december 15

176 3 0

song of the day: Do They Know it's Christmas

"Prongs, partners today?" Remus asked at the start of Care of Magical Creatures. It was their running joke because they didn't have other friends in that class. This time, Remus didn't have the usual playful tone, it was more serious.

Professor Kettleburn was late to class, as per usual, so Remus dragged James off to the side of the classroom.

"You slept with Lily?" He whisper-shouted. "You slept with Lily fucking Evans, almost maybe Davies? What the fuck were you thinking? I know you don't really believe all actions have consequences, but you can't expect nothing to happen from this! What is wrong with you?"

"Moony... I love you and all, but you have to butt out. This isn't your battle, or your problem," James said in a low voice. "Even though Lily told you what happened, doesn't mean you know everything."

"If you insist," Remus shrugged. And that was when Professor Kettleburn walked in, slightly disoriented. "This isn't over though," he whispered, pointing a warning finger at James.

"Anyway," James started, changing the subject. "We're staying here for Christmas this year, right? What with... your little furry problem on the 25th."

Remus looked down. "You can go to your house with Sirius and Peter if you want. I don't mind."

"Are you mental? Sirius would never do that to you. And for the record, neither would Peter and I. Besides, I think the girls are staying too, and Secret Santa is more fun in person anyway."

"Thanks James. That means a lot, it really does," Remus said, smiling.

"Are you all free to hang out in the room of requirement after curfew?" Sirius asked the Gryffindors in his year before dinner in the common room.

"James and I can't tonight," Lily piped up quickly. "We have patrol."

"Skip it and hang out instead," Sirius suggested. "It's not like that many people go out at night."

"How about tomorrow night instead," James suggested. "After the last class before winter break and all."

"That sounds better to be honest," Marlene shrugged.

"I agree," Peter said.

"Then it's settled," Sirius said. "Tomorrow night the room of requirement is reserved. No backing out."

Everyone agreed. Lily got up and handed James a note. He opened it and read in his head: 'Don't have dinner tonight.'

When James got to Minnie's office, Lily was already there, no surprise. She took his hand and began walking without a word. She took him to the room of requirement.

When they got in, James gaped at the beautiful atmosphere. It perfectly resembled this small Italian restaurant from his childhood.

"What did you ask for?" He asked Lily, turning her to face him.

"Your favourite restaurant," she replied.

"Wow that's- thank you." James said, really meaning it. "So is this, like, a date or something?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Lily smiled. "I suppose so. Have a seat." She gestured to the only table in the room. a booth that was dimly lit, with cushions, candles, and a fully set table with menus.

"So all of that insistence to not skip patrol was for this?" Lily nodded. "By the way, your outfit is beautiful," he noted.

She was wearing a black miniskirt, and a white button-up (probably the uniform), with a knitted sweater vest on top.

"Thank you."

The two of them talked, and laughed. Told stories from their childhood, embarrassing things, things that made them happy... date things.

After they were done eating, Lily got up and went to a couch to sit down. James followed her. He sat down beside her and placed a kiss on her lips.

"James... I know we slept together and all, but I don't think we should again. Kissing is fine, dates in here are fine, but that is too much. Especially until I make my decision. Do you understand?"

James nodded. "I totally understand. Whatever you want, I'm okay with. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

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