Chapter 3

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Today officially the third day of my husband doing the project, I woke up early, he's still asleep. It's been three days since he started the project and now he is about to finish it. 

 I get the mop and started cleaning the house, this is what I do when I woke up early. 

 After mopping the floor, I immediately walk to the kitchen to cook him breakfast. I cooked egg and bacon for his breakfast while waiting for the rice, I start dusting the appliances and furniture of our house. 

 It's not a big house so it is not tiring to clean the whole of it. 

 "Good morning, Honey," my husband greeted me as he yawns. He was already seated at the table as I put down the breakfast. 

 "You're doing great honey," I complimented him while he is doing the project. 

 I see he is getting too close to finishing the project that was given to him. He's so good at his work, even animating and caring, he is just a good person overall. 

 "Ahmm, honey doesn't stare at me like that I'm shy" my husband uttered like he's teasing me. 

 I immediately go back to preparing our meal with a big smile on my face. He is a cool person for me too, not just good it's just like a two in one promo. 

 "I love you, Alicia," he said out of nowhere. 

 Does he think I will be persuaded with that simple I love you from him? "I love you" in his face I'm not that easy to... 

 I was shocked when I look at him, he was just cute staring at me with sparkling eyes. My face turned red immediately and I look at the food to the table to distract myself. 

 "I... Love..." I said while I'm embarrassed. 

 "Hmm?" my husband teases me. 

 "I love you too!" I said then I pouted after. 

 He smiles and then said to me, "You're so cute honey" then he giggles. 

 I continue preparing our breakfast, and then wash all the tools and utensils I used to prepare our breakfast. He looks very busy right now, but he shouldn't skip breakfast. 

 "Breakfast ready," I said. 

 "Wait a little bit," he said. 

 I burst and walked towards him, I pulled his shirt until he fell down the chair. I pulled him until he gets to the table, I hate when he skips a meal just over for work. 

 "Eat!" I said with a frightening voice and a frightening look. 

 He looked at me first and he seems to be scared of me, "Yes, it worked again" I said in my mind. "Okay then, I will eat," he said with trembling voice after he sighed. 

 I sighed and go to the table, I sat in front of him and looked at him while getting his food. "Are you not going to eat too, honey?" he asked with a smile on his face while getting his rice. 

 "I'm gonna eat Hmph!" I pouted and get myself rice. 

 The breakfast is already done, he was lying on the chair, resting after he ate so many. And I'm back to the front of the sink to wash the dishes I never get tired of this. 


 Since I marry my wife, I always eat so many in breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also never get a chance to skip my meal she always prohibited me to do so.


 It was Thursday and I'm planning to make an excuse for me to skip my meal. I was planning to take a jog so with that, she didn't get suspicious of me. 

 "Hon, I'm just gonna go for a jog outside I'll be back later okay?" I said while I'm wearing my shoes. 

 I think she doesn't get suspicious with my excuse because it was exercise and it was for me. It took her a while to answer did she even hear me? 

 "No, Sit here and eat your meal!" she said in terrifying voice.It was always like this and I always have no choice but to eat my meal or else she will be mad at me. 


 I guess that's how she show me her love and care for me. But that simple thing touches my heart and feelings, it always does. 

 And now I'm in the chair again in dining table in front if the meal she prepared for me. I can't remove the smile on my face while I was looking at her eating our meal. 

 "Oww honey, don't forget tomorrow your reunion with your classmates" my wife reminded me. 

 "Thanks for reminding me honey I almost forgot about it, " I said while scratching my head. 

 I'm so busy at my project and I forgot about the reunion, I'm so glad my wife reminded me. About 5 hours later... 

 Click-Click-Click-Click ...

 "And done!" I said and stretch my arms wide. 

 After hours I finished my project and sent it to Mr. Kris Denims. I yawned and stretch again, "I'm so tired, let me see... What time is it?" I said and look at the clock beside my table. 

 "What it is already 12 AM?! I finish it earlier than I expected" I said. 

 I look at my back and saw my wife laying at our matres and comfortable sleeping. I was thinking what if we ran away into somewhere that is far and new to the both of us, somewhere away from stress and problems. 

 Does she agree with it? Can we go somewhere? 

 I left myself with that questions I guess I will ask her at the right time, for now I just gonna sleep. I walk to the kitchen to drink water and go back to our bedroom to sleep beside my wife. 

 I turned to her side and hug her from her back, then kiss her hair and whispered, "I love you".

 And the big project season of mine finally ended that time it put us so many stresses and pressure. But now we can now look forward into the tomorrow without pressure for a while. 

 Not until there is another project that will come...

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