Chapter 11

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After the search we stop at a shop that sells coffee, for us to take a break since we've done a lot of searching. As we drink coffee, I did notice something as my eyes roam around.

It was a huge castle standing in the middle of this city.

"Whose castle is that? " I asked them.

"That's the King Gardel's castle, there was a rumor that her daughter was missing for about years now" Fiore said.

"Yup, and there's another rumor that the princess is now found in the Hamamelis Empire, the King's mortal enemy" Hailey added.

So she was missing for years and just found out that she was in the enemy empire? That's kinda interesting, I should get to know more about the rumors.

"Do you have any connections for us to enter the King's castle? " I ask Fiore.

"I have, but we can only come there when the king has a task or quest for us" Fiore said.

"So we cannot enter there now? " I ask.

"Yup, we need to wait for the King's order" Hailey said.

This makes things difficult, I'm just wondering if he was the king then he should know everything about his country. Maybe he has some news about Alicia I need to get to the king.

I finish the last sip of my coffee and stand up...

"Can you tour me around the castle? " I ask them.

"Sure, the soldiers camp and academy are just outside the castle so we can go there" Fiore said.

So the three of us walks our way to the academy first since it was near from the cafe. While walking I was amazed of the people around us and other species vibing around the city.

They're happily living in this city, this makes me more curious about the King. Since he handles the people like this, if the King isn't good I didn't think so if they can live happily like this.

We have reach the academy in just minutes, there is no difference in the academy in our world and in their world.

"I didn't expect this to be similar to the academy we have" I said.

"You also have an academy in your world? " Hailey asks.

"Yes, we have, also we have this soldiers' camp, but we call it soldiers academy" I answered to her.

"I hope we can visit your world too" Hailey said.

"Yup, I think there's a lot of interesting things there" Fiore added.

While walking around their academy I see a lot of kids and teens with different races enjoying their lives in the academy. I'm so glad that in the place with different races and we knew there is different abilities and appearance there is no such thing as bullying.

There's a lot of room in here, and it was definitely a ten times bigger than the academy in my world.

While walking we saw a room that explodes and there's a lot of smoke coming out from it. The thing that confuses me is why Hailey and Fiore run to help those who is in the room?

"That was natural in the research laboratory, they were always experimenting a lot of chemicals" Fiore said.

"Does everyone there safe? " I ask.

"Yes, they were always safe there" Hailey said.

We continue walking and then we go to the basement part of the school which is the cafeteria. I don't know why they put the cafeteria underground, but I don't know anything about their architecture.

As soon as we reached the cafeteria my jaws fell on the ground, is this their cafeteria? This was huge, really huge you know it was like a cathedral but under the ground.

It was a cozy place and it was ventilated even though it was underground, and the fact that it was underground this place was cold.

"This was awesome" I said.

"Is it? " Fiore said.

"Yes, the cafeteria in my world is crowded and it is a small area" I said.

"Next, we're going to the soldiers' camp" Hailey said.

Hailey was energetic since we started to roam around the castle, I thought she was a serious type of girl. We go to the ground floor again to go to the soldiers' camp.

The wind is so cozy in here, even though the sun was raging and there is no cloud above nor trees to provide shade.

This makes walking a little bit easier...

"You might feel the cold breeze, even though it was afternoon and there is no cloud? It was because the wind was coming from Mt. Yunigh, a snowy mountain" Fiore said.

The soldiers' camp was too far from the academy, but it wasn't hard to walk since it was cozy after all.

While walking my eyes were roaming around trying to find my wife, I was thinking maybe she's on the streets. But just like earlier, I didn't find anything even her shadows.

"Here we are the soldiers' camp"
Hailey said.

As I look at their facility they don't have guns or tanks or even helicopters. Instead they only have swords, spears and something chemical in bottles that explodes when you throw, in other words they're only have man power.

We explore more in the soldiers' camp and we saw their army's extreme training. They run around the castle under the raging heat of the sun, they do squats for a half a day, and 100 push ups.

"This is insane, "
I said while I was amazed.

"This is the training of the Bergania's undefeated army" Hailey said.

"Yes, and we are special unit that serves directly under the King's order" Fiore said.

"Wow, I didn't notice you two are in a special unit, so how many are you in that unit? " I ask.

"Only the two of us" Fiore said.

"We didn't lose any fight to anyone, regardles of their numbers" Hailey said.

I was shocked and amazed at the both times, they are in special unit and it was only the two of them. I can't imagine how powerful these two are, Imagine being in special unit and it was under the King supervision, they are definitely something.

"Losing isn't in our vocabulary" Fiore said.

Where Would We Go? (Aclasiasta Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now