Only For You

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It all started ten years ago...

Once upon a time lived a little village boy named Christian. Christian Allen. He was living the best life he ever could. Or... Well so he thought. He may not have had the best life at home, but he knows that he would always have his true love. This is how it all started.
Christian was never really allowed out of the house, but the village festival was today so he just couldn't miss out on it. He loved to dance and greet all the townsfolk. He loved going to all the little stands greeting all the workers, buying things with the little amount of coins he saved up to buy individual fruits and baked goods. He was loved by everyone he came in contact with in the village.
Christian had a beautiful dark tan he had developed from working on his family's farm. He had coal black hair that looked as soft as the fur on a chinchilla and as shiny as a silver coin. He had a jawline sharp enough to cut a piece of steel and dark mysterious eyes that no one could quite figure out what they said. It could be told that he had a kind heart and would protect the will of others.
The child with the beautiful dark skin made his way to a little stand full of pastries, run by a small woman and her husband who looked like a mountain. He stood, admiring the pastries when he felt himself get tackled by a force. A force strong enough to make him lose his balance but not quite make him fall. He looked down at the figure.
"Big brother!" a small child yelled happily, looking up at him in admiration. A big smile on her face. Christian laughed, hugging the little girl.
"Hello Meggy. Nice to see you!" Christan assured, using a silly nickname he had given her.
"I haven't seen you in so long!" Meg explained.
"Meggy, I saw you last week silly!" he said, ruffling the hair on the top of her head, making the child giggle a bit.
"Big brother! Guess how old I am?!" She asked, excitedly.
"How old are you?" Christian asked with a smile.
"I am ten! I'm finally a big kid now!" Meg claimed
"Really?!" Christian said excitedly even though he already knew. "You've gotten so big now!" he said with a sweet smile, picking her up and spinning her around, her laughing loudly as he did, catching the attention of the people who were running the stand.
"What's going on out here?" a tiny woman said, walking out from the stand. She stood there noticing who was there and walked up to the children.
"Hello Christian!" Madam Elanor spoke, walking up to Christian.
"Good morning Mother!" Christian exclaimed.
"You get more handsome everyday!" Madam Elanor exclaimed, making the child chuckle.
Mr. Salis walked out as well.
"Good morning father!" Christian spoke, making eye contact with Mr. Salis.
"Amor, do you have to adopt every child you come across?" Mr. Salis said, walking up to the small woman.
"Oh come on now. Look at them!" Madam Elanor said, hugging both of the children and then pinching Christians cheeks.
Mr. Salis sighed. He knew that she wanted to have children but she was physically incapable. Even though she knew Meg and Christian weren't her children, she knew they needed a parental figure in their life and she wanted to provide. Plus, she liked being called mom.
"Hey, can I go to the festival now Mommy?" Meg asked.
"Not yet, wait for your friend Tammy to show up. I don't want you going out on your own." Madam Elanor said, bending down to make direct eye contact with Meg, making her groan.
"Fine." Meg whined, walking back into the back of the bakery.
"Here is some extra money Christian. Go have fun. Madam Elanor said, pulling a small bag of coins out of her pocket and handing it to Christian in which he put it in the brown, leather satchel he had been carrying around. He reached out and gave her a hug.
"I love you." he said, muttering it into her chest.
"I love you too, my child. Now go. Have fun!" Madam Elanor said, ushering her self adopted son away to the festival.
Christian skipped away, jumping over every crack that was placed along the floor. He basked in the summer sun as he heard a familiar sound. A beautiful sound even.He turned around and saw a crowd. Dancing. He immediately ran towards the music and joined the crowd of the dancers. He was immediately pulled in. He was passed round and round, laughing as he was tossed from partner to partner until he tripped on someone else's foot. Christian braced for impact in which he would hit the ground but when he felt something catch him. He slowly looked up at what did or more so. Who did.
Christian looked up to see a person with shiny blonde hair that framed their face. They had beautiful emerald green eyes that showed a trace of concern for him. They had soft skin that glowed in the summer sun. They pulled Christian upwards. Christian just stood there, mind gone blank by the stranger who stood in front of him.
"Hey. You okay?" the stranger snapped in front of Christian face, trying to get his attention in which Christian didn't respond. His voice was as smooth as silk, and he spoke in a way that could be described as a calm river in the middle of the night.His french accent was mesmerizing. It was nothing Christian has ever heard before. He just kept gawking at the stranger in front of him.
"Here, let's get you out of here.". The stranger said, carefully pulling Christian out of the group of dancing people and onto a bench.
