Chapter 6

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It was 21st of September year 2018, I was at the school listening to our teacher because I'm a nerd they say. I'm in the front of the teacher and no one wants to sit beside me but, they all want to bully me.

I'm not that nerd, but they call me so because of my appearance and my not so cool hobby.

I usually wear glasses because of my eye problem and a pair of shorts and t-shirt. I usually like to eat alone because they don't like to approach me unless they want to bully me.

I always went straight back home after the class dismissed I don't want to hang out with anyone. And also I don't have anyone to hang out after class and go everywhere.

"Let's go bro in the arcade later this afternoon?" I heard my classmates planning.

I hope I can go hang out with them. but as usual, I will just go home and be busy with my laptop.

Once I get home, I immediately change what I wear and open my laptop to draw something in my comics. But an email was popped out of the screen I open it and nothing was new.

"Hey nerd, we have an assignment in biology, so do my assignment too" it said.

It was from Liza she always makes me do her assignments so she can go and hang out with her friends. I'm tired of this shit, but I don't have a choice this is me, the nerd of the school.

I finished both of our assignments earlier than expected, so I came back to finish my comics.

"My artwork is so precious, the leading lady was so pretty" I said.

I stared at my art the whole time until my alarm ring and wake me up to the reality. I stood up and walk to the kitchen, as I arrive at the kitchen I put some hot water into cup noodles, that would be my dinner.

Ever since I lived alone, I never eat home cooked meals, I always eat the processed food or ready to eat.

"I think I'm just gonna sleep today, " I said as I lay my body on the bed.

Later on, I didn't notice that I fell asleep, as I open my eyes, I already see the clock beside my bed. It's already 7pm I need to prepare my usual dinner, as I rose up from bed I smell something.

Does mom visited me? I smell food, a cooked food not the one I usually eat.

I walk to the kitchen to see what's happening, but I didn't see anyone in there. But I found some freshly cooked meal in my table, and it's already prepared, so I sat down to the chair and dig in already.

A minute only passed and I already finished the meal, "It's delicious" I said.

I wonder who prepare this to me, and whoever are they, they have access to my house. Because I always lock my door not because there is something important in the room but I just wanted.

"Though? I'm important too?" I said then laugh.

And then the next morning comes, I wake up and prepare myself to go to the school. I take the bus for me not to be late, while I'm on the bus I was still thinking who cooked for me.

My mom said it was not her so I was more confused now, who else will go in my house and cook dinner for me.

"Hey nerd, where's my assignment?" I heard as I see a hand in front of my face.

It was Liza as usual getting her assignment, "Wait" I said and then start looking at my bag.

It took a while, but I see it now, I give it to her and then she continues to walk to the back of the bus. She sat there and put her earphone in her ears, she was always lonely when she was going to school.

Every time I was at school, there's never a moment I don't hear them teasing about me. They always find a way to bully me, teasing, tossing rolled paper, and physical type of bullying.

The class ended earlier so I can go home early today.

After I while, I finally reach it, finally I got home it was so tiring as I open the door, I notice a girl sitting on the floor just wearing a t-shirt only. I continue walking towards my room, then throws my bag on the table and lay on the bed.

"Wait, what?!" I was shocked.

I immediately rose up in bed and rush to the living room, and there was a girl. A girl that I think is same age at me, in my house, staring at me, she tilted her head while looking at me.

"Who are you? And why are you in my house?" I got so many questions in my head.

"I- I am... I am?" the girl utterly say.

It looks like she have an amnesia she looks like she doesn't know her name and why she's here.

Months and Months later, I look for Alicia's relative's but I didn't find anyone like she doesn't have any relatives at all. By the way, I named her Alicia since she didn't remember her name.

She may look like she doesn't know anything but she was a good cook since I don't usually cook she does it. And she even clean the house, even though I didn't ask her to do so.

She's pretty when she smiles and I always see her smile every time I went home from school.

"Welcome back," she said as I enter the house.

I didn't tell my parents yet about Alicia because maybe they over reacted when they knew about her. And also it was only the two of us living here at my house so what they would think if they knew.

She slept on the sofa and I was on the bed since we don't have money yet to afford another bed or either a comforter.

And that's what happen 6 years ago...

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