december 21

147 3 0

song of the day: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

There was a snowstorm. And it was the kind that didn't allow anyone to leave the castle. The four Marauders decided to stay in their dorm for the majority of the day, and keep for themselves. They all did things like read, write, sketch, and talk. Eventually James was bored and he said, "I think I'm going to go to the great hall and get some apple cider and a candy cane, anyone want to join me?"

The other three eagerly agreed and got up, being bored to the bone. They all walked down to the great hall and went to the table below the staff table, where you could always find an assortment of treats throughout the day. Currently, there were apple cider and eggnog fountains, various different types of cookies such as shortbread, gingerbread, and sugar cookies with holiday icing, and, of course, a large bowl of candy canes, which were not wrapped at all, but were magically not sticky at all.

They got back to their room with a feast of cookies, too many holiday drinks, and nearly half the stock of candy canes. "We're going to have a feast tonight, lads," Sirius told them, putting his feet up on the bed and crossing them. "Speaking of which, do we want to invite the ladies to have another game night in the room of requirement?"

"Maybe tomorrow," Remus said, then promptly yawned. "I'm so drained from doing nothing today. I don't think I can stay up so much later than I normally do, and sneak around the castle, and be in such a huge group. I'll be more energized tomorrow though, I promise," he added when Sirius put on his pleading face. Then he yawned again.

"I agree with Remus, even though I'm usually always up for a party, I'm really tired today." James changed into his reindeer onesie and went under the covers. He was just freezing. They would continue the conversation right after. The other three boys went under their covers as well, and none of them spoke a single word the rest of the night, barely getting through a quarter of their stock. More for game night then?

flowerpotts & mistletoe - james and lilyWhere stories live. Discover now