december 9

191 3 0

song of the day: Mele Kalikimaka

When James woke up, it took him a few seconds to remember the events of the previous night, and when he did, a huge smile grew on his face. Lily kissed him. She kissed him in that one wardrobe at the end of that hall.

But why? It's not like she had feelings for him or anything... or did she? It dawned on James that Lily had smelled broomstick wax in the amortentia. James was too busy worrying about his own embarrassment to notice. Sirius was always complaining that he reeked of the stuff.

"What's got you so happy?" Sirius asked, from his own bed for a change.

James opened his mouth to break the incredible news, but remembered what Lily told him: 'No one can know, not even your friends.' So he just said, "There's baked oatmeal for breakfast. The house elves were talking about it last night during patrol." This was true, but it was clearly not what was on his mind and Sirius noticed, but he didn't press on.

James would normally tell Sirius, but this was something important to Lily, and Sirius couldn't keep a secret, so he would just have to keep this to himself.

"Lovely, and how did patrol go with Evans yesterday? Did you tell her how you feel?"

James sighed. He would have to lie again. "No, not yet. I uh, didn't get the chance. I'll do it next time though."

"Come on, James, you've got to do this if you want a chance with Lily," Sirius insisted, pointing out true facts while dangling his legs from the edge of his bed like a child.

"We can talk about this later. For now we need to get these two up and to breakfast," James said, pointing to Remus and Peter, who were sleeping peacefully.

At breakfast, James smiled at Lily, but she only glanced at him, straight-faced. She didn't look at him once after that all breakfast. James had Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Lily wasn't in that class. She dropped it after sixth year. They actually didn't have any classes together that day, so he would just have to wait for tomorrow to confront her.

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