Imaginary Friend

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"Wake up your Majesty!" The maid said formally.
The prince groaned and rolled over and whined. "Give me five more minutes."
"I am sorry Your Majesty, but it is time for breakfast" The maid stated.
The prince wanted to argue but knew he had to attend breakfast with his family. He waved at the maid and dismissed her so he could get started for the day. Standing up, he trips on his steps over to his wardrobe, and opens it as if he were angry at it. He looked at the wardrobe and decided that he would wear a cream colored tie up blouse tucked into a pair of loose brown pants tucked into thigh high black boots. He rubbed the sleepiness out of his big brown eyes and straightened his curly black hair. He made sure to fix his posture before exiting his room.
He walked groggily down the long hallways down to the dining room where the rest of his family was located. The hallway was long, with a red velvet carpet. There was a window every 10 feet. The sun was shining through the window in beams to which you could see the dust particles in the air. On the wall, there were candles which would be lit at night. There were many maids walking up and down the hall tending to their duties of taking care of the castle.
Ater about a minute of walking, the prince walked through a large oak door on the right of the hallway. He walks in to see his family sitting at the table. His the king at the end of the table and the queen right next to him on the left side. On the right side were his two little sisters.
"Good morning Elijah, late again I see." the king chuckles. Obviously he wasn't strict with his family.
"Sorry father, I stayed up a little late last night", he admits, with a straight face. Obviously he was still too tired to function correctly.
"Don't stay up, you have a lot to attend to in recent times. You are gonna be king soon, so you must get your beauty sleep." His mother teased.
As they talked, their breakfast was brought out to them. Fluffy golden brown Belgian waffles coated in sticky syrup and a light dusting of powdered sugar. Next to it was an assortment of many different berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and grapes. Served with that was a tall glass of the finest glass of spring water in the kingdom. Morning conversations with his family are usually one of the highlights of his day to day life. Talking about the kingdom, cracking jokes, listening to each other. They are the ideal perfect royal family for their kingdom Pierelia.
After eating breakfast with his family, Elijah headed back to his room to continue his studies. Unlike how people might think what it's like being a prince, it's actually quite boring and stressful. Elijah doesn't even have friends because he is too busy to make any. Making his way back to his room, he opens the door to see someone crawling through his window.
The intruder has wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She has very few freckles scattered across her nose. She seemed to be wearing a cream colored blouse as well with a brown corset around her waist, tall brown boots that seemed to be a bit worn down, her hands wrapped in bandages as to prevent them from rubbing on anything,a dagger on her left thigh which was a small silver dagger with a red handle with black vines on it and the initials AK on it, she wasn't skinny but was by no means fat, and she had a brown hat on that seemed to look like a pirates hat.
She sat there with wide eyes, realizing that she had just been caught by the prince himself. She really should have studied the rooms of the castle better. The prince looked at her without a worry, waved and went and sat down to start his studies. The mystery girl seemed confused that the prince hadn't called the guards on her yet.
"Um, Hello?" The mystery girl asked, confused.
"Hello" The prince said plainly.
"So, aren't you gonna call the guards on me?" She asked
"No" the prince said
"You aren't worried in the slightest that some random person was just climbing through your window?" She said now more confused than shocked.
"No" The prince still stated with no ounce of any emotion in his voice.
The mystery girl ended up just climbing into the room. She just kinda stood there and then decided to sit on the prince's bed which was sitting right behind the prince's desk. He didn't seem to mind.
"Prince Elijah right?" The mystery girl asked.
"Yes, that is me." He stared at his paper now coated with pigmented black ink, blankly.
Trying to start up a proper conversation with the prince because he was somehow comfortable with her in the room with him.
"So what's it like being a prince? Is it nice? I bet you have such an exciting life and you will become king in the future" now getting the prince's attention.
The prince then turns away from his paper which he was writing on and turns to make eye contact with the mystery girl.
