17- Unwanted Phone Call

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Hailey's P.O.V.

Drake took my hand, bringing me back to the food.

"You guys want some? I made extra so I could make it fresh when people started getting up." I asked as I took ours off the griddle, ignoring the looks we were getting.

"I can make ours, thank you though. Go eat." Jess said.

Drake and I sat down at the island and started eating. The others started joining us as Drew and Jess kept staring at Drake and I with smiles.

"Good lord you guys, what?" Drake finally spoke.

"Did you two hook up last night?" Jess finally asked.

"You're so nosey." I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, we were all kind of wondering?" Greg said as he took a piece of bacon off my plate.

"No, now stop it." Drake lied.

I was finding this amusing, so I sat there playing along with a smile on my face.

"Liars!" Shane said, "You weren't exactly quiet."

"WHAT? You heard us?" I shrieked and my smile faded.

"Ahhh ha!" Shane pointed at me with a smug look on his face. "I knew it." Making everyone laugh.

I brought my hand up to my heart and let out a breath, hearing Drake chuckling beside me.

"You're an asshole." I teased.

"An asshole that got the truth out of you in five seconds. We're not stupid, you guys took off like maniacs upstairs."

"And you guys were awfully snuggly when we got down here..." Jess nudges my shoulder, "Dancing in the kitchen together."

"People dance, Jess. Doesn't mean anything."

"You forget dear cousin of mine, I know how much that means to you." She whispered in my ear with a knowing look.

I smiled at her comment but chose not to respond as I shoved a piece of french toast in my mouth. Not yet anyways.

"Jess, why didn't you ever introduce all of us to Hailey a long time ago?" Drake asked.

I looked at her, wondering the same thing.

"I'm not sure. Yeah, I guess in high school the only one that hung out with us when Hails was in town was Sara. I didn't plan it that way but when she came in the summers it was around the time you were up at the cabin or you guys were busy. During the holidays we spent time with family. Unfortunately it just worked out like that."

"Don't forget she met Tristan and Kyle too." Sara laughed.

Jess and I started laughing along with her, "Oh my God, I forgot about that night."

"Why? Where were we?" Drake asked.

"I'm not sure? Probably at home. Hailey, Sara and I all went out to the last Magic Mike movie." Jess turned towards Drake, "Remember you and Drew said and I quote 'We would rather be counting pennies and washing each other's hair than watching that movie with you guys'. See you could have been all over Hailey back then."

"Well damn! Why were Tristan and Kyle there?"

Sara busted out laughing, "They were actually there to see a different movie but ended up changing their minds and came to Magic Mike with us just so they could hit on Hailey."

"And?" Drake pressed.

"Are you jealous?" I teased.

"Of them? Hell no. But seriously, what happened because I'm now remembering hearing about you when we returned to school."

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