december 18

147 3 0

song of the day: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Matthew stayed. James saw him in the Great Hall in the morning, sitting at the other end of the one table that remained. The group of seventh year Gryffindors were among the 30-odd people that were still at the castle.

James slid into the bench and grabbed a piece of toast. He turned to Sirius and Remus. "Did you see-" They both nodded grimly, Remus actually knowing the situation. That was the moment James decided to ask Lily if he could tell Sirius. It felt too awful to lie to his best friend, and he couldn't do it much longer.

"Can I tell Sirius about us?" He asked Lily later that day.

Lily sighed. "If you must. I understand how hard it must be to lie to him."

"Really?" James asked, incredulous. "Thank you! I love you so muc—" He realized what he said. "I mean..."

"No no, it's okay." She looked up into his eyes. "I think... I think I love you too." They shared a moment. No hug, no kiss. Just looking into each other's eyes, swimming in love.

"I have some news for you," James announced to Sirius and Remus in their dorm room later that night, after Peter fell asleep. Of course he wanted to tell Peter, but now wasn't the time.

This was also after James had told Remus to pretend he didn't know about the whole event.

"What sort of news?" Sirius asked wearily.

"...Yeah..." Remus added, pretending to be in the dark.

James took a deep breath. "Some things have happened between me and Lily. First, she kissed me in a wardrobe, then we slept together, but agreed not to do that again soon, even though it was amazing, and then we went on a date, and we've said 'I love you'," James told them all in that same breath.

Remus's mouth was hanging open, because he didn't know about the last part, and Sirius's was too, because he didn't know about any of it.

"In what sort of fucked up time span did this happen in?" Sirius asked once his mouth finally closed.

James did the math in his head, then blushed. "... ten days."

"When did you say... you know?" Remus asked him.

"Earlier today," James replied.

Sirius proceeded to ask a ton of questions, and James answered each one honestly.

"Oh, and the whole reason Matthew is staying is because someone tipped him off about me and Lily. He wanted to keep an eye on her or some bullshit like that."

Remus and Sirius argued in protest.

Soon enough, Sirius fell asleep in Remus's bed, in his arms. Remus and James shared a knowing look, before both drifting off to sleep.

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