Jealousy is a Good Look on You

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"What is this?" Elijah thought to himself. He grabbed his stomach as if he was going to puke and his head was pounding. He stood there for a second.
"Could I be?" He thought.
"Am I jealous?"
"There's no way. Why should I be jealous? She's just my friend, hanging out with one of her friends. Still... They're being a little too touchy..."
Elijah walked into the training area, making sure he was entering Meg and Alex's view.
"Hey Meg I came to- Oh my god Meg." He says.
She looks up at him "What?" she asked.
"You are absolutely covered in mud!" He laughed.
"Oh, this." she said, getting up and looking down at herself. Then she slowly lifted her head up to look at Elijah with a devilish grin on her face.
"Come give me a hug..." she said with her arms outward as she started walking towards Elijah.".
"Meg. No." He said. Crossing his arms, as she slowly walked towards him.
"Oh Elijaaaaahhhh." She said deviously, continuing to walk towards him.
"Meg, that's gross..." He explained, slowly backing up as she approached.
"OH ELIJAH!" She said, running at him, now chasing him around the field.
"MEG THAT'S ACTUALLY GROSS" he said now running down the field, trying to escape the mud hug.
"COME HERE!" she yelled, still running at him with her arms stretched outwards trying to catch him in a hug.
"MEGAN SALIS" Elijah yelled while laughing, still scared for his clothes.
She eventually cornered him, Elijah's back to the horse stables.
"Don't do it!" He said half seriously.
"It's too late..." she said.
"No." he said.
"It's already in motion..." she said, walking towards him more.
She then engulfed him in a big hug, making sure to rub her face in his chest and her hands on his back as his arms were up above his head. They were the only thing that dodged the mud.
"Mud hug." Was the only thing she said to Elijah.
"Oh my goodness Meg, look what you did to my clothes!" He said, only faking being upset.
"I regret nothing," she said laughing into his chest.
"Ugh. I'll get you for this one day." He said laughing as she pulled away.
"Look at me! I'm covered in mud!" He claimed.
"I honestly think it's an improvement, plus the mud will make your skin soft." she said, making him grumble.
"You should have seen the look on your face-" Meg said, getting cut off by a bucket of icy cold water being poured onto her head. She turned around to see Alexander with a smirk on his face. Both Elijah and Meg had a frown on their faces, but Meg's was a playful frown. Elijah's frown was real.
"YOU!" She yelled before running off.
"Hello Elijah! What are you doing here?" Alexander asked, laughing slightly at the sudden shenanigans.
Elijah looked at Alex " Oh! I just wanted to take Meg back to the castle, he said with a fake smile. Alexander could sense that it was fake.
"Are you alright Elijah?" He asked.
"I'm fine." Elijah said, with a fake smile on his face, completely failing at hiding it.
Alexander tried to make small talk with the prince but the prince just seemed to get more and more hostile.
"Listen Alexander-" was all Elijah could say before Meg came running in with a bucket of water, dumping it on Alexander's head, dropping it on his head and sweeping his feet out from behind him.
"REVENGE" Is what she yelled as she celebrated. She looked like a warrior on the outside but on the inside she was a complete child. Elijah admired it. Elijah started dying and when she noticed, she came up to him and stood next to Elijah and started to laugh with him.
"Meg, it's time to go. It's getting dark out." he said between laughs.
"Okay Dad." she said "Always having to baby me." she said in between laughs as she helped Alexander up and he gave her a hug which made Elijah feel just slightly sick.
"Why am I feeling this way?" he thought to himself. "They're just friends.".
"Because you are one, now come on we have to get cleaned up before my parents find out I look like this and before your armour starts to rust." Elijah elaborated.
"It's okay, just say you slipped." Meg suggested.
"Whatever sweetheart" Elijah said, ruffling her hair making her stick her tongue out at him.
"Come on, we got steak today!" Elijah said, making Meg get started walking down the path.
"Come on or I'm gonna leave you behind" Meg said, walking away.
"See you soon Elijah!" Alexander said to Elijah as he started walking away.
"Goodbye Alexander." Said Elijah in a serious voice, now walking away leaving Alexander in a confused state.
"What was that?" Alexander thought out loud. "He sounded really hostile to me..." I wonder why." Alexander put his hand on his hip as his eyes rolled back in thought. He couldn't put his finger on why Elijah would be hostile. Usually if something happened, Meg would tell him. Alexander shrugged it off and went to tend to the animals.
