18- Scared

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Drake's P.O.V.

I was in heaven. I have never been so excited to get back to another person before.

The guys and I took the boat and docked it so we could get a few things in town. Condoms were a must. I had already taken a bunch from the other guys since I came here unprepared.

Now, we were out on the water fishing and I still couldn't stop thinking about her. If it was up to me, Hailey would have come out here with us but I knew Jess needed some cousin time too.

Hailey was amazing in every way and she was so easy to talk to. The fact that she was moving to Michigan after she got this thing she needed to take care of done, had me jumping for joy. I'm not sure how it would have worked long distance but I'm glad I didn't have to find out.

"Dude… stop smiling." Greg teased.

"What?" I questioned, looking over at the guys who were all staring back at me.

"What? You know what... You're in love, it's disgusting."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I think I am. Is that crazy?"

"Yes!" I heard them all say.

"It's been what, eight days?" Shane questioned. "It's not even possible."

Was it possible? I think it was.

"I know we tease you but who says you can't be in love yet. Have you ever felt like this before because I have never seen you like this." Drew says as he casts out again.

"No, I haven't. Look how long it took me to ask Tiffany to move in with me. We were dating for eight months. These feelings for Hailey are intense… Like I'd ask Hailey to move in today."

They all looked at me like I was insane, even Drew.

"I'm not going to. Relax. I'm just saying, in all my past relationships it's never been like this."

Drew smiled at me, "Well I'm happy for you, Drake. We all like Hailey and the way Jess talks, Hailey is crazy about you too."

"Is Hailey still moving to Michigan?" Greg asked.

I smiled, making the guys laugh at me again. "She is. She said it might be a couple weeks because she has to do something first."

"Has she said what it is yet?" Drew asked. "It really bothers Jess that Hailey won't talk to her about it. I mean I get it, they talk about everything."

I shook my head. "No, and she hasn't told me either. I don't want to push her but I have this feeling it has something to do with her ex."

"Me too." Drew agreed.

The guys and I docked the boat and headed to the fishhouse to clean the fish before heading up to the cabin.

The girls were all in the kitchen, laughing when we walked in and I could tell they'd been drinking.

"Are you guys drunk?" Shane asked as we all looked upon the giggling girls.

"No!" Jess laughed as she nuzzled into Hailey.

"Yes, well I'm not, but they are." Hailey corrected, as she laughed as she pointed at the girls. "We went over some dance moves today. You boys are in for a treat if your girls don't pass out tonight."

Jess stood up and went over to Drew. I leaned in, kissing Hailey. She wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss as she stood up.

"I love kissing you, but you smell like fish." She whispered against my lips.

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