27- A decision to make

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Hailey's P.O.V.

"Ready?" I asked Zoe.

I've been working on a little dance with Zoe for the past few months that she was going to perform for everyone tonight.

Zoe would watch me in awe when I rehearsed so I asked her if she wanted to learn how to dance too.

She was thrilled and she reminded me of when I was younger and how passionate I was about dancing.

Connor was sitting on my lap on the ground outside while Annie, Kevin, Michael, Elisha and a few of their close neighbors sat around us, ready to watch Zoe.

We went all out for this. Kevin made a little dance floor, while Annie and I hung lights in the trees and I picked out a cute little dance outfit for her.

Zoe nodded with a big smile on her face, letting me know she was ready. Connor hit the play button and started the music.

Zoe waited for a few seconds like she was supposed to until the song hit a certain part and then she started dancing.

She did just like we rehearsed. She was a natural and caught on so quickly. She messed up a few parts but I just motioned for her to keep going. After she was done everyone stood up, cheering for her.

Annie had tears in her eyes as she knelt down hugging Zoe. Everyone went and congratulated her next, giving her flowers like it was a real recital.

Zoe came running up to me. I picked her up and hugged her tight. "You did such an amazing job, sweetheart."

"Thank you. That was so much fun." Kevin handed her flowers, "And these are for you." She handed me the bouquet. "For teaching me how to dance. I hope I'm as good as you are someday."

"Thank you and you will be. As long as you keep practicing." I said, giving her another big hug.


A few days later I was watching the kids because they didn't have school. We got done playing and I was getting dinner ready for everyone, when I heard Cody start barking.

Cody seldom barked. When it was neighbors or non-threatening people he was used to being around, it was a normal dog bark. This was a deep growling bark that sent chills down my spine, letting me know this person wasn't welcome.

"Zoe, sweetie. Take Connor and go to your secret hiding place."

"Hailey, I'm scared."

I gently grabbed her face and looked her in the eyes. "It's going to be alright. I'm just going to make sure everythings okay. Don't come out until I come to get you. Go!"

She grabbed Connor's hand and they both ran to hide.

I grabbed the gun Kevin told me about, loaded the clip and dialed Kevin's number.

I walked over to the front door that Cody was jumping against and peeked through the blinds of the front window but didn't see anyone.


Nothing seemed suspicious on the street either. I moved around, trying to get a good look at the driveway.


I let out a breath as I saw him getting out of a vehicle.

"Hailey? Hailey? Is everything alright?" Kevin asked, sounding worried.

"Fuck! Yes, I'm so sorry for bothering you. Cody was going crazy and I did like you told me to. It's just Aaron and the others."

"They're early. I'll be home in a few minutes. Are you okay?"

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