december 14

186 3 0

song of the day: let it snow

"Lily! Lily!" James got up and shook the beautiful sleeping girl.

"What time is it?" Was all Lily grumbled when she finally awoke.

James rolled his eyes. "I'm not sure, but that's not really what I'm concerned about right now. Last night. You, me, this couch..."

"Shit! No no no no. That can't have happened. I mean, I'm with Matthew. I might even marry him, and we- we..."

"Well maybe here's your reason not to. You said last night that you don't have one. You have me," James said, hopefully.

"James, dear," James snickered at her unintentional pun. "I care about you very much, but I don't know this can happen. I still need to think about the proposal, because it would do well for my family, so the only way this can happen is behind closed doors, and I don't want to do that to you."

James put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm really okay with that as long as you are."

She put her hand on his, and James imagined wedding bands on their ring fingers. Someday, he hoped, it would happen.

"I'm okay with that too," Lily smiled. "Now I think we need to get to class. Double potions today, and I have a feeling we're late. But we have to get dressed first. And also, can we still please not tell anyone about this?" James agreed.

James looked over to the far side of the room and found a dresser stocked with clothes for the both of them. "Do you think these will actually fit me?" Lily asked, holding up some brown corduroy pants up to her legs.

"They would look amazing," James assured her.

She squeezed them on. They were a bit of a tight fit to her body, but she insisted they weren't uncomfortable. They both threw on the rest of the uniform, and ran to class.

They were, indeed, late, and everyone stared at the Head Boy and Girl as they walked into class late the day after their patrol night with messy hair and undone ties. Thankfully, Matthew wasn't there either, otherwise there would have been a huge problem.

Remus sat down with Sirius, and Lily with Dorcas. "No need to explain to me why you're late," Slughorn sighed. We're just revising today, so you didn't miss very much."

"Care to explain this?" Sirius asked, arms crossed. "And don't you think about lying to me. I can see right through you."

James sighed. He had to do this. "I took her to the room of requirement to hang out, as friends, because I respect her relationship, and we fell asleep on the couch. It was innocent, Marauder's honor."

"Alright," Sirius rested, trusting his best friend. "If you insist."

It killed James to lie to Sirius but he did it to protect Lily. Her dignity mattered more to him than anything at this moment.

"I do," James said, as sincerely as he could muster. Inside, he winced. Hopefully he would be able to tell Sirius the truth soon without conflict. Hopefully.

But there was still the matter that Lily cheated on her maybe fiancée. with James. James didn't condone this, but Lily was his dream girl. Ever since third year he knew they would end up together, even though it took her a few years to warm up to him.

It didn't matter; James partook in cheating, and not just with a 'Mistletoe Kiss'.

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