Chapter 1

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"Hon are you sure about this?" Alicia said.

"Yes Hon this is the moment we both want, so there's no turning back" I answered.

Hi I'm Xyren Alodius a 5'9 feet tall, with black dim eyes, I'm a professional web graphics designer and now currently working at home with my wife. It's weird the way we met it took a long story so let's set that aside.

"Let's eat dinner first honey" my wife said.

And that was my wife Alicia Alodius a beautiful and caring wife, she was 5'2 feet tall, a blond, and sexy wife. She is a responsible housewife because currently she doesn't get a job and where okay with that.

"Yes honey I'm coming" I shouted back.

I closed my laptop and hurry to get to the kitchen "It's not good to make her wait, so we must go ahead now". As I arrived to the dining table there I saw my wife preparing our dinner.

"Wow! That was delicious hon" I said as I saw a fried chicken in the table.

"That was the only food available in our fridge hehehe... I forgot to go to grocery today that's why we don't have any food in fridge" she said embarrassedly.

"It's okay honey, do you want me to accompany you tomorrow?"  I asked while I'm getting some rice.

"I will go myself honey just focus on your work okay?" Alicia said to me.

After dinner, I went back to our room and I open my laptop to continue doing my work. Later that moment my wife went to our room too, and she prepares our bed.

"You know honey it's been years since we met, and I'm still wondering" I said while I'm looking at my wife who is preparing the bed.

"You're so cute honey, why are you still wondering we met at your old apartment and that's all" she said then she giggled.

She's so cute when she giggles, her cheeks turns into rosie pink color.

After I finished my work I immediately hop into our bed, and lay beside my beautiful wife. I remove my glasses and put it to the side table then I turn off the lamp.

My wife unconsciously hugs me while she was sleeping, I smiled a bit, her hugs hits me differently. It's so warm, and lovely as the night goes by when I'm at her arms.

The Next Day....

I wake up and my wife is not in the bed anymore, maybe she was in the kitchen now or she was cleaning the house. I rise from the bed and sit on the side to put my slippers on.

I slowly walk towards the comfort room to fix my hair, wash my face, and brush my teeth.

As I head to the kitchen I saw a scramble egg and rice at the table it looks like it was freshly cooked. My wife is the best cook ever, she cook different food that always taste better.

"Hon come on here, let's have a breakfast together" I shouted.

"I'm coming hon" she answered.

We're eating when something came out of my mind, so this is how fate and destiny works. We met out of nowhere, then we became close to each other and now we're a lovely couple.

"Does something bothering you, hon?" Alicia asked.

"A-a-ahh, nothing honey," I answered.

She looks at me with a tilt of her head she seems to doubt my answer so I look at her and smile. Without hesitation, I go back eating our breakfast, and look at her sometimes while eating.

"As you said honey hihihi" she chuckles.

After we ate, my honey go out to buy foods in the grocery while I back sitting in front of my laptop. I'm sketching new comics when I receive a new mail so I stop sketching and Immediately open the mail.

"Good Day Mr. Alodius, I'm Kris Denims and I had a business, I'm approaching you to make a website for my hotel business. I will pay how much would it cost I just want my business to have a website so my customer can book via online booking. Thank you in advance Mr. Alodius" the email said.

I immediately turn into my laptop and turn it on to start working for my new project. I search throughout the Internet looking for some detail about "Denims Hotel and Services". It was a huge business company owns a 5 star hotels, and it has a lot of branches throughout the country.

"This would be a big project, I guess" I whispered through the air.

*Tick-Tock* *Tick-Tock*

It's been an hour since I opened my laptop yet, I don't have something to start with. I don't have any ideas coming into my mind this time, my wife already got home from the grocery.

Why this takes so much time to think of an idea?

"Honey, you have new project?" Alicia asks from the kitchen.

"Yes Honey it's from a big time hotel business" I answered.

I'm spinning my pen while taking a little spin in my swivel chair, thinking of a good idea to start. But unluckily nothing came out of my mind, the design in the template in my laptop is still blank.

"Why won't you take a walk outside honey, maybe you're just exhausted, take a break" Alicia suggested.

"That's a good idea honey, I'm leaving for a while and I will be back before dinner" I answered and Immediately walk to the door to put my sandals.

While walking  outside something reminds me of the past, specifically our past. It was that day I'm walking outside while I'm out of topic for my comics and then when an idea came out of my mind I ran to my home.

And then... It was the time I met Alicia in my house in my room sitting there innocently. She doesn't talk much that time and I don't know where she came from.

Yet I still manage to take care of her even if I didn't know her or didn't know where she came from.

The only thing I know is she looks like familiar to me...

Where Would We Go? (Aclasiasta Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now