Elijah and Meg finally returned to the palace, and Elijah had to put on a cloak to keep the maids and butlers from seeing how muddy he was, him constantly shushing Meg as she laughed at him about it. She went into her room to dry off her armour, wipe off the remaining mud on her and get changed into more comfortable clothes. Elijah Got rid of his muddy clothes and placed them on a chair and changed into a more comfortable attire before taking the clothes with the mud out to the maids, the maids, not questioning where it came from went straight away to get the stains off of it. He went to the kitchen and picked up a plate of steak, potatoes and baked carrots and brought it to Meg's room and remembered something. Before he made it to her room, he ran into his room and grabbed a blank book and went immediately to her room.
Meg heard a knock on the door and a little "Food for the thief!".
She laughed and opened the door to Elijah with the food in his hand and a book under his right arm. She let him in and he put the food on the desk and kept the book underneath his arm. She noticed the book and immediately questioned, following Elijah around the room.
"What is that book for?" she said, raising an eyebrow.
Elijah grabbed her under her arms and with ease lifted her up and sat her in her chair.
"You will find out once you eat your food." He said, waiting for her to pick up her fork before sitting on her bed. She sighed, lifting up the fork and eating.
Over time Meg noticed that Elijah had been more clingy and protective. It wasn't bad before the execution, but after it Elijah barely even lets her out of his sight. He might as well be her personal knight. He was always making sure we would eat before she would do anything. He kept her away from anyone in the castle that seemed suspicious. He was acting like her father. Protective.
Meg eventually finished her food while she made smalltalk with Elijah, him keeping the book to himself. She wiped her face with her napkin and immediately turned her attention to the book.
"So what's the book?" she said pointing at it. "Can I see it?".
"Yes, yes you can." said Elijah, tossing the book to her. The book fumbled in her hands. She examined it closely. The book had a red leather cover with leaves on it and a little Chinese transcription on the edge. The bind of the book was held together by a velvety brown rope and a gold coin on the end of it to help keep the book shut when it needed to be. The pages were tinted a shade of brown. It had no title, and when she looked at the pages they were all blank. She looked up at Elijah, confused why the book was blank. Elijah leaned back on her bed.
"So I thought since we read books together all the time, I thought we could maybe..." he paused, looking down at the book and then back up Meg.
"Write a book together?" he asked
"What would it be about?" she said, breaking eye contact, opening the book and feeling the rough paper and the leather cover.
"I don't know." He said. "Whatever comes to our minds.".
They discussed the book for the rest of the night. She eventually sat on the bed with him and pointed out the thin pages and what might reside on them. The more Elijah talked, the more Meg drifted, listening to his smooth soft voice. Slowly becoming more tired. She eventually passed out right next to him, clutching on to him to keep herself more stable, he laid down, taking her with him. Once they laid down, she just clutched to him even more and nuzzled into his side. A bright rose red slowly grew on the apples of his cheeks. He felt her soft breath slowing, as she drifted off into a deeper sleep. He took a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling in thought if this could be a dream. Hoping it wasn't, he decided to make the best of this moment to drift off to sleep, holding her close. Listening to her soft heartbeat. It was like a lullaby, soft and sweet. Like a song he could listen to on repeat.
The next morning, Meg felt a warmth next to her. It was comforting, and was holding her like a teddy bear. She woke up slowly and turned over in her bed to see a prince next to her, sleeping soundly and holding her close. A soft blush formed on her face as her heart started beating faster.
"Wha-? Why is my heart beating faster?" She said, then feeling her face "Why is my face warm?". She laid there for a moment, just studying the prince's features, butterflies now developing in her stomach.
"Why am I feeling butterflies? What is this warm feeling in my chest?" she thought to herself, gripping at her shirt, where her heart would reside. She thought for a second and wrapped her arms around him, face now in his chest, falling asleep now with a small but genuine smile across her face.
What is this feeling?
Alexander was always up earlier than everyone else. Alexander was tending to the weapons. He was making sure that all the bows and arrows were cleaned and organized. He put the wooden swords on their battens and back in their respective locations. He repaired and shined the shields. He replaced the fabric on the targets. He was now sitting in the room with all the swords and axes, sharpening all the blades, carefully and cleanly. He looked at his reflection in the blade of an axe. As shiny as a diamond. Could blind someone if the light was directed correctly with wooden handles that were freshly stained and sanded. He thought about what happened the night before.
He thought about the mud fight...
"You really think you could take me down Meg?" he asked
"Oh I KNOW I can." she declared with pride.
"You really want to test that theory?" he said with a smirk, knowing that she was going to say yes.
"Why would we test a theory when we know it's a fact?" she said, arms now folded, confidence boosted with every word she spoke.
"Okay, then let's test that fact." He said, running at her.
Alexander laughed at the small memories from the events of the previous day. He then thought back to how the prince arrived.

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