Christian and the stranger sat down on a small wooden bench. A little bench big enough just for the both of them.
Christian was still stund.
"Hello?" the stranger waved in front of Christian, making sure to get his full attention.
"Oh! H-hello! How are y-you!" Christian stuttered at the person in front of him. "What is your name?". Charlie giggled at Christians little stammer.
"Charlie. Charlie Betterman.". Charlie said.
Christian just kept looking into Charlie's eyes. He could just get lost in his eyes for hours on end. But why would he? What was happening? Why was he feeling like... This? It felt like love at first sight.
Christian might have found his soulmate.
How did he know? He saw it in Charlie's smile. In his eyes. It was just a feeling. Met by chance.
"Is your ankle okay?" Charlie asked.
"My ankle?" Christian asked.
"Yes, that's what I just said." Charlie stated in a snarky tone towards Christian.
And Christian admired it.
"When I caught you, it looked like you twisted it.". Charlie said, motioning down to it. Christian just looked at his ankle. He bent down to touch it. When he touched it he winced slightly. He didn't realize he twisted it.
"I guess I did." Christian awkwardly laughed at his own remark.
"Do you think you could stay here for a second?" Charlie asked.
"Um... Sure?" Christian said, Charlie then nodding at the remark. Christian watched as he ran off, disappearing into a crowd.
Christian waited for about ten minutes. Patiently. Just when Christian thought Charlie wouldn't return he saw him running through the crowd back to him.
"Sorry! It took a little to find." Charlie huffed, out of breath. Charlie held up a roll of medical wrap. Charlie kneeled on the ground in front of Christian.
"Hand me your foot." Charlie said, motioning for Christian to put his foot onto his knee. Christian complied. Charlie took his foot and started inspecting it.
"So. There is a little swelling, but that isn't something that can't be taken care of." Charlie said, taking the wrap and wrapping it around the slightly swollen ankle.
"Question Christian." Charlie asked.
"Yes?" Christian shot back.
"Why aren't you wearing shoes?"
"Oh. My parents... I... I don't own shoes."
"Don't worry about it." Christian chuckled, making eye contact with Charlie and then quickly looking away.
"So. What do you do around the village?" Christian asked.
"Well. I help my parents run a little stand." Charlie admitted.
"What do you guys sell?" Christian asked.
"Mainly clothing and accessories" Charlie said, standing up and then sitting down next to the raven haired male.
"I'll have to stop by sometime." Christian said with a smile, looking away.
"I would like that." Said Charlie, making Christians face to turn into a light shade of pink.
"Would you like to stop by right now?" Charlie asked.
Christain blushed a little more at that statement. Yes, it was going a little fast but he didn't mind at all. Christian nodded and then Charlie grabbed his hand and led him to where his parent's shop was. Christian didn't even realize his ankle was hurting due to his daydreaming of Charlie. He didn't even realize when they got there. Charlie waved in front of his face again to get his attention.
"Hey! We're here!" Charlie exclaimed, bringing Christian back to the real world. Charlie snickered.
"You really need to work on your attention span." said Charlie, letting go of Christians hand, Christian missing the soft touch of Charlie's small hands already.
"We are here! Follow me!" Charlie said, walking into the back of his parent's stand.
"Mère!"(Mother in french) Charlie yelled
"Yes Charlie?" his mother called to him.
"This is Christian. He doesn't own a pair of shoes." he said, making Christian feel slightly embarrassed. "Could we fit him for a pair of shoes?"
"Of course Charlie." His mother called out. "Bring him to the back!".
Charlie brought Christian to the back of the stand to encounter Charlie's mother.
"So Charlie. Who is this?" his mother asked.
"This is Christian! I met him while we were dancing. He said that he doesn't own a pair of shoes." Charlie explained.
"And what happened here?" Charlie's mother pointed down to Christians ankle.
"Oh! That. He tripped and twisted his ankle while dancing." Charlie elaborated.
"Oh poor thing." Said Charlie's mother. She then looked at Christian and beckoned for him to come her way.
"Come here child. I promise I will not bite!" She said, pulling up a chair and having him sit in it.
"So you are Christian?" she asked.
"Y-yes." Christian said shyly.
"No need to be shy. I am here to help you. Let me get you fitted for a pair of shoes." the woman said. Christian nodded at the statement. Charlie's mother realized she left the measuring tape near the front of the stand.
"Hey le Fils (Son in french). Could you please fetch me the measuring tape from the front of the stand?" she asked.
"On it!" said Charlie, running to the front of the stand.
