23- Plane ride

989 70 47

Hailey's P.O.V.

My heart sank as I looked the Mafia boss in the eyes.

Fuck my life. One big mess after the other. Was this because I didn't go to church like I should have? Was God punishing me for some reason?

"Aaron Hale? Like.... Mafia boss, Aaron Hale?"

"Ex." He responded.

I looked at him very puzzled.

"Ex as in... used to be. My son-in-law took over with my daughter."

Yeah, that didn't make me feel any better.

"Did Carlos send you after me?" I whispered.

Was I really ready to shoot at this 'Ex' mafia boss and his goon and make a run for it. Fucking hell, I already had the Mexican Cartel after me why not add the most dangerous man in the world to the list.

"Gross! No… I would never listen to a single word that maggot had to say, let alone do a favor for him. Justin sent me. Let's go."

I shook my head, "Yeah, I think I'm going to pass. Sorry for wasting your time, Mr. Hale."

I turned away, watching their reflections in the windows of the building as I walked away.

"Don't make me say it." Aaron yelled towards me.

I kept waking, I wasn't going to stick around this place. I reached for the door handle with my shaky hand and started opening the door.

"Fucking hell… Skittles." He said, calmly.

I paused and looked over at the man who claimed to be Aaron.

"What did you say?" That was Justin's code word in case he wasn't here to pick me up I knew I could trust him.

He growled this time, "Skittles. I'm not saying it again."

Both Aaron and the other guy walked towards me. I was scared but less scared now, even though the other guy had a gas can in his hand and I was expecting the worst for myself.

"Ready?" Aaron asked.

"Depends on what's happening right now?"

"We're leaving and going to the safe house."

I nodded, "Then yes."

"Good, give me your gun."

I just stared at him. I didn't want to.

"Front left of your pants, give it to me." He held out his hand and waited patiently.

I lifted my shirt up, took it out and handed it to Aaron.

"Thank you." He went in the back seat and took out my bag, plopping it down on the hood. "Any more weapons?"

"No, just bullets and my clothes. There's another gun in the trunk of the car though."

He opened my bag, and started looking through it.

"Please be careful, that dreamcatcher is very important to me."

He picked it up, looked it over closely before handing it over to me and then continued looking through the bag, taking out all the bullets.

"Good girl, honesty is key in every new relationship. You didn't lie, so my trust in you went way up. Do you want to put that back in here before we go?" He asked, pointing at the dreamcatcher.

Who was this guy?

"Yes, please." I put the dreamcatcher on top of everything in the bag before Aaron zipped up the bag and put it over his shoulder.

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