Chapter 15

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We are woke up by a bunch of people around us and their clothes look like the clothes of Hailey.

"What are you guys doing here? "
Hailey asks.

"Miss Hailey our village is being attacked by a Gullinbursti"
one of the men said.

"Tsk, they get there before we do" Fiore said.

This might be bad, they didn't know how to handle the Gullinbursti, Hailey's home village may be destroyed. We ran our way to the village of the sirens, Hailey was looking nervous for her home village.

We jumped through streams, and run as fast as we can so we can help them to handle the Gullinbursti.

It was the last one of them, but we didn't expect it to go to the neighboring village around the Dark Forest. As we get out of the Dark Forest the fog is gradually disappearing and a bright green lake is appears.

We stop beside the lake and I was confused why? Where is the village and the Gullinbursti?

"Let's go" Fiore said.

"Where?" I ask.

"Our village is under that lake, it was the hidden village of sirens in Jade Lake" Hailey said and then jump into the lake.

The other men follow her, I'm confused, but I looked at Fiore, he just look at me and then jump into the lake. I have no choice but to jump also I close my eyes and then I jump in the lake.

I slowly sink to the bottom of the lake, but I didn't feel any soil. So I open my eyes, and I was shocked when I see a village beside the lake.

I look again at the lake and it was crystal green color, I can see the sky there.

So the lake works like a mirror and it can be a portal to their village. It was like when you jump through it you will just sink into another world which is upside down.

I roam my eyes and saw the Gullinbursti, it was raging and destroying everything it see.

"Waaaahh! " Hailey shouted while dashing forward to the Gullinbursti.

She didn't make a damage to the Gullinbursti because she attacked it with less strength. We run towards here to back her up and because we don't have enough energy yet we move backed.

The Gullinbursti is now charging to swing its log and this is our chance now.

"Fiore! " I shouted as a signal.

"Okay!" he answered.

We run towards the charging Gullinbursti, we try to push our limits to reach the boar before it finishes its attack.

"That was suicide! Are they dumb? " the sirens shouted.

But we didn't mind them and continue to charge forward the boar. "WAAAAHH!" we shouted as we lay our first blow to the boar.

It cause a wound to the left and right arm of the boar, but that only makes it more angry. It started to swing its weapon upwards, we cannot dodge it, there is no way to dodge it.

We're hit by the boar and cause us to be immobilized, I can't even move my fingers.

Hailey dashed and pick us up before the boar blows another hit for us. We should be more careful next attack, this boar is a lot more stronger, but it was still slow.

"They can slash the tough skin of Gullinbursti" the sirens we're amazed.

After recovering we again charge to the Gullinbursti exchanging blows of attacks. We have blows critical attacks to the Gullinbursti and now it has fatal wounds and some open spots.

The siren's warriors launch their attacks targeting the open spots we leave for them.

The Gullinbursti receive so much fatal blow, but it was tough, it was still standing there. But that wouldn't last for long, later on the boar fell down the ground.

"Yeeesss!" cheerful shout of the sirens as the Gullinbursti has fallen.

This is a big victory to us too, because that was the last of the Guardians.

"There is nothing to be fear now, because that thing is the last guardian of the dark forest" Fiore said.

"We thought there were four of this in the dark forest?" the leader of the warriors said.

"We killed the three of them, just the three of us against the three gigantic boar" Hailey said.

The sirens murmuring and whispering to each other, they were like they didn't believe us. But there is one female siren who approaches us slowly.

"Congratulations to your victory, congratulations for clearing the dark forest" she said.

"Thank you, Miss Lorelei" Fiore said.

"No need to be formal Fiore, you are the guardian of my daughter so you are like one of our family" the lady said, which is called Miss Lorelei.

"By the way, who is this young man? " Miss Lorelei asks.

"This is Xyren, our new member in our group, please Miss Lorelei don't lure him" Fiore said.

"Better not to fear Xyren, my mom is known for luring the people who trespass the jade lake, but she wouldn't lure you" Hailey said.

"Hi, Miss Lorelei, pleasure to meet you, " I said.

"Pleasure to meet you too, Xyren, don't worry about the luring ability I'm the only one who can use this ability in this village" Miss Lorelei said.

I smiled and nod to her, and start to walk to their house. They prepare a little feast for our victory.

They have bisected the boar and prepared it for our food.

"It has been ten years since the last time we're here, right Fiore? " Hailey said.

"Yeah, this makes me reminisce the memories of how we start traveling together" Fiore said.

This is the house of Hailey's family, it was huge and beautiful, but is her mom only lives here? This huge place and alone living makes me remember my life in my world.

I'm always alone there too, until Alicia came into my life.

"Feel at home, since you are all friends of Hailey you are now part of our family" Miss Lorelei said.

"Thank you mom" Hailey said.

The food now is getting served, there are too many dishes they've prepared in boar meat. I guess sirens are specialize in knife skills and cooking skills.

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