Chapter 20: Ending

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Alicia's POV

I was in here for a long time and I just realized who I am, I am Princess Catherine Bergania, the princess of Bergania Empire. I just realized my true identity when we are about to fall into the pit of the cliff.

I cast the spell that teleports us to back to the empire, but because of the situation we have, I can't focus on where to teleport.

"I hope he is doing fine, and I'm thinking if the father will let us back to the other world" I said to myself.


I heard on the door, there is someone behind the door.

A little while after I heard the door opens I cover myself with the blanket.

"Princess Catherine, are you here? " I heard a familiar voice.

"This is me, Hailey, " I heard she speak again.

Hailey, one of my childhood friends, so it means Fiore is here too, I'm glad I'm saved.

"I'm here" I answered.

"I'm so glad you're fine, Princess" Hailey said.

She runs towards me and look for any injury, after that she remove my handcuffs. Do I need to ask her about my husband?

"We just need to look for Alicia" Hailey said.

Why did she know my name in the other world? No one in the Aclasiasta knows my name in the other world since I don't have any communication in the Aclasiasta.

"Where do you know that name? " I asked.

"Ahm, there was a guy who accompany us and help us to rescue you Princess, and he was looking for his wife" she answered.

"Is that man named Xyren Alodius? " I asked.

I see in Hailey's face the confusion, I understand the reaction since she doesn't know that I'm Alicia as well as the Princess.

"How do you know him, Princess? " she asked.

"Because he is my husband, and I'm Alicia" I said straight to the point.

I see her shocked face so I guess I need to explain to her what happened. So we did, I tell her all the things she needs to know, all the things happen to me when I'm gone.

Hailey understands now what is happening when we started hearing some knights outside.

"Don't open it, " I said.

They shouted and shouted orders us to open the door, but I still said no. They are already counting and threatening us, but still we don't open the door.

After a while we heard the Prince is also being there outside, but it is not only him, I heard the voice of Fiore and Xyren outside too.

"Go take a peek of what is happening, Hailey" I said.

So Hailey walks towards the door and slightly open it to take a peek outside. It took a while before she close again the door, she runs towards me.

"Xyren and Fiore is fighting them so we can escape" Hailey said.

As I heard the name of my husband and he was fighting for me, it makes me blush. I can't help it, but he is my husband so it was alright, and I was so inlove with him.

"You know Princess, you are so lucky to your husband" Hailey said.

Hailey stop flattering, can't you see I'm already turning red again, don't make me blush.

"He's so eager to save you, even though I think he didn't know you are the princess" Hailey added.

After almost hours of waiting we've heard a knock on the door, but we didn't open it immediately. We are waiting for confirmation that they we're Fiore and Xyren, and not the knights.

It takes minutes before the second knock, and we've heard Fiore's voice so Hailey runs to the door and open it.

As the door is open, I'm so happy I finally get to see my husband's face once again. I didn't expect him to run towards me as he sees me, but here is he hugging me so tightly in front of Fiore and Hailey.

Fiore seems confused about what is happening in front of him, so I decided to explain it briefly.

"So as you can see me, Princess Catherine and Alicia Alodius is one person" I said.

"Can you explain more Princess? " Fiore said.

"My wife is a Princess?? " my husband said being amazed while being confused.

"So this is what happened, as you all know I vanished in the Kingdom for about years, I don't know what happened, but I was teleported to the world of Xyren" I explained more.

Fiore seems to catch up, but in the other hand, my husband seems still confused.

"Luckily I spawned in your room, hon, but I thought it was luck, but once I remember the comics you write on your laptop the world Aclasiasta is in there" I said once again.

"So what do my comics relate to your spawn in my room?"
my husband asks.

"Aclasiasta is my world, Aclasiasta is the world you created in the comics... You created this world along with all the people here, even me or Fiore or Hailey, even all the races here" I proudly say.

"So you mean, technically I'm the god of this world? " my husband asked again.

"Technically speaking, yes, " I answered.

After the long explanation we started to escape the Kingdom of Hamamelis. We jumped out of the window and landed on the hay bales outside the window.

We snuck into the guards and climb the walls, all our escapes I was guided by Xyren.

I don't know why, but I found that sweet and also I feel safe with him now. I saw many of his traits changes in the times that we aren't together, and that's good.

It took a long journey, but finally I'm home and I'm about to see my father once again.

We entered into the castle and walked to the room where the throne is. As soon as we arrived they all kneeled down in front of the king including my husband.

"The princess is finally back your highness, safe and sound" Fiore said.

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