"So Christian, where are you from?" she asked.
"Um..." he paused. "I am from the village. I've been born and raised here."
"How are your parents?" she asked. Christian was speechless.
"Do you not like talking about them darling?" she asked in which Christian nodded in agreement.
"I want you to know. My name is Theodosia Betterman. You can just call me Ms. Betterman." she said with a smile. Charlie came back in with the measuring tape in his hand and handed it to his mother. His mother then took the tape and measured both his feet and took note and went to look at a shelf of shoes. Charlie pulled up another chair and sat down next to Christian.
"Hey, I wanna go out again once you get your shoes. Would you want to come with me?" Charlie offered.
"R-really?" Christian asked in excitement.
"Only if you would like too..." Charlie looked down with a small blush on his face that Christian happened to barely catch in the heat of the moment.
"I'd love to." Christian said, putting his hand over his shoulders. Soon enough Ms. Betterman returned with a pair of sandals.
The sandals were hand crafted and were made of leather and akder soles. They would ride up Christians thighs just a little. Dark enough to show over his tanned skin but light enough that they wouldn't be too overbearing.
"Try these on." Ms. Betterman said having him put on one while she helped with the other foot since it was injured. Once they were on she took a second to admire them.
"Try and walk around in them." she said, Charlie helping him up so he could walk around. He walked around and was shocked.
"They should be tight enough to be comfortable but should be loose enough for your ankle and so they do not cut off the circulation of your feet." she explained.
"These... These feel so weird!" He said, looking down at his feet, admirring the shoes.
"My mother has a talent of getting shoes and clothing sizes right the first time." Charlie said, his mother making her way over to him and patted his back and smiled.
"How much will these be?" Christian said, pulling out the small cloth bag of coins and started to open it when Ms. Betterman walked over to him and put her hands over his which were on the bag and looked at him with kind eyes.
"It's on the house. Don't worry about it." she said.
"Are you sure Ms. Betterman?"he asked.
"I'm sure." she said, and then she looked at her son.
"Charlie, could you go out for a second? I will send him out to you in a second." She said to him.
"Of course Mère." he said to his mother and then looked at Christian.
"Meet me at the front of the stand!" he said before walking out. Ms. Betterman then looked at Christian
"I just want you to know Christian." She paused and smiled and put a kind hand on his shoulder.
"If you ever need a safe space to come to. We will be here. Never be afraid to come when you are in need." she said, then taking her hand off his shoulder.
"Now go have fun!" she said, going back to what she was doing before he arrived. Christian thanked her and walked out to where Charlie was waiting for him.
'Finally." Charlie said, jokingly, which made Christian laugh along with him.
Lord, his laugh was contagious.
They both walked around, checking out the stands and showing each other their favorite parts of the village. Hours felt like seconds. Day turned to afternoon which then turned to night. Charlie decided to lead Christian to his favorite place in the village. He led him up to a cliff. The cliff was hundreds of feet in the air. One trip along the edge could lead to disaster. Charlie made it to the edge and sat down and motioned for Christian to sit down next to him. Christian took a second to think about it before agreeing to sit down next to him. He looked down at the cliff and saw how high up it was. He was scared. Until he felt Charlie's hand rest on his. He looked to his side to see Charlie looking out to the sunset, the sun shining in his eyes. He gawked at him before looking out at the sunset in front of them. There was no talking, just silence.
But it was a comfortable silence.
It was easy. Nothing had never been so easy in his life.
Charlie was the easiest person he could ever talk to. They just clicked. Christian took in the moment, and hoped it would never end. Sadly when it did, Christian walked Charlie home, feeling heartbroken when they parted ways. Christian eventually made his way to the front door of his home he shared with his family. He took a deep breath, preparing for what would be waiting for him inside the house. He then opened the door and walked into his father, passed out at the kitchen table. Passed out with multiple bottles of whiskey at his side. Christian sighed and cleaned up the mess. He took the bottles and put them away. He carried his dad to his bed and put him in his bed and tucked him in. He then went outside and grabbed a pale of water and a cloth and went back inside and wiped off the table his father sat at. Once it was cleaned and he disposed of the water, he went to his own bed, a loss of his perfect day.
The sun came out and he woke up early. As usual. He got up to make a small breakfast for his father. A simple piece of bread, fruits and a glass of water. They didn't own a stove. He had to make do with what he had on his family's farm. He set it on the table and went out to the field to start his work for the day.
He went outside in the beating sun. Not a cloud in the sky. He then tended to the animals. The pigs, the cows, the sheep, the chickens, the goats, the horses and much more. Feeding each and every one of them.
