Chapter 4

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I wake up with my wife isn't beside me anymore, but that won't be a new thing to me. She was ironing my suit and her dress and it just came in my mind, today is the day of the reunion. 

 I rose up from the bed and head to the closet to get my towel, underwear, and shorts. 

 "Do you want to go to the mall before we go to the reunion?" I asked as I notice the dress she prepared for her. 

 It was his old dress about 3 years ago and because I got paid by Mr. Kris I want to treat my wife a new dress. I want to buy her the most beautiful dress I can afford for her, I want my wife to be more stunning than she usually does. 

 "What are we gonna do at the mall? We don't usually go there" she said. 

 I smile and answer her, "I just want to treat my wife in my big project salary"

 She just continues ironing my suit so I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. I showered with a smile on my face I'm sure she would agree with me and go to the mall. 

 After my shower, she took shower next and it took only a while, my wife came out with her purple jacket and jeans with her ponytail hair. 

 I remember her in that style when we're not yet married, she usually dresses like that with a pink chewing gum. 

 "Am I too old for a chewing gum?" she asked. "It's been a while since I dress like this, usually I dress with shirt and short only" she added. 

 "We will buy later at the store nearby" I answered. 

 She smiled at me and then go back preparing herself, and I continue to look at dress ideas at the internet. I found something that attracts my eyes, a black to blue fade cocktail dress. 


 We are in the mall somewhere near our house and here's my wife in front of me walking while chewing a gum. 

 "It's been a while since we go outside together, " she said. 

 "Yeah, it has been years ago since the last time" I answer. 

 Her eyes are sparkling, she looks very happy and excited at the same time. All I can wish now is to always see this beautiful smile in my wife's face. 

 We took a while, walking and window shopping until we reach our destination, the Flora. The place where we are gonna buy dress for my wife, it's kinda expensive, yet it's okay, I want the best for her. 

 "Hon are you sure this is where you want to buy?" she asked. 

 "Yes, hon, definitely" I answered with a smile on my face. 

 She looks at me with a not sure look and I just reply it with my sincere smile. So we went inside the boutique, the ambiance of the boutique is so nice the lighting and the white color interior is perfectly fit together. 

 The dresses there were all seemingly gorgeous, sparkling with beads, and with perfect color combination. Just like what you expect in a boutique in a mall it has been all gorgeous. 

 This makes things difficult, they all look perfect for my wife, "No, Xyren, you have your preference you need to find something similar to it" I said to myself. 

 So I immediately walk to the attendant while my wife is looking around. 

 "Miss, do you have any dress like this?" I ask while showing the picture of the dress I saw on internet. 

 "I guess we have a similar dress to that one, " she said and headed into a room like it was a stock room. 

 It took a while before the attendant came back and when she does she was holding a blue dress. She gently pulls off the dress out of its cover and there it was a cocktail blue dress. 

 "Honey, would you mind to come here for a while? I found a dress that I think will look the best for you" I shouted to my wife since she was a bit far. 

 "May I see hon?" she said with a big smile on her face as she approaches us. 

 She grabs the dress and went to the fitting room as soon as she see the dress I'm offering to her. She took a while, changing yet I was excited what she will look like when she wears it. 

 As she walks out of the changing room I was shocked at her appearance, it seems like the world stops for a while when I see her. Everything around me moves slowly and everything around her seems dull, she outstands everything. 

 "Hon! Hon!" she said. 

 "What hon?" I answered. 

 "I was asking you, how is it? And you aren't answering" she said and then frowned at me. 

 "I was just amazed how beautiful you were with that dress and left me out of words" I answered. 

 She turn around and the dress swings perfectly like they were meant for each other. It was so good for her, as well as the time flies slowly when she's in front of me. 

 She returned into the changing room to change back to her clothes. While she was there I was thinking if we could buy a camera also. 

 "Does she agree with my idea too?" I said to myself. 

 She went out of the changing room carrying the dress on her arms approaching me here near the cashier. 

 "This is the one I like 'cause I see in your reaction that this dress suits me very well" she said as she approach me. 

 "Very well choice ma'am, you are so lucky to your husband" the cashier told her. 

 We bought the dress and after that bought a camera this would be great if we want to travel. And also we can use it in the reunion later for us to keep more memories of us. 

 After the shopping we went home for us to prepare for the reunion later on that day.

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