Chapter 12

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It was cool whenever I see their soldiers it was god sake how can they stand this kind of training. Later on, I feel like someone is touching my back, when I turn around I saw Hailey.

"Let's go, let's eat lunch, we're hungry, " she said.

"Ow, Okay, let's go" I respond.

So we look for a place to eat luckily there was one near an inn, we go there a pick a table. Later on, a girl that seems to be the waitress approaches us.

"So, what's your order? " she asks.

"Three of the same thing we always order" Hailey said.

I'm not familiar with the menu here so I'll just let them decide for what we eat. This two must be always here since they didn't need to see the menu or anything to order.

Later on...

"Here's your order Ms. Hailey, three of beef stew with sausage and rice" the girl said while putting our order in our table.

She went back to the kitchen after putting our order on the table, and she came back a little while after.

"And for the drink here is your tea, "
she said after coming back.

"Let's eat, " Fiore said.

I started to dig into our food these named like the food in my world, yet I didn't know if the taste is also the same. As I take the first sip in the beef stew it taste like the same, but as I eat more I found out that this is much more delicious than the one in my world.

While we're in the middle of our lunch someone enter the restaurant and slam the door then rush towards us.

"The King was spoken, you are summoned in the King's castle immediately" he said.

Fiore and Hailey immediately stand up and leave our food there without finishing it. I didn't know what to do so, I also stand up and follow them, I find them outside waiting for me.

"I thought you would just stay there, you took so long to come outside" Fiore said.

"I didn't know if I should follow both of you" I said.

"Of course, you should your now part of our team right?" Hailey said.

"That's right, you said you wanna join our journey so your part of our team now" Fiore said too.

I smiled at them and said to them, "Let's go" then follow their lead.

We walk to the castle to meet the king since they said that we are summoned by the king in there. As we approach the gate of the castle, the gate slowly opens and the guards welcomes us.

"The King is waiting you in his Majesty's throne" one of the girl servants said.

"Thank you, Marieth" Fiore said.

We continue walking through the castle's garden to the entrance of the main castle. After entering, I thought we're done of walking, but I'm wrong, there's huge corridor and many rooms we passed.

As we reach again a large door another girl was waiting for us there.

"The king is waiting for you, " she said then she pushes the big doors like it was nothing to her.

The room inside was sparkling with some sort of shiny metal and gold decors. It has also a marble tiles on ceiling and flooring, with a red carpet pointing to a throne with the king sitting on it.

"It has been a long time your majesty" Fiore said.

They kneel in front of the king and so did I, to show some respect for the majesty.

"As far as I remember there is only a two of you" the king said.

"This is Xyren, your majesty, our new recruit, he accompanies us for him to look for his missing wife" Hailey said.

"Is that so, well as you know I summoned you here because of one reason only" the King said.

"Is it about your daughter, your majesty? " Fiore ask.

"Yes, I want the three of you rescue my beloved daughter in the Hamamelis Empire" the king said again.

So the rumor is not just a rumor, it was true that the princess is finally found and it was in the enemy territory. Wait a minute? Does the only three of us are gonna go to the enemy territory?

"It was a great idea, but do we have any company? " Hailey said.

"I was thinking of five more soldiers" the King said.

"I guess the three of us was enough and adding more troops is just making it more noticeable" Fiore said.

"If that's what you wish, as long as we can rescue my daughter" the king said.

This is a big mistake, why would we go in the enemy territory with just the three of us? We should prepare a lot of things before we head into Hamamelis Empire.

"Let's go, let's prepare for the quest" Fiore said.

We came into a room full of armor and weapons, this is the first time I saw and hold a weapon in person again. It was a dream come true to me since I was a kid, I always train, holding and using a dagger since I don't have any friends to play with.

"Pick a weapon where you are comfortable of" Fiore said.

So I pick up immediately a four dagger and practice using them, the two extra daggers were placed on my back. It was a long time since I use daggers I may not be as good as I was in the past.

"You are great using daggers, that's good" Fiore said.

"I used to play with it when I'm a kid so this isn't new to me" I said.

"How long do the two of you plan to stand there, I'm done preparing and you too just picked your weapon" Hailey said.

This might be rough and tough so I need to be cautious in this quest or else it's not just I wouldn't see my wife I may be also dead if I wouldn't be cautious.

"Let's go to Hamamelis! " Hailey shouted as we left the armory room.

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