december 20

156 4 0

song of the day: Holly Jolly Christmas

James had forgotten about the secret santa, which therefore meant he forgot to buy something for Remus. He layered on two of Remus's old jumpers, and put on his own huge winter coat, and went down to Hogsmeade, braving the cold. He went out by himself, naturally, and while he was walking, he made a list in his head of what he would get Remus. 'An old book from the bookshop, a new knitted jumper, and some chocolate from Honeydukes.'

He went to Honeydukes first because it was the easiest. Big mistake on James's part. At the sweet shop he ran into none other than Matthew Davies, who immediately went over to James as soon as he saw him.

"Hey, pal," Matthew said, draping his arm around James's shoulders as if they were friends.

"Er, hi?" James tried to walk a bit faster for Matthew to take his arm off.

"Listen, buddy, I don't want any trouble, I just want to talk to you." He steered the brunette boy to the back of the shop, where there was next to nobody. "I don't have a problem with you, per se, but I do have a problem with what you're doing with my fiancée. I know there's something going on between the two of you, and it is not okay. Please back off." He let go of James and walked away, without saying another word, or even letting James say something, and he was ready to say something. He was going to say the old lie that 'they fell asleep while talking', because he knew Matthew knew because of Potions. One of his friends definitely tipped him off.

James bought chocolate for Remus, and other sweets for the rest of his friends, then went to the clothes store, 'Grizelda's clothing emporium.'

It was quite easy to pick out a jumper, because James knew Remus's style. He chose a green and white one with swirly patterns.

Lastly, at the bookshop, he got an old, leather-bound copy of 'Sealy the Seal', which was the first wizarding world book Remus ever read, and he was obsessed for months.

James ventured back to the castle with amazing presents for Remus, and a sinking feeling in his stomach about the whole Matthew and Lily situation. 

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