He hoed the ground. Removing any stray weeds that planted themselves in the field and placed fresh seeds in which they once were.
Christian went around to check on the fruits and vegetables. With a basket he had grabbed as he had walked out, he picked the fresh fruits and vegetables in the farm and put them into the basket. With the fresh corn he had, he took it to a small spot under a tree and shucked all of the corn he had picked. Once done, he had put it to the side so it would rot into a new fertilizer for a new plant soon. He made his way back to the water spout by the house to get a small drink when he heard his father calling his name. He dropped everything and ran into his house.
"Yes father." he said, a slight sound of nervousness shown in his voice but luckily, it wasn't detected by his father.
"Come here son," he said. Christian immediately made his way over to his father.
Christian could tell he was hung over from the night before, so he made sure he was extra careful with his words.
"How was the festival?"his father asked, groggily.
"I enjoyed it, father." Christian said.
"Good." his father said coldly, making Christian's spine shiver.
"What have you done today?" his father asked.
"I tended to the animals, picked weeds, planted seeds, picked some crops and shucked the corn.
"Did you water the crops?" his father asked, making Christian nervous.
"Shit" Christian thought to himself.
"I am sorry father. I have not." Christian.
"I swear you are useless." his father said/ " Go water the crops and finish and you know what?" his father took a bottle of whisky and smashed it on the floor.
"Clean that up and go and buy me another bottle." his father said.
"But father. I only have a tiny bit of money." Christian said, slightly going against his father in desperation.
"Does it look like I care? Go get me the bottle of whiskey, or I swear I will slit your throat Christian. Do it NOW!" his father said, scaring Christian.
"Yes father." he said, running to go get a bucket of water and a cloth to clean up the whiskey. He bent down to clean it when his father pushed him down to the ground and wiped the floor a bit with Christians face.
"And make it spotless." he said harshly before walking away before grabbing a beer from a crate located nearby and making his way into his bedroom.
Christian sighed, wiping his face with the cloth to get the whiskey off it before he found a bowl and put the shards of glass into it.
His life had been miserable ever since the loss of his mother and little sister. His father practically went insane after the accident. No matter how hard he tried to help his father, it just wasn't enough. All he would do is drink. That is how his father coped. Drinking and then taking his leftover anger and using it on his son. Christian missed the times when his father was happy.
He missed them when they were all happy.
He missed his Mamma.
He missed his family.
Once he held the cloth in his hands, his eyes teared up and soon enough, tears fell down his face, helping soak the cloth. He took a deep breath and started wiping the floor until it was spotless. Just like he asked him too. Once he was finished, he went out and watered the crops.
Once all his chores were done, it was far into the afternoon. He then grabbed the small bag of change in his satchel.
All the money he owned went into the town to fuel his fathers drinking addiction by force. He didn't approve of it, but if he wanted to be able to sleep in a crappy old bed, then he would do so to keep his father happy. He made sure he had his new shoes on from Charlie's mother and walked out the door and made his way to the little shops in the village.
The sun beat down on his face. He walked out,dodging all the cracks that laid on the ground, in between the bricks that laid on the ground of the village. He looked around, skimming over all the shops that sat around him. Looking for the singular shop that sold the whiskey when he walked by the village bakery stand, he figured he would drop by and see how the village went for adopted little sister. He walked into the back of the stand.
"Meggy! Are you here?" he yelled. He waited for a response when he heard tiny footsteps running his way.
"Big brother! Hi! How are you?" she asked with a silly grin on her face.
"I am doing good. How was the festival for you young one?" he asked her.
"It was great!" she said. I wanna talk about all the details! Can we go to our spot?"
"Of course," he laughed. He could barely say anything else before Meg took his hand and started pulling him away from the stands.
Meg's hand was small so it was hard to stay attached to it and she was so little, it was hard to keep up due to how he had to bend down to run with her. She may have had little legs but she was still very fast. She led them to a spot under a small willow tree, just big enough for a spot that would shade both of them from the beating sun. The small flower field that sat in front of them. Both are their favorite spots to calm down. On their own or together, it just had meaning that only the two understood.
"So. How was the festival for you little mouse?" Christian said, looking out at the small flower field, soon to take over the land it laid on.
"I had a lot of fun!" she said. "Tammy took me to where all the chalk was and we decorated the ground!" She said, " We were in a drawing contest! We both lost sadly, but the ground looked really pretty!"