"Well, that's a little bit of a difficult question to answer. Most people think it's a life of luxury and in some ways it is. It is honestly boring" The mystery girl looks at him confused and motions to him to keep going with his story. "All I'm told to do is study and be a good influence on the people who live here. I don't have any friends either.".
Looking at the prince with a look of sympathy, "I know I just met you and we are of different statuses and I may have broken into the castle. I feel like I could be your friend.".
The prince went from a blank stare to a look of pure excitement. Have never even met this person in his life, he still wanted a friend even if they might be a thief. Being overly excited, he immediately agreed to being friends with the girl. She smiled with a look of content.
They talked for what felt like forever. They got along well and she was a very easy person to talk to. She notices the sun going down and the prince notices he is going to be called down for dinner any minute, so she decides to head off
"Goodbye my prince!" she says with a sweet smile climbing out the window.
"Please, call me Elijah" He says with a big grin plastered onto his face.
"Already on a first name basis?" She teases making the prince chuckle.
As she was halfway down the wall from the second floor of the castle, Elijah hurrys to the window.
"Could you come again tomorrow?" He yelled loud enough for her to hear.
She nods continuing down the cobblestone walls and hears Elijah yell one more thing at her.
"What is your name?"
She doesn't feel like giving him that answer yet so she looks up and says...
"My name is Ahknrty".
She then bids him farewell agreeing to come back again the next day. Elijah watches as she climbs all the way down the castle walls and then runs into the forest located to the southern wing of the castle. Was this what it was like to have a friend? This was only what Elijah could imagine, and he loved the feeling.
While looking out the window, as soon as he sees her disappear into the forest he hears a knock on his door. It was his personal maid.
"Your majesty, dinner is ready! Your family is waiting for you!"
Coming out of his room, he makes his way down the long hallway to the dining room to see his family. Unlike this morning, he was practically skipping in the hallways. The maids walking down the hallway were confused, but they weren't against it. They just hadn't ever seen the prince this happy. Whenever he walks, he has perfect posture and walks heel to toe down the hallways with his nose in the air, no emotion in his face. Making his way to the dining room, he happily walks in and sits in the velvet chair next to his mother practically falling out of it. Unlike how he'd usually be bitter about it, now he actually laughed it off. His mom giggled.
"Well, you are in a good mood! What's got you so worked up?"The queen looked up at her son.
Remembering that he can't actually tell his family what happened, he makes the excuse...
"I just am really passionate about my studies and the thought of being king.".
The king nodded in response to his child's answer. He was hoping that Elijah would be interested and was happy to think that he was.
Dinner was finally served. They were served wagyu steak cooked to perfection, roasted potatoes, broccoli and a piece of fresh bread.
Returning to his room after having a luxury meal with his family, he made his way to his room to prepare for bed. As his mother said, he needs his beauty sleep. After brushing his teeth, washing his face and moisturising. Laying down and blowing the little flame of candle next to his bed out. All he could dream about was what was to come the next day.
The next morning, his personal maid wakes him up yet again. He now puts on an olive colored blouse tucked into a pair of black pants, he wore shorter boots than the day before and he wore a luxurious leather belt with a golden buckle.
After breakfast he decided to bring some leftovers to his room for his new friend. As soon as he opened the door, she sat in his window.
"Well look who it is! I thought you would never show up!." She joked.
"Not in a million years!" He chuckled "Look! I brought you something!". What was on the plate was a stack of french toast covered in butter and sticky syrup, with a side of strawberries and a glass of apple cider. She looked shell shocked.
"You brought me breakfast?" Ahknrty asked in disbelief.
"Of course, you're my friend right? This is the least I could do for you" He said with the biggest grin on his face, knowing that she is poor and probably doesn't eat alot and when she does, she probably just eats bread.
"You didn't have to do that! I need to give you something in return. What can I do for you?" She demanded.
Still smiling, Elijah says "You don't have to give me anything.".
Still shocked, Ahknrty gave him a big hug, she'd never been cared for much in her life. This was a new experience for her. Elijah then realising what was happening, hugged her back, not used to physical contact from people outside of his family, but it seemed fine here, things were great.

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