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    A little boy was running down the hallway, his dirty blonde locks flowing through the breeze coming from the windows. He had a smile on his face as he navigated his ways through the long long hallways. He took sharp turns, practically tripping over the carpets on his way to the throne room. As soon as he made his way to the throne room he immediately barged in, his parents waiting for him.
    "Good morning Mother! Good morning Father!" The child bowed in front of his parents.
    "Good morning Son!" The Queen knelt down and hugged her son, the King chuckled.
    "Happy birthday Lucas!" The King said, holding something behind his back.
    "Lucas, we have a gift for you." The King stated, holding something behind his back.
    "Well, what is it?" Lucas asked. His father pulled out an item wrapped in a fine silk, tied together by a small, ruby red ribbon. He gently took it in his hands and admired it from all angles, confused on what it was.
    "Go on. Open it!" The Queen informed. Lucas carefully opened it and revealed a maroon, leather scabbard. He carefully lifted the item in it out of its casing to reveal a beautiful dagger. It had black vines with the gold accents that decorated them. The red handle had a ruby on the end of the pommel. The blade has "AKEJ" engraved on it and the word "Lucky" on the other side of it.
    "A dagger?" He questioned, being careful as to not cut himself on the razor sharp blade.
    "Yes. I know it's not what you expected but it is very special." The Queen explained.
    "How?" Lucas returned.
    "Well, when I was little I had a little dagger that came from my mother. It was always passed down to the eldest child when they turned ten. Now, since you are finally of age, I thought you should have it."
    "Thank you Mother. Thank you Father." Lucas bowed in thanks and hugged them both, pulling away to take in more of the fine details on the dagger, and his eye caught the word "Lucky"
    "Mother? Father? Why is the word "Lucky" carved into the blade?" Lucas gently ran his finger over the wording on the blade.
    "Let's just say, me and your father met based on pure luck." The Queen explained, Lucas nodded along.
    "And what does the "AK" stand for?" He said, the Queen and King turning to look at eachother.
    "We'll tell you when you are older." The King stated. Lucas took the dagger and gently put it back in its respective case. He took it and hung it around his hips. The king chuckled at the fact that his son is wearing it the same way he wears his own. He was snapped out of his thoughts when a little girl with black hair and blue eyes came running up to them with a piece of paper in her hands.
    "Mommy! Daddy!" She jumped into the King's arms. He immediately picked her up and kissed her on the cheek.
    "Hello princess!"
    "Look! Look what I drew!" She waved the piece of paper in the air and then handed it to the Queen.
    The drawing was a scribble of supposedly what is supposed to be The King, Queen, Lucas and herself.
    "Look at our little artist!" The Queen handed the paper to Lucas to take a look. He looked at it and chuckled, proud of the cute little drawing his sister made of their family.
    "Beautiful job Lani." Lucas stated, making Lani smile from ear to ear. He handed the paper back to her and the King put her down. She went and hugged Lucas who was double her size. He was abnormally tall for his age.
    "Happy birthday!" She said, he hugged her back and then patted her head. She then let go and ran out of the room. As soon as she made it out, a maid could be seen running after her, trying to make sure an eye was kept on the little trouble maker. The rest of the royal family just laughed.
    "Okay, you are free to do whatever you please today, but make sure you study for a bit Lucas." The King reminded Lucas, he sighed.
    "Yes father." Lucas took his leave back to his room.
    "And Lucas?" The Queen called out to him before he could exit the room.
    "Yes Mother?" He called back.
    "Make sure to have fun! We love you!"
    "Love you too Mother. Love you Father." He waved to them before walking out of the room.
    Lucas walked through the hallways to make his way back to his room, making sure to walk as normal and calmly as possible as to not attract attention to himself.
. . .
"I think he liked it!"    The Queen claimed.
"I think he did as well." The King responded
"Yes Meg?"
"Let's make sure he has the most fun he can as he makes his way towards inheriting the throne."
"I think we are doing a wonderful job, silly goose." He said Meg lightly punched him in the shoulder before he pulled her to his side with his arm around her waist.
"Are you ever going to stop with the silly little nicknames?" She looked at him with care and love in her eyes.
"I don't plan on it."
She laid her head onto his shoulder, him laying his head on top of hers.
"Wouldn't it be funny if he had his own village friend?" Meg claimed. Elijah chuckled.
"I'd allow it. I mean, it worked out for us."
Meg reached up and placed a peck on his cheek.
"I would think so."
. . .
    Lucas eventually made his way to his room. He carefully opened his door, making sure he made enough noise as he did so, and making sure it closed a little harsher than usual to give some sort of alert.
    "Okay! You can come out now!" He called out, a little girl who looked to be around his age popped out from under his bed. She had straight brown hair and round hazel eyes. She had a button nose and a natural blush on her face.

    "Welcome back!"

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