"What else did you do?" Christian asked
"Someone was teaching me how to dance so I can join the crowd when I am old enough!" she said, practically jumping up and down at the thought of her dancing in the crowd with the rest of the village. Right now she had to stick with the kids. Christian looked down and saw a small item she was carrying with her. On her thigh.
"Umm. Megan... What is that?" Christian asked.
"Oh this?" Megan said, pulling a small dagger out of a leather sheath. "This is my new dagger!" She said to Christian.
It is a small silver dagger with a red handle with black vines on it and the initials AK on it. He took it from her.
"Aren't you a little young to be carrying a weapon like this around with you?" Christian said, holding it away from her so she couldn't get it.
"Hey! Give that back!" she yelled, trying to get it back from him as he kept pushing her away as he held it away from her.
"Give me one good reason why I should let you keep this. You are going to hurt yourself!" Christian beckoned for a simple reason.
"Okay. First of all. Do you know exactly why I am always with Mommy and Daddy?" Meg asked
"Because they are your parents right? Mr Salis and Madam Elanor?" Christian asked.
"I'm sorry, I've never told you but... They are not my parents big brother." Meg said with a little frown forming on her face.
"Well... Where are your real ones?" Christian asked with a curious but concerned look forming on his face.
"They... They." she stopped. "They aren't in exactly the best shape. They are sick and aren't capable of taking care of me. They sent me to stay with Mr Salis and Madam Elanor whenever they needed to. They are family friends more or less. Recently it has been to the point where I spend most of my time with Mr. Salis and Madam Elanor. They are practically my parents." she explained.
"Go on." Christian said, taking in everything she said.
"I went to my parents home yesterday after the festival to go and spend the night." she took another breath, turning her head to look at the blade Christian now held in his lap.
"They told me that I would be spending another day with Mr. Salis and Madam Elanor. I was about to leave before my mother stopped me in the process. I turned around when she called my name and I made my way towards her.. She presented me with a little sheath. What was inside it was that very dagger." she explained, motioning for Christian to give it back to her. Before he did, he examined the dagger and took notice of the "AK".
"Why does it say "AK" on the blade?" Christian asked, taking note of the small details on the dagger.
"That represents my mothers maiden name." she said.
"And what was your mothers maiden name?" Christian inquired.
"Ahknrty." Meg said.
"I see." Christian said with a smile as he handed it back to her. She paused and looked at her reflection and said.
"This dagger has been passed down in my family for generations. When the oldest child hits the double digits of their age, the dagger will be passed down to them." Meg said. "Since I am an only child, the dagger was given to me. Since I was with Mr. Salis and Madam Elanor during my birthday, I did not receive it then.".
"But why do you call Madam Elanor and Mr. Salis "Mommy" and "Daddy"?" Christian asked.
Meg put her dagger back into its sheath to make sure that it would be safe and looked up at Christian with eyes of sorrow.
"Because I know that soon they will be my only parents.".
Christian pulled her in for a hug. The fact that she was only ten and she knew what was happening and what was going to happen and the fact that she was preparing for something so depressing to happen broke his heart.
"Enough about that though." she said, wiping her eyes."Lighten up the mood big brother. How did the festival go for you?" she asked with glee. It confused Christian how she could change moods so fast. He didn't mind though. It was contagious so it made him feel better.
"Well I went and danced," he said.
"Keep going." she responded.
"And someone accidentally tripped me." he continued, her nodding along with it.
"And I fell, but before I fell this guy caught me." Christian sighed in admiration from just thinking of him.
"He saw I twisted my ankle and took me out of the crowd."
"He bandaged my foot."
"Go on."
"Then we just talked.We talked for so long."
"What was he like?"
"Oh lord he was amazing!"
"He was gorgeous! Blonde, wavy hair, emerald eyes, his skin was slightly tanned and it glowed, his hands were soft and he was tiny! His sense of style!" Christian sighed just at the thought of him. Meg noticed this and kept asking questions.
"Was he nice?"
"He was amazing! I've never met someone so kind. Especially to a complete stranger he just happened to save from a fall. He was snarky, he was funny! He was..." Christian sighed. "Perfect.".
Meg Gasped at he was saying.
"You like him!" she yelled in excitement.
"I do not!" Christian denied.
"Big brother, do you hear the way you describe him?!" Meg claimed. "This is love at first sight!"
"It is not." he said, crossing his arms and sticking his nose in the air.
"Big brother! I am a big girl now! I can tell what's going on! I've read enough fairy tales to know that you love him!" she took a big deep breath at self realization.
