22- Leaving

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Hailey's P.O.V.

I laid in bed, the moonlight shining in just enough so I could see Drake. I stared at the wonderful man beside me, praying that I didn't have to go... but I did. I needed to make sure Carlos was put away so I could move on with my life.

I wiped the tears from my face, giving Drake one last kiss before I got up out of bed and got dressed.

I put the letter I wrote to him next to his phone, grabbed my bag and walked to the door, opening it as quietly as possible.

I turned around one last time, "I love you." I whispered before turning back around and shut the door as quietly as possible behind me.

Tears were streaming down my face as I walked upstairs. I couldn't stop them, as hard as I tried. I thought this would be easier, leaving when they slept so we didn't have the hard goodbyes but it wasn't.

I placed Jessica's letter on the island with the coffee cake I made everyone for breakfast and headed out the door before I changed my mind and headed over to my car.

The further I walked away, the harder I cried. I couldn't wait for this mess to be over with and prayed to God I made it out of this mess alive.

I went to unlock the door but stopped as I reached for the door handle, remembering Carlos likes to blow them up.

I backed away before unlocking the car and hit the remote started button.


I placed my bag in the backseat and grabbed a flashlight out of the trunk. I got down on my knees and checked underneath the car for anything that looked cut or not supposed to be there. Everything looked fine though, again I was just being overly cautious.

I got in, taking one last look at the cabin before driving off.

I drove three hours straight to the Ohio/Michigan border. Pulling into a rest area, I parked the car.

I was a little early, I put the gun in my waistband before getting out to use the bathroom. I bought a few snacks from the vending machine and a tea before getting back into my car.

I sat there eating until the clock said 6am. This was it. I flipped up the red switch to the GPS trackers and waited for Justin to get a hold of me.

Ten minutes had passed before my phone buzzed.

Justin- Drive to Toledo, Ohio. I'll be there at 8am.

The next message was an address to a hotel and instructions to park out back by the dumpsters.

Drake's P.O.V.

I yawned as I reached over to grab a hold of Hailey, but she wasn't here.


I got up quickly and put on a pair of sweats. Opening the door, I went over to the window and looked out to see that Hailey's car was already gone.

"Shit!" I was really hoping to see her before she left.

I walked back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. Grabbing my phone, I noticed an envelope with my name on it. I grabbed and opened it...

I don't even know where to start with this. You are the most amazing man I've ever met and I wished I didn't have to go away right now. In a perfect world, I'd be waking up in your arms and leaving with you on Saturday... but it's not. I got mixed up
in something and I have to fix it before we can be together. I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you about everything but I promise you, the next time I see you I will be able to be completely honest with you and tell you everything you want to know. I love you so much, Drake and I will do everything possible to make it back to you.

Love, Hailey

I wiped the tears from my eyes and re-read her letter to me. I already missed her and hated that I wasn't able to help her in whatever trouble she was in.

All I knew was no matter how long it took, I'd wait for her.

A few hours later I walked upstairs where everyone was crowded around Jess as she cried.

"What happened?"

Jess held up a piece of paper. "She wrote me a letter." She cried out.

I walked up to her and gave her a hug. "I got one too, Jess."

She sat up, noticing the tears in my eyes too. "You did?"

I nodded.

"Her car isn't here anymore either," Jess looked down at her letter. "It sounds like she's going to die and I'm never going to see her again. We have to find her Drake."

Hailey's P.O.V.

I finished my snack at the rest area and closed my eyes for a little bit since Toledo wasn't that far away.

Time had passed quickly and before I knew it I had a half hour left before I met Justin. I started the car again and followed the GPS directions to the address Justin had given me.

When I got to the address, it wasn't a hotel. It was a run down warehouse that looked like bad things would probably happen at.

I was having a very bad feeling about this. A whole bunch of thoughts ran through my mind as I stared at the only other car back here with me. A black SUV along with two men I didn't recognize leaning up against the hood, motioning for me to get out.


I put the gun back in my waist band again and slowly got out of the car, watching the two men very carefully as I walked forward.

I stopped a little ways back and stood there, noticing two more men in the front seat of the SUV as I looked between the two men standing in front of me.

One finally spoke, "Hailey Thompson, it's nice to finally meet you."

"Where's Justin?"

"At the safehouse, waiting for you. He sent me to come get you."

"Why isn't he here?"

"He would have been, had you not hung up on him."

I rolled my eyes, I didn't trust this man or his friends. Everything about this situation told me to run away. I took a few steps backwards, the one man's face held a stone cold look while the one talking, tilted his head to the side a little with a smirk.

"What's your name?" I asked, buying time until I figured out how to get out of this situation.

His smirk widened into a full smile before he answered...

"Aaron Hale."

***Eeee! Aaron's back 😍***

For those that haven't read my books 'The Mafia Princess' or 'At All Cost' Aaron is a character from those books. A few more characters showing up soon. ☺️

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