31- You're it for me

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Drake's P.O.V.

Everyone was silent as Hailey shut the door. My first instinct was to open the door and drag her ass back inside where she belonged, but she seemed to think I needed to think about everything I just heard.

"Drake, are you okay?" Drew asked.

"No? Yes? I don't know. She just left again." I sat down at the island, processing everything.

"Dude, you have been moping around for the past year because you love that girl. So she has a crazy ex, who doesn't. Go get her!" Shane demanded as he pointed at the door.

"You have no idea how hard it was for me not to but I also wanted to listen to her. Carlos Mendoza though?"

"Well that man was hot. I can see why she was first interested." Sara admitted.

"Sara?" Jess snapped.

Ian shook his head, "Babe, now is not the time."

"Oh my gosh, I didn't mean anything bad by it. I just meant if he was nice and he treated her well, I can see why she didn't run the other way. Drake we all saw the way you two were with each other... I'm just going to shut up because I think I'm making it worse."

I rolled my eyes. "Great a hot badass and then there's me, a normal guy that makes and sells fishing lures."

"Drake, I agree with Sara and what we all saw between the two of you last summer, that was real. Plus I saw how much she still loved you when she first showed up here today." Drew said.

Jess sighed, "And don't sell yourself short, Drake. I know Hailey better than anyone. You are a great guy and I agree, Hailey loves you. She's obviously been through a lot and I actually respect her even more for going up against a man like that. Then for her to leave so you could think about everything you just heard... nobody would do that if they didn't love them. So just take some time and think about what you want to do."

"I'm going to bed." I was done listening to everyone.

I already knew what I wanted.

The next morning I got up after a restless night of sleep and jumped in the shower. I sent Calvin a text message, asking how Hailey was and he responded back saying she wasn't able to sleep much last night.

That was enough for me.

It didn't matter what happened in Hailey's past. I was her future and I didn't need more time to figure that out because that would never change.

After I got out of the shower, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I sent Calvin a quick message letting him know I was on my way but not to tell Hailey, I wanted to surprise her.

I walked out the bedroom door and headed for the kitchen.

"You guys are up early." I said, watching Drew and Jess make breakfast as I started putting on my sandals.

"I couldn't sleep, I kept tossing and turning so I thought I'd start breakfast for everyone. Where are you going?" Jess questioned.

I looked back over at them with a smile, "I'm going to get your sister. We'll be back later tonight."

They both smiled back at me before I walked out the door.

Hailey's P.O.V.

I was up earlier than I wanted to be this morning. I woke up in a sweat again because Carlos still haunted me and I wasn't sure how to move on. Still, it wasn't the worst dream I've ever had.

Mom recommended talking to a professional but then I would have to open up my life to someone when that part of my life was erased.

I was hoping over time the dreams would go away but I wasn't holding my breath anytime soon.

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