"You could be soulmates!" she said, and then stood up and motioned her arms into the air as she was presenting something.
"Big brother! He dances in the light, and meets his lover by chance! He gazes into the strangers eyes and as their eyes meet he just KNEW it was love at first sight! He finds his soulmate! They get married and live happily ever after!" Meg gawked, making Christian laugh.
"I wish, Meggy. I don't know if I will ever see him again!" he said, jokingly shoving her.
"Seriously!" she said. "You have never felt this way about anyone!"
She gasped.
"You could be living your very own fairy tale!" Meg squealed, jumping up and down!
Christian got up and picked her up and hoisted her over his shoulder.
"Let me down!" Meg said while laughing.
"Not till we get you back to where I found you." Christian said, walking back to the bakery stand, Meg giggling as he carried her back.
. . .
Christian dropped her off.
"I have to go." he said, dejectedly to Meg.
"Why Big brother?" she asked.
"I have to run an errand, Meggy, I will see you soon. I promise I will see you soon". He set her in the back of the bakery and walked off.
Christian started walking again, looking for the liquor stand. Eventually he got lost, trying to find where he was going. When he did he accidentally bumped into a certain someone, causing him to fall to the ground. He rubbed his head before looking up. When he saw who it was.
"You really need to watch where you are going." Charlie laughed, looking down at Christian, holding out his hand to help him up. Christian hesitantly put his hand in Charlie's. As soon as he did Charlie pulled him to his feet in which Christian stumbled into his arms.
"Jesus Christian, you really need to work on your balance." Charlie said, then looking down at Christians feet.
"You're wearing the shoes!" he pointed out with a smile that made Christians heart flutter.
"I am! They are very comfortable.". Christian said, still with butterflies in his stomach.
"I'm glad. I'll let my mother know." Charlie said. "How is your ankle feeling?"
"It is feeling a lot better. Thank you for wrapping it yesterday!" Christian thanked.
"You're welcome!" Charlie looked around. "Where exactly are you going?"
"My father asked me to get him a bottle of whiskey from the liquor store." Christian said, pulling the little cloth bag out of his satchel and gave it a little shake to show that it had some coins in it. "I'm a little lost.".
"I can tell. You are going the complete opposite way of where it is. Lucky for you, I know where it is." Charlie said, taking Christians hand and started leading Christian towards the liquor stand. Christian had already figured out Charlie's love language was physical touch.
The whole time they walked towards the stands they talked about their lives at home. Of course Christian lied about most of it, he mentioned that he lived with his father but his mother sadly passed in which Charlie showed sympathy. Soon enough they made it to the liquor store. Christian got the liquor as soon as he could and got out of there. He didn't like the smell. He never would.
"Luckily, I do recognize the area so I could make my way back home no problem!" Christian said. Charlie looked at the horizon and then back at Christian.
"Not alone. Let me walk you home.". Charlie said.
"Why?" Christian asked, not that he was upset. He was happy! He was just curious.
It's getting dark you idiot! It'll be a little dangerous, I just don't want you to be going out on your own." he said, crossing his arms seriously as he looked up at Christian making him laugh.
"Okay shorty." Christian said, walking away, Charlie following close behind.
Soon enough Christian started taking as big steps as he could so Charli would have to run to catch up with him. Eventually they made their way to his house.
"Thank you for walking me home." Christian smiled at him.
"It was my pleasure." Charlie said, taking note of where Christian lived.
Christian walked into his house to see his father at the table, waiting for him.
"Where were you Christian?" his father asked.
"I went out and got your whiskey Dad." Christian said, handing his father the whiskey in which his father harshly grabbed it from him.
"Why were you out for so long?" his father asked.
"Oh... Umm. I-I got lost on the way and it took me a while to find it and find my way back.". Christian explained. He wasn't completely lying to his father but his father sensed that he was somewhat lying.
"Who were you with?" he asked.
"I wasn't with anyone dad." Christian said back to him.
"Don't lie to me kid. Who were you with?" His dad demanded.
"It was one of my new friends!" Christrian blurted out.
"A friend? HA! I didn't know you had it in you.". His father laughed making his child laugh awkwardly with in in which he then shut his child up with a stern tone.
"Don't keep talking to this kid Christian." his dad said.
"Huh- Why?" his son asked.
"Friends are a waste of time and will keep you from realizing what is really important."
"What do you mean dad?"
"You have so many things you could be doing on the farm focusing on that," he said. "Focus on the farm and getting things for me and me only.".
"But dad! I thi-" Christian got cut off by a slap to the face.
