6- Drake

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Drake's P.O.V.

Ahhhh, seventy two more hours until our two weeks vacation and I couldn't wait. Growing up, my parents and I would spend all summer at our family cabin. As we got older my cousin Drew and his family joined us. The summer before sophomore year, Drew and I went by ourselves.

Our second year we invited our other friends from school and as long as we behaved and didn't wreck the place, our parents were okay with it.

Then when we were in college, we started spending weeks at a time up there. Tiffany and I met last year after I got home from the trip so this will be her first year up there with all of us.

Walking into the house, I noticed Tiffany was already here.


A few moments later she walked out of our bedroom, looking like she just saw a ghost.


"Babe, what are you doing at home already?" She asked, nervously as she looked towards the bathroom door.

"I got done early? What's going-"

"Tiff, I..." Tiffanys boss came walking out of the bathroom. My bathroom. Zipping up his pants, shirtless. "Shit." He whispered as he looked between us.

"Drake, this isn't- Baby, please let me explain."

"How long." I hissed as I looked at her.

"Wh- What?" She stuttered.

"HOW LONG?" I screamed as I smashed my fist against the counter.

"Two months, baby I'm sorry. I told him today was the last time. I promise."

I started laughing, "Get out of my house."

"No. This is my house too, our home."

"Actually, it's not. Get the fuck out, you fucking tramp."

She started balling as she grabbed her keys and ran out of the house to her car.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go." Her boss whispered as he tried sneaking out.

I brought my fist back, smashing it into his asshole face as hard as I could before throwing him out of the door to my house.

"Tell your wife I said hi." I yelled before slamming my door shut.

Better yet.

I googled the slime ball and found his wife's name and number, hitting the call button I walked over and grabbed a beer out of the fridge.


"Is this Scott's wife?"

"Umm... yes?"

"This is Drake Anderson, Tiffany's boyfriend... well ex actually because I just found her screwing your husband."

"What?" She whispered out.

Okay, I wished I didn't do that but on the other hand she deserved to know what kind of sleaze she was married to.

After that very awkward conversation, I drank. A lot.

Hours later I was staggering up to Drew and Jessica's house. I pounded on their door a few times, before Jess opened the door.

"Drake? What the hell happened to you?"

"Can I crash here?" I asked, before everything went black.

The sun hit my eyes, waking me up from my slumber. Where the fuck was I? Oh my God, my head. I groaned as my hand covered my eyes.

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