Chapter 2

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While walking I saw many things, a couple who's very sweet in the street, a foreigner who didn't know where to go, a family who lives in the street, and many more. But still I didn't get inspired to work with my big project, I sit down on the bench in the park and look up to the sky.

"What would I do?" I whisper in the air.

This wouldn't lead me to anywhere, then suddenly an old man sit besides me. At first I feel awkward cause I didn't know if I would talk to him or I will never mind him, and continue thinking about my problem.

"Are you bothered young man?" the old man said.

"I'm somehow problematic old man," I answered without even looking at him.

He took a deep breath before he said something again, I never thought I would hear some advice from a man out of nowhere. This makes me conclude that sometimes walking outside is not that bad.

"Sometimes young man, chasing something isn't always necessary, sometimes things will just come to you without you chasing them. So rather than looking for some idea, why won't you try to relax and you'll see ideas will just come out of your mind." the old man said after hearing my problem.

"Thank you, Mister for giving me some inspirational advice" I said while waving goodbye to the old man.

I was a bit distanced to the park when I remember that I didn't ask for his name, when I turn back to the park I was shocked the old man was gone. I decided to go home for now and maybe ask his name next time we met again, hopefully we will meet again.

As I opened the door the first thing I saw was my wife preparing the foods. I look at the clock and saw that it was already 6:30PM, I removed my shoes and head to the kitchen.

"How's your walk? Is there anything that came into your mind?" my wife asked me as I approached the table.

"I think I'm gonna rest for a bit before I work again, the old man I met at the park told me so" I said to my wife.

"An old man?" she confusedly asks.

"Yeah, but sadly I didn't get to know his name" I said.

She grins and then get back preparing our dinner, she seems to be happy with my decision. I guess I'm making the right decision in resting a little bit because I didn't have much rest.

After eating dinner, I immediately go to the bathroom to take a shower for me to be refreshed. While in the shower my wife knocks on the door, I answered so she would know I was listening.

"Your friend Aeron just called, he said he wanted you to invite in a small reunion of you and your classmates in college" she said while standing at the door.

"Oh, so they conducted a reunion after all, I guess I should go with you" I said.

"Does that party is just for you and your classmates?" Alicia asks.

"It would be okay If I bring you there 'cause you're my wife after all" I answered.


After a long time my husband finally went outside again, I'm so happy to see that. Because since he got a home-based job he didn't go outside anymore, he always order foods, order things, and stay inside the house.

Until we met he looks like he came from the outside and finally got home.

I wouldn't forget his shocked face when he saw me inside his house, and I was there sitting, and staring at him. I blinked twice to make him sure that I'm alive, and he still didn't move while staring at me.

That was the last time I see him go outside...

"Why won't you take a walk outside honey, maybe you're just exhausted, take a break" I suggested to him.

"That's a good idea honey, I'm leaving for a while and I will be back before dinner" He answered.

He Immediately walks to the door and put his sandals, I look at him while he's preparing to go outside, "This feeling is so nostalgic" I said as I smile.

I clean the house, then wash the dishes, then watches tv, I watch "Full moon: Rise of the Werewolves". That was my favorite tv show about a girl who has a father, which is an alpha wolf and a mother that is a vampire.

I enjoyed watching this show and it's still early so I go to my husband's laptop and browse to his old comics.

While reading our phone rings, it's Aeron one of my husband's old classmates. I immediately picked up the phone and answer the call.

"Hello? " I asked.

"Hmm... Is Xyren there? This is Aeron Fluentes one of his old classmates" he formally introduced.

"Oh... This is Alicia, wife of Xyren, he went outside for a walk and maybe he will come home later" I said.

"Can you hand me a favor, and tell your husband that our batch will handle a reunion, just a small party in Villa Triquetra this coming Sunday" he explained.

"Okay, I will tell him is that all? " I asked.

"Thank you, that will be all, Bye Alicia I will tell other of our classmates about the reunion so that would be a great help" he gratefully said.

"Your welcome, Bye" I said then the call was hang up.

I go back to reading as the call hang up, I wrote also the details on a piece of sticky note so I wouldn't forget. I was amazed to the comics my husband wrote and drew everything was incredibly amazing.

"He wrote a lot of comics in the past, why won't he continue writing and drawing?" I asked myself.

I read and read his story, his plot line is very awesome and good, that the story carries me ahead. As I stop reading I look at the clock and see that it is already 4:30pm.

Where Would We Go? (Aclasiasta Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now