26- Hope and a miracle

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Hailey's P.O.V. (10 months later)

It's been just about a year since I've arrived in Switzerland.

The day I called and left a message with Drake's secretary, Aaron told me he had one week to call me back. That week slowly passed by without a word. I was able to convince Aaron for a few more weeks but Drake still never called and I wasn't able to convince Aaron to let me call again. Aaron took the phone and destroyed it and that was it.

I respected his decision even though it broke me because I understood why. I was just grateful he let me try the first time.

Even though my heart was hurting, I was able to eventually throw myself into work. I helped Annie out at her bakery almost everyday, working in the back making different desserts. She even let me experiment and make a few of my own things.

I went to the garage a few times too. I wasn't any help at all but I made the guys laugh at least. I offered to help with the book work and get the office organized again. This was more my thing and even though I knew nothing about cars I was still able to help this way.

Annie and Kevin tried paying me for all the work I was doing for them but I wouldn't take it. They were doing enough for me so paying me seemed ridiculous.

When I wasn't working... I was dancing. Michael bought an MP3 player and some earbuds for me so I listened to my loud music on repeat and danced. I got back into shape like I was when I danced full time. I rehearsed the dance I was supposed to perform before my parents death over and over again, switching a few things around until it was perfect.

Running was another escape. Cody and I would run every morning for an hour, sometimes Kevin and Annie would join. My nightmares weren't terrible but they were still there. The fresh air and silence was perfect and what I needed every morning to clear my head.

Aaron only stayed for a couple weeks before he headed back to the states. I had gotten to know him and he wasn't at all what I had expected, but then I remembered Carlos was different around me also. I've never seen Carlos do anything nice for anyone, except for me. Aaron was literally moving heaven and earth to protect me, a complete stranger from a mad man.

Amy and Justin went back with Aaron also. They had this case to work on and Carlos figured they would be with me, protecting me. It was less easy to find me this way.

The holidays were hard on me. I was quiet and felt out of place. I was being silly because they've never made me not feel welcome.

They even got me out of the house a few times when I wasn't working. They took me skiing, which I also found myself enjoying. I had a ski mask on so anyone visiting from the states would have a hard time recognizing me. To everyone here that Annie or the others introduced me to, I was Annie's cousin, visiting for a while.

I knew why Annie and her family loved it here. It was the same reasons why I've always wanted to visit.

The longer I was here the more Annie and I opened up to one another about our lives. There were literally a handful of people that knew about Annie's new identity outside her little family and she chose to share it with me also. She understood me and it made it easier to cope. At least I had help when I left Carlos, she was alone for a long time before Kevin came into her life.

Even though our situations are different, it still gave me hope that Drake was waiting for me. That Drake didn't give up and we still might have a chance.

Drake's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the bar with Drew and Shane. I didn't want to be here but they dragged me out anyway.

I haven't been the greatest friend this past year. I missed Hailey and everyone knew it.

After Hailey left it was hard but as the time slowly kept passing with no call it got even harder. I didn't understand why she didn't call or let me know why she wasn't coming to Michigan. Hell Jess didn't even know where she was. If she changed her mind about Michigan, fine. The least she could do was tell someone.

I had a feeling something was wrong though and Jess seemed to think so too. I even tried tracking Hailey down in Texas with no luck. It showed her last known address in Chicago and not knowing Carlos' last name was pretty much impossible to track her.

Drew, Jess and I went to Chicago too. Jess knew some of Hailey's friends there but that again led nowhere because they hadn't heard from her either.

Shane was walking back to our table with two girls he picked up at the bar when he got another drink. As much as everyone loved Hailey, they were trying to get me to move on, even Jess... but I wasn't having it. How could I?

"Hey, these are my friends, Drew and Drake. Boys, this is Candy and Jasmine."

Oh good lord. I rolled my eyes as I looked over at the girls.

"Hey." Jasmine said as she sat down, resting her hand down on my knee.

"Okay. Nope." I grabbed her hand and gently removed it from my leg. "I don't know what this idiot told you but I have a girl."

"Oh. Well we can still talk, right?"

"Sure." I said, as I took a sip from my beer.

Her body language told me she wasn't in the mood to just talk.

After about an hour of listening, I was done. I wasn't even a little bit interested and pissed off Shane did this to me.

"Alright, I think I'm going to head out."

I went to get up but this chick stopped me. "Can you give me a ride home?"

"No! I'll call you a cab."

Shane groaned. "I think you girls better go. I'm going home with my boys tonight."

"Seriously?" Candy whined.

"Yep. Have a good night, ladies."

They both stormed off, clearly pissed they wasted their time over here.

"Screw you, Shane."

"Dude, I'm sorry. I thought they were cute and maybe just maybe Jasmine could get you over-"

I glared over at him, "Don't!"

"You don't even want to go to the cabin this year. Bro, this is serious. I like Hailey, I really do but I'm pissed at her for what she did to you. She's not coming back."

"And what if she does?" I snapped back.

He didn't answer. He leaned back and let out a breath. "I'm sorry."

"I know you mean well, you all do but let me do this on my own. Please?"

Drew and Shane both nodded.

"If you all can do that then... I'll rethink the cabin this year."

"Really?" They both asked, excitedly.

"Yeah. I originally didn't want to go because I thought it would be too hard but maybe that's what I need to let her go?"

Drew sighed, "I'm sorry. I'm still hoping she comes back from wherever the hell it is that she's been... and if she does, she better have one hell of an excuse."

I nodded, agreeing with him. I stared down at my phone. It was a picture I took of Hailey and I in the lighthouse together that I had set as my home screen. I was looking at the camera while she snuggled in and kissed my cheek.

This always relaxed me and made me smile. I know what we have is real and I was praying for a miracle right now.

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