"Do not disobey or question me child. You are lucky you survived the fire unlike your mother. You are now under my house so you will follow everything I say. No friends and you are to not go out to the town for ta month.". His dad screamed at him, grabbing an empty bottle of booze and smashing it onto the ground.
"Clean that up and get out of my sight!" his father said, taking the bottle of whiskey and storming off to his room and slamming the door.
Outside the house, Charlie hadn't quite left yet. He heard what went on inside the house and felt bad, so he came up with a plan to sneak Christian out of the house.
. . .
It was night time and Christian was asleep. He woke up to a little tapping on his window. He tried to ignore it but it just kept getting more and more irritating, eventually he got angry enough to look out his window.
"What is going on?" he muttered to himself when he was interrupted by a small voice below him.
"Psst. Down here!" Charlie whispered under his windowsill.
Christian looked around to make sure the coast was clear and that his father was asleep.
"Charlie! What are you doing here?" Christian whisper yelled down at him.
"Well... The day I walked you home, I never quite left." he said.
"What do you mean you never left?" Christian whispers yelled again at Charlie.
"Well... I did. Eventually! Right before I left I heard yelling so I stayed for a bit and listened in." he explained. "Now don't freak out. I know you are grounded for about a month, so I snuck around for a few days and memorized your dad's schedule. I saw a pattern of what he did and when he did it each day so when he is asleep or isn't home you could come out into town with me!".
"That is insanely weird that you were watching me and my father but I appreciate your effort and determination to get me out of this hell hole." Christian said with a smile.
"Well... Now that you know, Come on!" Charlie held his arms out to help Christian out the window.
"Charlie, You know I can't do that." he said to Charlie with a frown.
"Yes you can!" Charlie whispered in return.
"If my dad finds out he is going to kill me!" Christian shot back.
"He's not going to find out." Charlie reassured him. "Trust me.".
Christian looked at Charlie with a look of doubt, looked back at his dark room and then back at Charlie who had a look of hope on his face. Christian sighed and climbed out the window, Charlie helping him out of the window...
. . .
This went on the whole time Christian was grounded and even past that time. Every night Charlie would come over to where Christian lived and they would sneak out at night, and Christian would be back in time to get some sleep and make breakfast for his father, and then go out to the village when he could, visiting Meg, Mr. Salis, Madam Elanor and Charlie of course.
Every day Charlie and Christian grew closer and closer to the point where they didn't even realise they were dating. Over time Christians dad started to notice a person Christian who had been "hanging around" with. Eventually he figured out that his son had been sneaking out every night, but he didn't say anything about it yet. He wanted to wait for the perfect time to confront both his son and his "Friend".
One day Charlie and Christian went to their cliff. Where Charlie and Christian had one of their first conversations at. Where they would just sit and talk. They sat down and admired the view of the cliff, hand in hand. They then both heard yelling. A familiar yelling which turned Christians body to go as still as stone and his face felt as if it was made of ice.
"CHRISTIAN!" An angry man yelled, walking up the hill that led to the cliff they were sitting on. Christian slowly turned around to see his father storming towards him. He quickly got up and went towards his dad.
"Dad! Please! It's not what it looks like!"Christian pleaded.
"It's not what it looks like?!" His father started yelling at his son.
Charlie saw Christians father yelling at him. He was not about to stay to the side and not defend his soulmate.
"It's not what it looks like?" he yelled, "I've seen you hanging around people when I have specifically told you not to!"
Charlie walked behind Christian and put his hand on his shoulder and looked his father dead in the eyes.
"And YOU! I know you have been sneaking my son out every single night. I am not stupid. You think you are clever?" Christians dad said, walking towards Charlie.
"Well, maybe if you were a better father I wouldn't have to." Charlie said sternly, not breaking eye contact with Christians father.
"What do you know about my son?" his father yelled, getting closer to Charlie's face.
"More than you ever did." Charlie said, Christian tried to pull Charlie away from his father but Charlie refused to budge. He was not about to ignore what was happening. If he was gonna confront Christian's father. It would be now.
"You know nothing about my son." Christian's dad snarled
"I have been with your son for three years. There is no way you will EVER separate us, no matter what you do. Christian is going to come with me and you will never see him again." Charlie said and then looked at Christian and grabbed his hand.
"Come on Christian. Let's go." he said trying to lead Christian down the hill with him when he was stopped by Christians father.
"YOU WILL NEVER BE WITH MY SON" Christians father screamed, pulling them apart and pushing Charlie away from him as he grabbed Christian and stripped him from Charlie's grasp and with that, due to the throwback of Christian's father and due to Charlie's loss of balance, Charlie tripped on his feet and...
