Chapter 7

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We are all enjoying the reunion, after we play truth or dare we go and eat more. It was past 12 am when we are all sitting in a big table and just chatting about life.

It's almost 1 am so I decided to say goodbye to them, "So Guys, were about to leave since it was a bit late".

"Keep safe the both of you" Liza said.

"Yeah, keep safe Xyren" Neil said.

"Yes we are, thank you for the night we enjoyed it" my wife said.

We soon leave the event place and started to walk to the bus stop since there was no cab around. And luckily the last trip of bus is around 1:30 am so we have a last chance.

It takes time before the bus arrived...

"This is the last trip, so come on" the bus driver said.

We hop on the bus and walk towards the back seat and sat there, this was a cold night trip and no other people is on the bus. My wife puts her head on my shoulder I look at her and she looks so tired.

"Take a nap hon, I'll just wake you up later, " I said while patting her head.

In no time she falls asleep, she was always looking cute, even though she was sleeping. It was a long trip yet we are near our home, I should wake her up.

"Hon, wake up we are near" I said as I kiss her forehead.

She wakes up and yawn after she wipe her eyes, we get off the bus and walk to our home. Since she was sleepy, I carry her on my back as we reach the house I immediately open the door and lay her on our bed.

I walked back to the door and close it, on my way back to the room, I notice a letter on the table.

Since I was tired and sleepy so I just never mind it and leave it there, then I came to my wife and lay beside her to hug her. We sleep hugging each other just like the usual since we're married so we don't see any issue on that.

The night passed and everything seem fine and nothing to worry at all, my wife is still sleeping.

"Good morning, hon" I whisper as I kiss her forehead.

She responded nothing but a little hum and a little movement sign that she heard me but still sleepy. My wife is so adorable at all, I rose up and walk towards the kitchen and I notice again the letter.

I open the envelope and read the letter, it says...

Dear Alicia,

I know who you are and where you from... I'm sure you don't know who I was but that's not important at all. I will still continue my plan to kill you and offer your head to the king. You might worry about your man, but no worries, I will just beat him until he forgot everything. I will hunt you where ever you go, remember this Alicia my precious prey, you can run but you can't hide from me. I'm your nightmare that you cannot rid off, I'm your hunter and you are my prey. I will definitely come here again in no time.

Sincerely yours,
Mr. Hunter

I was shocked at what I read but I need to stay calm and act like a man and help Alicia. She was the precious wife I only have, so I have to do my best in order to protect her.

Despite of being threatened I just continue walking towards the kitchen and cook for my wife.

I didn't know where that letter came from and how does it be in the living room. Later on, my wife hugged me from the back, I turn around and hug her back.

"I read the letter on the table and I'm scared" my wife said.

I patted her head and pull her closer to me, "You don't have to be scared, I will protect you no matter what" I said.

She looks at my face with a teary eyes, I see the fear in her eyes, this is the first time I see my wife like this. In any case I need to be strong so I can protect my wife, so I can save her.

"For now, sit there and eat your breakfast" I said to her as I guided her to the dining table.

She smiles bitterly and started to eat her breakfast, I also sat down at the dining table and join her eating breakfast. I hold her other hand to ease her fear she slightly smiles, a genuine smile.

"After we eat, let's prepare some clothes we're going on a trip" I said.

We need to leave this house, we need to go somewhere far, somewhere new, and somewhere we are completely stranger to the others.

While she was packing what we need I took a shower, after that we exchange the task I pack the essentials and she took a bath. I put all the legal documents, all the things we need for the trip but the problem is...

"We don't have enough cash honey," I said as I look at my wallet with only 10 dollars.

"Then let's go first to the mall to withdraw some money" she said.

We walked from our home to the mall with our back pack and extra bags to withdraw all of our money. Even though our bags are heavy I don't let her wait alone outside so I can see her anytime.

I don't want to lose my sight to her because maybe something happens so I don't need to gamble.

She got threat and it was a bad idea to leave her alone outside, so I carry all her belongings so she can walk comfortably. After withdrawing some cash we walk to the terminal and ride any bus we can see.

The conductor of the bus takes our extra bag and put it in the compartment so we can have extra space inside.

This will be the start of our new life, this is our new beginning...

Where Would We Go? (Aclasiasta Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now