29- Welcome to Michigan

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Hailey's P.O.V.

"It was... Carlos."

I couldn't lie. I looked over at Justin and Amy, who both smiled back at me.

"Then what happened."

"I couldn't move. I've never witnessed anything like that before. It took me a few moments to actually process what had just happened. When I snapped out of the daze I was in, I tried going over to him but Carlos stopped me."

"Why?" The lawyer questioned.

"Carlos told me not to touch Marcos so my DNA wasn't on his body. I wouldn't have been able to help him anyways because Marcos was already dead."

I looked over at President Rodriguez with tears in my eyes, "I'm so sorry I couldn't help him."

He nodded, letting me know he knew I was truly sorry.

Carlos looked pissed as he stared back at me, clenching his jaw. His lawyer stood up and walked forward. "So why didn't you come forward right away? Why wait?"

"Objection. You're supposed to say by your client, Mr. Perez."

He walked back over to Carlos. "I still want to know. Why did you wait?"

"Carlos calmed me down. I'm not proud of it but I was very confused. In the world I was living in, it's not like I could just run to someone with this, who was I going to trust?"

"And you loved him, probably wanted to keep him safe."

"I did love him."

Both lawyers asked me a few more questions and I answered them honestly.

"Ms. Thompson, I only have a few more questions about Carlos." Carlos' lawyer said and he folded his arms.

"Did Carlos ever hurt you in any way?"

You mean… by killing my parents? I looked over at Carlos who continued to stare back at me.

"No. He was always gentle and kind to me."

"Seems weird, a man that has this horrible reputation everyone talks about could be gentle and kind, Ms. Thompson. Carlos' kill that night was self defense, you know this. You took an oath here today to tell the truth, the whole truth… but you sat there and lied." He turned towards the Jury, "Everything Ms. Thompson said about why Marcos was there that night was the truth, my client doesn't deny that... but she left out the part where Marcos threatened Carlos for more money and when Carlos wouldn't pay, Marcos pulled a gun. What was Carlos to do? He loves Hailey more than life itself. He was protecting her."

Carlos' lawyer looked back at me with a smirk. "No further questions."

The prosecuting lawyer shook his head. "Ms. Thompson, is that true? Did Marcos have a gun and did he try shooting either of you that night?"

"No, he did not."

"Thank you." She turned towards the Jury next. "Carlos Mendoza is a bad man. People are terrified of this man and yes, Mr. Perez is right… Hailey fell in love with him and he used that to keep her quiet. I don't doubt he didn't love her too but the moment she decided to help the FBI and get justice for Marcos, he tried killing her. Does everyone remember this past year? He's going to keep me busy for a while getting justice for the rest he's killed, trying to get to this trial today. Marcos and his family need justice and Carlos needs to be locked up where he belongs so he can't hurt anyone else." She went and sat back down in her chair.

"You can take a seat now, Ms. Thompson." The Judge said.

I stood up, Carlos followed me as Sergeant Frost led me to the benches and we sat next to Justin.

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