december 12

187 4 3

a few minutes late, sorry, but i know that only, like one person is reading this, so it doesn't really matter haha

song of the day: Santa Baby

"THERE'S SNOW!" Was the first thing James heard when he woke up to sudden jolts in his mattress, which turned out to be Sirius jumping on his bed.

"We should have a snowball fight against the girls later," James said through a yawn, grabbing his glasses from his nightstand.

The other boys shouted in agreement.

I think it's a fun idea," Lily said at breakfast. "After class?"

"That works for me," Marlene said, taking a sip of coffee.

"I still don't understand why you don't like tea," Dorcas told her girlfriend disapprovingly. "You're british for fuck's sake," she said, facepalming.

"Does it really matter?" Marlene asked, resting her head on Dorcas's shoulder. "Coffee gives me energy and the will to live through the rest of the day, especially on a Monday."

"That's a fair point," Remus said from the opposite side of the table. "And I prefer tea."

"I will never, ever drink coffee. Hot chocolate is so much better anyway," Peter exclaimed, taking a sip from his mug, and putting it down with a whipped cream mustache. He grinned and wiped it off.

"So snowball fight after class?" Sirius re-directed the conversation. "Girls versus boys, what do you all say?"

Everyone nodded enthusiastically, and they separated to go to their respective classes.

After Care of Magical Creatures was over, James walked with Remus to the courtyard, where the group of Gryffindors had decided to meet up. By then there was even more snow than before, and James and Remus, who were the first two there, drew a line to separate the teams with a stick, then started making snowballs quickly.

Minutes later, everyone else had joined them. "Let the snowball fight begin!" Sirius shouted, excitedly. "Let's destroy those girls, lads!"

Remus threw the first snowball at Lily, and it almost nailed her in the face, but she dodged it just in time.

Speaking of Lily, she looked exquisite. She was wearing leather pants, a trench-coat, and a cream coloured sweater underneath.

James ran up to the line, and hit Marlene with a snowball while her back was turned, making a snowball of her own. She turned around quickly, raised an eyebrow, and whipped the snowball at James. It hit his chest. He brushed off the snow quickly and threw another one at her.

Everyone was having so much fun, but of course it had to get ruined.

"Hey everyone!" Matthew Davies sauntered over. "Having fun?" The group stopped throwing, and turned to him, nodding.

Matthew walked over to Lily and put his arm around her shoulder. "I'm only here because Professor McGonagall told me to tell James and Lily that your patrol for tonight is being moved to tomorrow night." James and Lily looked at each other and nodded once. "Anyway I'd best be off to train for quidditch. We have that match against Slytherin in a few days." He kissed Lily quickly and walked off.

It took a minute to get back in full swing, and once they did they threw snowballs for ages. 

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