Chapter 13

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Our journey will starts today and hopefully will only last a week of walking. I just knew that Hamamelis Empire is too far from the Bergania so it will take a while.

This would be easier for us if we travel in a wagon, but as Fiore said it would be noticeable.

Fiore is skilled for this kind of job, he has a great senses, and good reasoning and planning technique.

"Hailey, Xyren, follow me" Fiore said.

We're hiding in a bush since Fiore heard people around this area and we don't want them to see us. We walk through the bushes and silently going far away from them.

"We are gonna set up a camp here" Fiore said.

We stopped at the middle of the forest and start setting up the camp, I collected some woods to start up a fire. After a while, I go back to the camp and bring down all the woods, I collected and light them up.

Later on Fiore came back holding a bunch of fish and deers for our dinner.

Hailey takes all of them to prepare for our dinner, Hailey is in charge of cooking our food. She is good, she has a precise knife skills good for cooking.

"Set some stone in our fire so we can cook our food" Hailey said.

So I put three stone around the fire that act as our stove in the middle of the forest.

She Immediately put the pot to the fire and sit beside it, everyone was sitting around the fire. There is nothing to speak about, but I want to break the silence.

"I'm sorry if I bring you to this mission, I know you need to find your wife as soon as possible but here you are with us sitting in the middle of the forest" Hailey said.

"It's okay, this could also help me find my wife, who knows, maybe she spawn in Hamamelis" I said.

Later on, the food is now ready to eat, we ate at a bowl made up of coconut. This makes me feel what is like to adventure, I once write about adventures, but I didn't experience it even once.

What were those comics all about? I nearly forgot that I once wrote a comic, but that was a long time ago.

This is not the time to think of it, we need first rescue the princess, we need to take her back to the King safely. And also I need to look for my wife too, while we're in the mission.

After we ate, we all get ourselves some comfortable spot for us to sleep.

"We're gonna continue to walk later as the sun rises" Fiore said.

I wake up near a town and there was a castle burning, but that wasn't familiar. I run to look close for it, I saw a flag in the entrance gate it has a symbol and words.

"Hamame—" I cannot read the whole words.

I try to focus myself to read those words but, "Help me! Help me! " I heard a familiar voice.

"Alicia! " I shouted.

Then I wake up again, breathing hard, and my heart is pumping fast, is it all dreams? I saw Hailey and Fiore looking at me and looking confused.

"You're having a bad dream" Fiore said.

"Are you okay? " Hailey asks.

"I'm fine, I just saw my wife at a burning castle shouting, and begging for help" I said.

"Maybe it is a sign that your wife becomes a prisoner also along with princess" Hailey said.

"Come on, gather all your things, let's continue walking"
Fiore said.

We started walking again and we passed rivers and other roads and also we passed by many travelers. They were talking to us, warning us about roaming the villages on the road.

They also said there's a lot of hostile animals and beast around the area so we better be careful.

And after only a while, we encountered a pack of wild boar, and wolves. But as expected Fiore take them all as easy as like he was just cutting some leaves.

After Fiore killed all the animals Hailey bisect the wild boar and get some meat for us to eat later.

Their skills were quiet in another level, like they were born to do something like this. They make a great couple, I see both of them would be so good partners.

I think I could kill some too, but I guess that would be later since Fiore get them all.

So I guess I just stand here and wait for my opportunity to help them because as of now they barely don't need help at all. We take a rest at another river side for us to eat lunch, we cooked the boar meat and it was delicious.

After we eat, we continue walking and that was before we met a giant boar like beast. It was standing with only two feet, and using the other feet to hold big logs.

It has a bright red eyes, raging in anger, and staring at us.

"So we are near the Dark Forest huh?"
Fiore said.

Dark Forest? So we are not yet close to the Hamamelis Empire, but we travelled almost 3 days already.

"That was the Guardian of the Dark Forest, the Gullinbursti, the one who guards the dark forest from invaders, they roam in the forest for almost three decades" Hailey said with her eyes wide open in shock.

If that was their reaction, they might be difficult to be overcome or deal with. This is my time to help them, I see Fiore taking steps back, maybe because of that thing's weapon.

The Gullinbursti dash towards us and immediately swing the log in his arms. Luckily we all dodge his attack, it may be strong and powerful attack, but because it was big the movement speed of it was slow.

I run towards it and jump into it's log so I can run towards its face, the boar didn't expect it, and I slashed its face. It wasn't that fatal, but man that boar's skin is so tough that I need to put a lot of pressure to cut his skin.

Where Would We Go? (Aclasiasta Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now