He fell off the cliff.
Christian watched as his father held him back as his lover fell off the cliff that meant so much to them right in front of him. The pure fear in his eyes would be forever engraved into his head.
Christian managed to wiggle out of his fathers grasp and he looked down from the cliff and called his soulmate's name before he heard a thump from the bottom of the cliff. He screamed and his voice echoed through the empty space. He looked up to his father who looked down at him without a look of remorse on his face.
"Let's go Christian." his father stated pulling Christian, but Christian didn't budge.
"Christian. You are coming with me." his father said again.
"No." is what Christian muttered.
"Excuse me?" His father said, offended.
"NO! I'M DONE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID? I'M DONE" Christian said, running to his house. He quickly packed up all of his things before his father could get back to the house. All he could see was red. All he could see was vengeance. He packed food, water, weapons, clothes and materials for shelter. As he packed, he started thinking of the times that he and Charlie were planning on packing up and running away together. Just the two of them, together and away from everyone else. And that's what he did. He ran away from everyone. Never leaving a trace, he ran deep into the woods.
A month had now passed. Missing signs were posted around the village but he was never found.
Christian set up a small tent in the forest for a temporary shelter. He had a plan. A plan to get revenge. A plan to avenge Charlie. He pulled out a black cloak he had packed and a sword that was once owned by his mother. He found a log and chopped it. He then whittled and carved it until it looked like a mask. Or more so a piece of wood with two eye holes and two little holes so he could take a small piece of rope he brought with him and use it to tie it around his face. He waited till it was night time before he decided to carry out his plan.
After a while of running, making sure to be silent as he made his way out of the forest and into the village. As he was sneaking, he noticed a flyer of him hanging on a stand. He looked at it and ripped it off the stand and ripped it up and left the small pieces of the flyer on the ground and watched as it flew away. He watched out for other signs of life, making sure no one saw him. Once he made it to his house, he snuck in. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and some clothes and made his way to his father's room.
He walked into his room and stared at his sleeping father, getting angrier the longer he stared at him. He took the full bottle of whiskey and smashed it into his father's head to wake him up, shards of glass stuck in his skull. He woke up.
"W-what, W–who are you?" his father asked.
His son said nothing as he shoved his father down onto his bed and put the cloth around his mouth so he couldn't scream. His father started struggling under his son's grasp but he just couldn't seem to move due to the shock of this "Stranger" in his house and that the stranger was strong enough to hold him down.
Christian bent down to look into his father's frightened eyes and slowly pulled out his sword so his father could see what he had. He then took the sword and before he did anything he bent down and whispered something in his fathers ear
Christian then sliced his fathers throat, watching as he choked on his blood, watching him slowly die.
Christian enjoyed every second of it.
After his father was confirmed dead, he took his father up to the cliff and looked at his lifeless corpse with only a tiny bit of color in his skin.
"Go to Hell." is what he said before kicking his father off the cliff and then watched as he fell into the nothingness. The thud that was heard after fifteen seconds was satisfying to hear. He sat and stared at the stars.
"I did it love." is all that Christian said before making his way back to the woods.
Once he made his way back to his tent he sat and thought for a second.
He thought to himself."It felt satisfying that I finally got rid of that asshole... For good! What if I did this for other people? I could take the lives of those who are evil and abusive. That would make everything better! Finally getting rid of everyone who hurts another. Give others a good life by taking out the bad!"
He then muttered to himself "The only way to give is to take.".
. . .
Two years later, there had still been no sign of Christian, but there had been a new notice of children suddenly disappearing. Meg took notice of this and prepared if anything was going to happen.
She sat under the Willow tree both her and Christian would sit at before two people in Black cloaks and black masks came and kidnapped her.
She was carried into the forest, knife to her throat when she was thrown in front of someone. She was confused and tilted her head, still terrified of what would happen when the person in the mask revealed themselves to Meg.
She jumped into his arms. When he asked her to work at his side, but when she refused, Christian brought her blood related family into it. When she stepped back from him, she noticed he didn't have the same happy and loving eyes as he did when they were kids. All she saw was pain, suffering and a hint of insanity. When the threats came to her blood related family who somehow were alive, she couldn't say no to Christian anymore.
He had her take the hidden name of Ahknrty as she would only use it when she didn't want people to know her name. He then put her into immediate work, training to kill the innocent.
She refused to say his name
She refused to address him as anything special anymore.

She could no longer call him
Big Brother.

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