Chapter 14

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Fiore was amazed when I make a cut on the Gullinbursti face, like I did something miracle. The giant boar steps back and cover it's face like it was in pain.

"You make a cut on Gullinbursti!" Hailey said like she was amazed.

"No one ever make a cut or even scratch to Gullinbursti, even me" Fiore said.

What they don't scratch it? I mean, yeah, the Gullinbursti skin is as tough as a stone, but it still can be cut if you put proper pressure on your weapon.

"I just put more pressure on my dagger so I can pierce it to its skin"
I said.

"So that's it, you only focus on offensive state and put less on your defense
" Hailey said.

"That's not it, that was a suicide attack the Gullinbursti attack is like being hit by a catapult"
Fiore said.

"Yes, it's atack was wide-range, and explosively powerful but it was slow you can just dodge it"
I said.

Fiore again look at the giant boar and he now sees its slow movements. "See, you can predict its movements since that boar moves very slow" I said.

"If you can predict what it's gonna do, you can now dodge it and focus on offenses" I added.

"That was a bright idea, Xyren" Fiore said.

So he runs and push himself as far as he can so he can go near the boar and attack it. The Gullinbursti starts to get much force and about to swing its log.

Fiore goes down as the Gullinbursti swing its log and run to pierce his sword to the boar.

He successfully cut a boar leg, after that we continue attacking the boar. After the intense fight we collect its head, so we have a proof that we killed the Gullinbursti.

"I think we need to rest here before we fight the other Gullinbursti"
Fiore said.

"What there are more of that in the forest?! "
I was shocked.

"Yes, there are four Gullinbursti in the dark forest who act as the guardian of that forest"
Hailey said.

"We successfully killed one, so we need to finish the three other more"
Fiore said.

I think we need more of us if we want to continue this mission, that one Gullinbursti only exhaust us. What about three more of those gigantic boar?

As the morning comes, fog greets us as we open our eyes, I can't see anything from far.

"Good morning, this is the dark forest in the morning"
Hailey said to me.

"You can't see in the night nor in the morning, that's why it is called Dark Forest"
Fiore said.

He tosses a rope to us and instruct us to tie the rope to us, and so we did. This will help us not to get lost in the forest, since we cannot fight a Gullinbursti on our own it is a good idea to stay together.

After walking for a while, we encountered a huge shadow in the fog, it was what we think it is.

"A Gullinbursti, prepare yourself, we cannot see it, not like the other one we fight last night we have torch"
Fiore said.

"Everybody get low! "
I shouted.

The fog was gone when the boar swings its log, the air pushes all the fog around us. And there we see another Gullinbursti behind the other one, this is not good.

"Just like the other night fight with all of our strength, we can defeat this two Gullinbursti" Hailey said.

"We just need to predict the two boar's actions"
I added.

We switch every time and take turns attacking them so that the other one of us get a chance to regain his or her strength. This one is tougher than I thought, we underestimated this two Gullinbursti and now we're exhausted.

"Just a few more attacks, and they're done"
Fiore said.

After a while we finished the first one, and now there's one more here standing. After we kill this one we just have one more Gullinbursti we need to defeat.

We engage more burst attacks to finish the Gullinbursti, we have explosive fight. The land was full of blood of the Gullinbursti, we take a little damage too.

I washed myself in the nearby river and clean my scratches.

"That was a close one" Fiore said.

"Yeah, but at least we just have only one to defeat"
I said.

Hailey was left there to bisect the Gullinbursti, to get meat we just knew that the Gullinbursti is still boar and its meats are still edible.

When we get back, Hailey is done bisecting the boar and now cooking it. It was dusk now, we took all day fighting the two Gullinbursti and that was so tiring.

"The two of you, watch the meal while I'm gonna wash myself, okay? "
Hailey said with a terrifying look.

we said.

Hailey started to walk to the riverside to clean herself, we just stare at the flame. Looking blank and out of our mind, we're so tired to move or even to blink.

As the food was already cooked, Fiore and I eat a bunch since this boars are gigantic and we have a lot of food.

"This is a celebration of our victory today" Fiore said while biting the meat.

I eat a lot to regain all of my energy and strength, this is heaven after a fight.

I eat a lot to regain all of my energy and strength, this is heaven after a fight. After we eat, finally Hailey came back, I wonder if girls always prepare themselves for a long time?

"Do you eat all of that? " Hailey asks as she points into the bunch of bones on the ground.

She sits in front of us and start eating too, while eating it's getting darker and darker. Good thing we have now a camp so we can see through the darkness.

As soon as we all finished the dinner we all now rest and sleep beside our camp fire.

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