charms," she said. "It was honestly quite fascinating, all of the different charms witches and wizards used to use in the past, even as recently as 50 years ago, the system of healing was completely different, you wouldn't be able to recognize it –" She paused to pour herself a large cup of coffee. "Want some?" She offered him the pot.

"Thanks, but I'm good. More of a tea person."

"Oh, so am I, but I just stayed up all night doing extra credit work for Potions, and finishing up my Charms paper, and proofreading and editing Marlene and Dorcas's work. I hardly got any sleep."

"Yet you've still got the energy to talk about Charms," James laughed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, am I boring you?" Lily asked apologetically.

James laughed again. "No, of course not! I was just – you know what, never mind. I would love to listen to you talk, but Sirius and I actually have to get to Potions early today. We promised Slughorn we would help him set up." James grabbed Sirius's arm and pulled him away from his boyfriend. "It was lovely chatting with you, Lily, and I'll see you for patrol later." They waved goodbye, and Sirius and James exited the Great Hall.

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