34- Skittles

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Hailey's P.O.V. (1 month later)

Over the last month, Drake and I spent a lot of our time together and he finally convinced me to move in with him after Drew and Jessica's wedding. I was spending most of my nights with him anyways and I really just wanted to get settled in somewhere and his place was exactly where I wanted to be.

Drake introduced me to his parents and some of his family as soon as we got back from the cabin. His family was very nice and welcomed me into their family. I was very open and honest with his parents about why I was away for over a year. Even though they didn't know everything, they knew enough and Drake had explained I had a new identity that I needed to keep.

As for work... Drake offered me a job as his new secretary. His mom had taken over after Drake let his other one go but his mom was busy too since she still had a full time job and I needed one. Plus I loved this type of stuff and I was good at it. I lightened Drew's load up too, which gave him time to do other stuff around the warehouse.

I called and talked to Justin and Amy a few weeks ago and gave them my new number. They started dating right after the trail was over, which I was thrilled about. They both left the FBI and moved back to New York together. We are planning to get together soon so they can meet Drake.

I helped Jess with her last minute wedding things and was fitted for the dress they had  ordered for me. Luckily Jess and I were around the same size so not much needed to be altered.

As I stood there, watching my best friend marry Drew, the man that made her the happiest I've ever seen her... I couldn't help but look over at Drake, knowing I now had that too. He was looking at me too with his deviously handsome grin as the ceremony went on, making me smile and no doubt blush a little.

I loved every inch of that man and I know my parents were looking down on me, happy I found the man that made me truly happy.

My heart ached for a moment at the thought of them never getting to meet each other. Even though they were no longer with me, I knew they were in spirit.

After the wedding, we all headed to the hotel where the reception was going to be held.

We all ate and the dance was about to start, which meant it was speech time.

Drake went first and of course he was funny and made everyone laugh the entire time until the end where it was more serious.

Drake handed me the mic next. It didn't take me long to come up with a speech, I had written it down but I didn't even need to look at it.

I looked over at my sister and her new husband. I started talking about growing up with Jessica and led up to her talking to me about Drew.

"I see the way you are together and I'm so happy I get to share this special day with you. I love you both and wish you nothing but happiness."

I lifted my drink. "Cheers."

The night started winding down, I was dancing with Drake's Dad. He kissed my cheek and spun me out and handed me over to Drake.

"I'm going to take your Mother home, Drake. You two have a good night."

"Night, Dad."

Drake pulled me into his chest. "He likes you."

"I like him too. Both of your parents are great."

He started kissing me. "I think I'm ready to take you to bed."

"Hmm, that sounds like a really good idea Mr. Anderson."

"God, I love you." He kissed me one more time before we headed over to say goodnight to Drew and Jessica and my parents.

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