december 22

144 3 0

song of the day: O Holy Night

The next morning Remus woke up with an awful cough. He went down to the hospital wing and got it fixed up, Madam Pomfrey assuring him it's only symptoms of the coming moon. She told him to go to bed early and rest that day though, so they had to move the game night to the following night.

They only told the girls that Remus wasn't feeling well, to which Dorcas suggested, "Why don't we do it during the day tomorrow instead of at night, especially if Remus needs to rest. The room of requirement doesn't exactly have any windows, so we can pretend it's night." Everyone nodded enthusiastically.

"Thanks for understanding, guys," Remus said, taking another sip of the elixir that was supposed to help his throat.

James spent the day avoiding Lily for two reasons. The first one was because he needed to think about her decision, and how he had to be okay with any circumstance, and that Lily wasn't being selfish if she chose Matthew, and the other reason was because he didn't want Lily to tell him what she'd decided on yet.

After thinking for most of the day, James realized that the most important thing was for Lily to be happy, and she was happy with him. She wasn't happy with Matthew, they were only together because of their parents in the first place. James decided he was going to tell Lily that he should choose him.

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