32- I'm not going anywhere

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Hailey's P.O.V.

I was snuggled up to Drake's chest as he leaned against my headboard.

We talked a lot more about Carlos, my time in Switzerland and everything else Drake had questions about. Right now we were talking about Aaron.

"Aren't you a little worried? I mean he's the Mafia King, Hails."

"I was. I know I don't have the best track record with men but Aaron literally saved my life and he helped me get back to you so I have to just trust this. Plus Justin set this whole thing up and Annie and Kevin trust him too so that has to count for something. This is strictly between you and I though. Mom and Dad obviously know but I don't want there to be any secrets between us going forward."

"Are you going to tell Jess?"

"What do you think I should do?"

"It's up to you but I wouldn't tell her unless she asks."

"Mom and Dad said that too. It's better to keep most of this to ourselves but I'm not going to lie if it's brought up."

He nodded. "Your secrets are safe with me."

I leaned in, kissing him. "Thank you."

"So, what do you say you pack a bag and you finish up the cabin trip with us?"

"Are they mad at me? I'm kind of scared about how everyone feels about me."

"Everyone loves you and seems to understand. They might have questions but they are going to love having you there with us."

"What about your parents? They're probably going to hate me."

"No, they're going to love you too."

I smiled, hoping that was true. "Okay. I'll pack my bag."

I got up and took my bag out of the closet. I threw in random things and zipped up my bag. I really wanted to go but I was exhausted and sick of traveling. I was still on Switzerland time and that didn't help either.

"I think I'm ready. Jess will love it when we get back because I'm in need for some new clothes."

"Oh she will definitely help you out with that."

Drake and I walked downstairs, hand and hand. Smiling as I reached my parents.

"Are you going to the cabin?" Dad asked.

"We are. Is that alright?"

"Yes. Have fun sweetheart." Dad leaned in, kissing my cheek.

"So everything is good between you two now?" Mom questioned.

"Everything's good. Drake and I talked and I told him everything."

"Good. I'm so happy for the both of you. I'm wondering about your money though, Hailey? Can you guys make a quick stop at a bank and open an account before you go?"

I looked over at Drake. "Yeah, that's no problem at all." He said.

"Good. I'll go get it."

A few minutes later, Mom returned. "You can use one of my purses, that way you can keep everything in there for safekeeping until you return."

"Perfect. Thank you."

I gave both of them a hug before Drake and I got in his car and left.

Drake took me to the bank in town and I opened up a savings and checking account. I kept out some cash since my credit cards wouldn't be here for a few weeks and then stopped off at a restaurant for lunch.

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