Chapter 9

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It's been a week since we stayed here at my parents house and I think we need to say goodbye now. We need to continue our travel and we need to seek for a place.

"Time definitely flies so fast, indeed you need to bid goodbye now" my father said.

"We surely come here back to pay you again a visit," I said to them.

"Keep safe the both of you," they said as we start walking to the next terminal.

As we reached the terminal, we immediately fall in line to buy tickets for the both of us. As soon as we get to the ticket booth the cashier immediately ask us, "Where is your destination?"

"What is the farthest terminal in the bus route?" I asked.

"That would be... Hughsten City" the cashier said after she looks at the route map.

"Two ticket, please" I said as I handed her our payment.

After she handed us our tickets, we immediately jump into the bus to look for a good seat. Also, we put our extra bags at the compartment just like the usual, so that other passenger wouldn't be troubled.

It was a very peaceful day to travel yet my wife again is sleeping on the bus, it's so sad she missed all the beautiful scenery out there.

My wife is kind of sleepyhead in traveling maybe she feel sick when traveling so she just sleep. I enjoyed watching the scenery the bus passed by while traveling, this is the part I like when we travel I forget all our problems.

I guess the one who threatens my wife's life isn't showing or maybe he or she get lost since we leave our house.

We travel day and night to reach Hughsten City, but one night our bus suddenly just stop. Out of nowhere, what did just happen?

I walk towards the front of the bus to see what happen, and I was shocked when I see a man standing in front of us. He's wearing a black hoodie and a black pants and he was holding something in his left hand.

"No, he's not who I'm thinking of he is!" I said in my mind.

I run going back to Alicia to wake her up, after she wake up we get our bags, we didn't mind those bags which are in the compartment. We immediately jump off the bus and started to run in the middle of the forest.

"I'm afraid," my wife said.

I look into her eyes and I see her fear, "Fear not, we're gonna make it" I said.

I looked back to see if he's following us, but I didn't see him or anyone following us. So we continue going away but now we're walking, I didn't know if where we are, but it's fine.

Later on while walking, I heard a hush in the trees behind us, I look back and I see the guy with the black hoodie following us.

I push my wife so we can run faster, but it was unexpected... We reach a cliff and we didn't have any other ways to go too. I look at her and she was trembling now in fear and so did I, but I can't show her that I'm scared, I need to be her strength.

"Trust me hon, okay?" I said to her.

She nodded as a sign for yes, so I hugged her and then we jump off the cliff together.

I forced myself to go behind her to protect her from the impact and the I closed my eyes. As we go deeper the cliff I heard something is it... Yes, it is a water we can survive this fall, yet I still take a lot of damage I guess.

And that was the last thing I remember before my vision gets black.

Am I dead? I try to open my eyes and I succeed but I was dazzled by the sun, I survive and I'm not in the water anymore. I try to rise up from laying in the grass, but I can't my body hurt if I try to move.

"Don't try to move, your body is not fully recovered yet, I can't believe you survived falling from the sky" I heard a young man's voice.

"Whe-where is my wi-wife" I said.

"Who? You just fall here all by yourself" the man said.

"I guess he had an accompany with someone and they both lost" I heard a female voice.

Who are they? And where is the cliff? I remember we fell straight down to it, but why am I end up here? And lastly, where is Alicia? I need to find her so I try my best to stand up.

"Are you dumb?" the girl said.

"I need to find my wife" I said.

I can't walk straight, but this will do for now I just need to find my wife. The men approach me and take me on his shoulder, he guided me and the girl pick up my bags.

"I'm Fiore Alstenburg" the man introduce himself.

"And I'm Hailey Guistern, we're friends" the woman said.

"I'm Xyren Alodius" I said as I introduced myself.

I saw the trees around us are a bit different, so I guess this is kind of rare tree. But where am I? And where should I start looking for my wife?

"If we're gonna look for your wife we should go to Bergania" Hailey said.

"Ow right Bergania, is the right place to start" Fiore agreed what Hailey said.

"Where is Bergania? " I asked confusedly.

Where the heck am I? I'm a hundred percent sure that this is not where we fell last night.

"I guess you're new here, Bergania is the main place of trading, we're gonna find different races there like sirens, dwarves and humans" Fiore said.

So that's it, I'm definitely in the other world but where exactly?

"This is Aclasiasta the world of different races" Hailey said.

"So you two are? " I asked.

"I'm human and Hailey is a Siren" Fiore said.

Okay, that's it I get the information I needed so maybe if I accompany them I could find my wife in a matter of time. But I remember something their name and looks are something familiar to me, I just didn't remember where I heard and see them.

Where Would We Go? (Aclasiasta Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now