Chapter 8

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As our travel started, I wake up and see the view outside the bus, it was a nice view of farms. We're still close from our home town so we need to ride another bus in the next terminal.

My wife is peacefully sleeping on my shoulder, I decided not to wake her up since she may take a lot of courage to sleep knowing she has a death threat.

"Take a good rest hon, I will wake you up as soon as we reach the terminal" I whisper.

Then I continue patting her shoulder and wiping her hair, this makes me feel comfortable. I hope the next more days still feel like this.

We've reached the terminal yet it was night time so we look for an inn or hotel for us to rest the whole night. Luckily we found one, and it was cheap, affordable and cozy place to stay for the whole night.

I looked through the window to see the view, it was most likely a province, there are plenty of building here. But there's a lot of different farm I see since the bus entered the province.

This makes me comfortable, but we still need to go further than this we need to find somewhere we can stay peacefully.

My wife approaches me and hugs me, "You should take a rest, you didn't sleep while we're on the road" she said.

I hugged her back and then we walk towards the bed and sleep together, I don't want to let her go, I'm afraid that she'll get lost if I do.

As the night passed, we head immediately to the next terminal we're about to jump in. We bought tickets and jump on the bus that took the farthest destination.

While on the bus my wife asks me, "Where would we go?"

And I answer her, "Anywhere, any place we feel safe and peaceful to live to".

I took a long ride, and we saw different views and scenery, I was amazed to see them personally. The beach, the rice fields, and the mountains, they are all beautiful, it was my first time seeing them personally since I was introvert.

I only see that places on books, magazines, and internet, my wife also was amazed with the scenery she was seeing right now.

We are too ignorant of the outside world since we don't usually go outside or too far from our house. Since we have anything we need at the convenience stores and malls.

"The next station is in Isaraga City, and that is the city where my parents live" I said.

"We should pay a visit to them since it was nearby" my wife said.

I smiled and said, "Sure, I should introduce you to them in person"

My wife blushed and turn her back to me, she's always cute when she's embarrassed. It was nice that she seems to be cheerful today this should be everyday but this would do.

"This is the last terminal, Isaraga Terminal" the bus conductor said.

"Let's go, hon" I said and guide her.

After we get off the bus we walked the streets since it's morning and it was not that far from the terminal. I take all of her belongings so she can walk at ease and nothing to worry.

Of course I didn't let her go to far from me, as part of protection, of course she is my wife and I don't want anything happen to her.

After a while, we made it to my parents house, it was not that big, but it has a second floor, and it was fully furnished indoor and outdoor. My parents have a nice work that's why they have a nice house here and I decided to leave this place.

I was such a wonderful child, right?

So after that long description of the house we finally entered my parents house. As I knocked the door, they took a while to open it and as they open the door guess what...

"Oww sweetie how long we didn't see you? We miss you so much" my mom said while hugging me and kissing my both cheeks.

She immediately stops as she saw my wife standing behind me.

"You should be Alicia... I'm Ericka Alodius, Xyren's mother" my mom said introducing herself.

"Ahm... I'm Alicia, Alicia Alodius, nice to meet you mom" my wife said while blushing she can't even look at my moms face.

"Both of you come in, we didn't expect you to come so our house is a bit messy" my mom said.

"It's okay mom" I said.

Their clothes are everywhere and the table is full of non-sense things and packaging. I didn't know their house will look like this, I thought parents' house are always sparkling clean.

"Hon the kids are here" my mom shouted.

I heard loud footsteps rushing down the staircase and guess who, it's my father, Hann Alodius, he is always excited to see me. And yes, this also happens last time I visited them, and here he is hugging me so tight.

"This is a bit embarrassing dad" I whisper to him.

"Ow sorry, I was just excited to see you again since we didn't meet for a long time" he said.

He let go of me as soon as he saw my wife looking at us.

"I'm Hann Alodius, pleased to meet you, I'm the father of Xyren" he said introducing himself.

"I'm Alicia, Xyren's wife pleased to meet you too father," she said and as usual, she can't make eye contact with my father either.

"Put your things in your old room Xyren and let's all eat lunch together" my mom instructed me.

So I carry all of our belongings to my old room at the second floor it was the tidiest room in the house. Since we still have time before lunch we lay in bed for the mean time to take a rest.

We heard a loud noise on the first floor so we immediately rose up and rush down to see what happened.

As we reach the first floor it was like a different place, it was so clean and tidy. "The lunch will be okay in a moment, so don't waste your energy walking up to your room, wait for the lunch here" my mom said.

Where Would We Go? (Aclasiasta Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now