december 16

164 3 0

song of the day: White Christmas

"And remember," Lily began to summarize as she and James walked slowly to the Great Hall, "no matter what they say at game night, we don't tell them about... our situation."

James nodded. "Agreed. No one can know." They walked in silence for a few seconds, before James said, "Except Remus, because you tell him everything now."

Lily turned around with a shocked and angry face. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I told Remus because he's one of my closest friends, and one of your only friends. I know he can be there for the both of us and we can both talk to him." She continued walking. "I told him with both our best interests at heart. Trust me."

"You're right, that makes sense actually," James said.

That was when they got to the table, where they sat between Sirius and Remus, and thus all conversation stopped. James tried to start up a conversation with Dorcas and Marlene but they, much like Remus and Sirius, were eating each others' faces off.

"It's only the four of us then, isn't it?" Peter said to Lily, Mary, and James. The others laughed, slightly uncomfortable.

"Alright, you need to figure out what you're doing with Lily. This isn't okay, James," Remus told him while they were walking to the room of requirement. Sirius had gone in before them to prepare everything. He was really excited for the event.

"I'm fine with what I have, Moony," James insisted. "I love Lily, and she seems to have a thing for me too, but she has this little dilemma. I really hope she chooses me in the end, but she's the one who makes that decision for herself."

Remus sighed. "If you don't figure out what you're doing, I'll have the whole group know your situation. Trust me, this is for your own good, and I would never do anything to hurt you." With that, he walked into the magical room, and James followed after him.

"I think we should start with truth or dare," Sirius offered once everyone had arrived at the room of requirement, and were all settled into the beanbag chairs. "We snuck veritaserum shots from the potions cabinet, so no lying." The group agreed.

"I'll ask first," Marlene volunteered. "Sirius... Truth or dare?"

"I know I should probably pick dare, it's my trade after all, but I think I'll start off with a nice truth." He took a clear shot from the tray.

"When was the moment you knew you fancied Remus?"

"Hmm, I can't remember much, but it was somewhere around fourth year that I realized it. Oh! I remember! It was at James's house for the holidays in fourth year. It was early in the morning, and I woke up. No one else was awake, but I went into your room to check anyway. You were asleep, and I noticed how beautiful you looked, curled up under the covers. Then an hour later or so, I checked again, because I was incredibly bored, and you were awake then. You had a huge book on your pillow and were lying on your stomach with a cup of tea, I don't even know where you got it from. You looked so content, and that's when I realized."

"You know Euphemia and Fleamont were awake, right?" Remus told him. "I went downstairs and they offered me some tea. You could have done the same."

"It's all in the past now," Sirius brushed it off. "Anyway, it's my turn now. Lily, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Lily said with a wicked look on her face.

Sirius lit up with an idea. "I dare you... wait I can't say this out loud, let me whisper it in your ear." He got up from his beanbag chair that he was sharing with Remus, and told Lily her dare. She giggled for a second.

"Alright," she said. "My turn now. Remus, truth or dare?"

"I'll go with a good dare," he said. Oh how the turn tables...

Lily thought for a moment. "I dare you to switch seats with Dorcas." Dorcas and Marlene were obviously sharing a seat too, and both couples protested in annoyance, but carried on.

"Well hello, Remus," Marlene said, moving over so they weren't on each other's laps. Dorcas and Sirius did the same.

"Why hello, Marlene," Remus replied, looking beside him, into her eyes. Completely platonically, of course.

"Okay, James, truth or dare?" Remus asked, looking dead straight into James eyes, like daggers. If he didn't choose correctly, his whole cover would be blown.

"Dare," he said calmly.

Remus's glare didn't falter. "I dare you to tell us what's really going on between you and Lily."

James glanced around the room at everyone. Since he chose dare, he didn't have to take the veritaserum, so he could lie. "Lily and I are just friends, nothing more. I have no idea why you would think otherwise, Moony."

"Okay, okay," Remus said, smiling now. He looked back at James for a second, with a look that said, 'you have one more chance.'

They carried on with the evening, but everyone was rather tired, so they soon switched to simple cards, and played cheat, president, and crazy 8s.

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