24- The Safehouse

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Hailey's P.O.V.

I was actually able to get some sleep on the plane. I ended up closing my eyes just because I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I was worn out and my body apparently needed it because when I woke up, my body felt better.

My heart… not so much.

We made one stop along the way to fill up with gas before taking off again towards our destination.

The plane landed and we slept for a few more hours since Switzerland was six hours ahead of the normal time we were used to and Aaron looked exhausted. I used this time to go to the bathroom and freshened up a little before returning to my seat.

I was still sitting in my seat on the plane, waiting for instructions before I stood up.

"Alright, Hailey." Nico handed me the hat and sunglasses again. "You know the drill."

"Still? There's like what... 6,000ish miles between Mexico and Switzerland not to mention a lot of water…" I stopped myself. Why would I ever doubt Carlos, who's on a mission. "Nevermind."

Nico smiled and stood there waiting for me.

After I put it on, Nico placed his hand on my back, guiding me over to Aaron.

"Follow me." Aaron instructed as he walked out the door of the plane.

I noticed there weren't a lot of people at this small, semi private airport and a few black SUVs near the plane we are now exiting. After reaching the ground, Aaron paused, waiting for me to catch up. I naturally wrapped my hand around Aaron's forearm as I got to his side. Nico stood close on the other side of me and Aaron's little entourage surrounded us again as we walked forward. Reaching the SUV someone opened the door, helping me in the vehicle before shutting the door behind us and got in the front seat with Silas.

Nico and a few other men Aaron told me were guards put my bag and a few others in the very back before getting in.

"I suppose all of this isn't too different then it was with Carlos?" Aaron questioned as the driver took off.

"No. Not really. So what's the plan once we get to wherever it is that we're going?"

"We sit tight. Justin and Amy are at the safe house with the others. We should be there shortly."



He wasn't giving up much information but apparently I'd be finding out what's happening shortly.

A little while later, the other SUV turned off while we continued to drive, confusing me. "Where are they going?"

"A hotel."


"Not enough room but still close enough if we need them."

I nodded as I sat back again, looking out the window as we drove to the safe house.

Switzerland was a beautiful place. The tall mountains, the gorgeous lakes and the adorable little village looking towns. I've always wanted to vacation here but never got around to it. Unfortunately it took this whole situation to bring me here and I knew I still wasn't going to fully enjoy my stay here.

About forty minutes later, we pulled onto a street that was in a quiet little neighborhood before finally pulling into a driveway.

The house was adorable. It was a two story older looking house that was beautifully kept up with a fenced in backyard with a large swing set I had noticed when we pulled up.

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