Chapter 5

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It's already 6:00pm and we are about to head out to the event place where the reunion will be held. It took a while before we get there since it's a bit too far from our house. 

 It was 6:40pm when we arrive at the place, it was huge and gorgeous event place. So many lights and decorations all over the venue, I know it would be this great because almost all of my classmates have a decent job and title. 

 "Hey there Xyren, I thought you would be late again like as always" someone approaches me as we arrived. And that was Engineer Neil Austin a Civil Engineer and has a big corporation, the Austin Corp. 

 "Ahmm Neil this is my wife, Alicia and Alicia this is Neil our class president" I said as I introduced them to each other. 

 "Nice to meet you, Alicia" Neil said as he reaches my wife's hand. 

 "Nice to meet you too, Neil" Alicia answered as he reaches his hand too. 

 I notice that Neil is staring at my wife for a long time, he was looking at her from head to toe. So I make an excuse and pulled Alicia to the bench where we can see all of my classmates. 

 "Those three men approaching us are all doctors, the one in the blue coat is Richard an Optalmologist, the one in the pink t-shirt is Max a Cardiologist, and lastly the one in the middle of them is Reinald a Surgeon" I said to my wife. 

 It took a while to introduce all of my classmates to my wife because there are about 50 of them.

 "I remember some of them since they visit our house very often" my wife said to me. 

 "Maybe some of them didn't remember you since you change a lot" I said. 

 And the event was started, there was Neil as emcee and the others are just enjoying the night, drinking, talking, sharing about their past years, and also the sharing about their achievements. 

 We eat at the buffet, and everyone was laughing and talking while eating, the place was full of noise from everyone. 

 "How are you Xyren? We've heard that you are now a web designer?" Liza said like she was insulting me. 

 I looked down and continue to eat, I'm embarrassed for all of them everyone of them has a degree and I'm just a simple web designer. 

 "Yes, he was a web designer now and he accomplished a lot of things, he designed for big companies and he get paid enough to sustain our needs" I heard. 

 When I lift my head, I saw it, it was my wife, my beautiful wife, she defends me on my classmates who were bullies. 

 "And who are you miss?" Liza ask. 

 "I'm Alicia, Xyren's wife" my wife said. 

 "Wow" everyone was amazed, of course, except for me and Neil since they meet each other earlier. 

 After that issue we all continue chatting and laughing, as soon as we finished eating, we move into a carpet in the floor. We sat there forming a circle and Neil came with a bottle in his hand. 

 "You know what is the meaning of this" Neil excitedly said. 

 "Oh man!" complaint of the boys. 

 This makes me remember of our old days when we use to play this game when the teacher is not around. I never thought this would be this exciting again, in the past, I thought this was a lame game. 

 "So let's start the game? The mechanics are still the same, who ever pointed with the bottleneck would be ask Truth or Dare" Neil explains. 

 "That's easy" my wife whisper to me. 

 "Yeah it was" I answered. 

 So does the game begin, the bottle starts spinning everyone was nervous, hoping the bottle wouldn't point to them. The bottle seems that it is slowing down everyone has their eyes close and praying the bottle do not point them. 

 The bottle pointed into Liza, so that means... 

 "Liza, truth or dare" Neil asked. 

 Liza took a while before answering, maybe she was thinking properly what would she answer. 

 "Dare! " She said. 

"Okay then, your dare is to confess to your college crush, right now" Neil said. 

 "That was mean" 

"You're so harsh, Neil" everyone is whispering, waiting for Liza to confess. 

 The noise suddenly disappeared and the ambiance of the room change it is so quiet. I look at everyone why, and then I found out that Liza is in the middle of all of us. 

 "Ahmm, first of all I don't expect you to have a wife at our young age, but this is it, I will confess now, I have a crush on you since high school Xyren" Liza said confessing her feelings to me.

 Confessing her feelings to me... 

 Confessing to me... 


"But you always bully him" Neil said. 

 "That's the only way I could get his attention since he was focused on study, but that was a long time ago, now you have wife so I don't have any chance at all" Liza explained. 

 After that Liza spin again the bottle to know who's next to be dare or to tell the truth. It also takes time before the bottle slows down because Liza put too much energy spinning it. 

 What a coincidence? The bottle stopped and pointed at me now everyone is shouting "Ayiee", that make sense 'cause she likes me and the bottle points me after. 

 "Dare!" I said. 

 I answered immediately since there were only two choices, it's either truth or dare. 

 "I dare you to kiss your wife in front of us" Liza said. 

 I look at all of them then turn my look into Liza, they all nodded like they all knew what is gonna happen. So I look at my wife with a confused look, she looks at me and smile. 

 "If that was what they wanted to see, then let's do it, " my wife said as she reaches her hand towards me. 

 We walked to the center and closed our eyes, then slowly we reach each others lips. I feel warm, and I heard the noise of my classmates they were all shouting like they see something new.

Where Would We Go? (Aclasiasta Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now