Mi Buen Amor

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There is a link for music in this chapter. Play it for the best experience :)

   "What are you doing here?" she said in a deep tone, her mood completely changing, he nervously laughed.
    "I'm here to take you home silly!" he reached out his hand, expecting her to take it and come with him but was confused when she backed up.
    "That's not my home Elijah." Meg motioned to the stand and the village around her.
    "This is my home.".
    "Meg, it isn't. Just, please come back. I need you back at the palace.".
    Carlos came out with a tray of cream puffs but looked out the door frame to see who Meg was talking to. He turned around and yelled to Madam Elanor and Mr Salis and told them what was going on. He immediately heard crashing coming from the otherside of the house. Carlos thought of a way to intervene so he came out and stood next to Meg and barged into the conversation.
    Carlos came up to Meg and stood next to her, startling her by the sudden loss of space.
    "Meg? What's going on? Who's this? Is he making you uncomfortable?" Carlos asks, putting his hand on her shoulder and tilting her a little bit, her grinning at him but not Elijah.
    "This is prince Elijah." She motioned over to Elijah, who of course had an angry look.
    "Meg. Who's this?" this prince asked, jealousy apparent in his voice.
    "Why would you care? I'm sure you have so many other princesses chasing after you. Like Lucinda. I'm sure you are completely fine." She continued stocking up the cookies, her sticking her hand close to Elijah to gently put the cookies in the basket when he tried to gently grab hers like they used to to try and bring back a sentimental memory but right before he could make contact with her hand, he felt a powerful force grip his hand and rip it away from hers, still keeping it in his grasp.
    "Don't you dare touch my daughter.". Mr Salis threw his hand to the side, Elijah rubbing wrist from the cut in circulation.
    "What are you doing here?" Mr Salis growled, pulling away, Meg not resisting or saying anything.
    "You know exactly why I'm here, Salis. I'm here to bring Meg back to the palace." he looked at Meg who shot him a dirty look back.
    "She is not going with you.". He looked at Carlos. "Can you take Meg inside until I get this sorted out?" Carlos nodded, Meg willingly walking with Carlos into the house.
    "Meg, wait!" he called, begging her to stay.
    "You don't get to ask her to stay.". Mr. Salis snarled at Elijah.
    "I'm royalty, I could if I wanted to.". Elijah said, Meg listening through the door now enraged due to him using the royal card to get what he wants from Mr Salis.
    "I don't care if you are god. You are not coming near my daughter and you are never going to hurt her again. She is under my protection and she is not going with you. You can bring every guard and every knight to this bakery and put me on my deathbed and I still wouldn't give up my daughter to you royal scum."  Mr Salis slammed his hands on the counter of his stand, causing a variety of pastries to fall off their respective trays and baskets. "I knew I couldn't trust you the first time I laid eyes on you.".
    "Sir. Please. I'm sorry. I just really need to talk to her. I just need to reason. That's all I ask." Elijah held his hands in a praying position and held his head down. Mr. Salis scoffed, not buying it.
    "You had your chances before you broke her heart, and I am never going to let anyone break her heart as much as you did.". Mr Salis grabbed a cookie and threw it at Elijah in which he caught it.
    "Have a cookie for the road tyrant and get out of my sight." He reached over and slapped the thigh of Elijah's horse causing it to yelp and immediately run off with Elijah. Mr. Salis closed shop for the day and cleaned everything up and then went into the cottage with everyone else and locked the door. He went and the first thing he saw was his wife, Carlos and Meg chatting at the dinner table, Mr Salis sitting next to them.
    "Is he gone?" Meg asked.
    "He is, and he probably won't be coming back any time soon." Mr Salis reassured. Meg sighed in relief.
    "Lets just... Make dinner," Madam Elanor got up and grabbed some things from the pantry.
. . .
    It was night time and Meg's window was open. The wind gave a nice touch to the contents of the room in making it comfortable until she felt something hit her head. She blatantly ignored it and went to sleep, but as soon as she almost drifted off she felt something else hit her head. Thinking she was just imagining, she kept her eyes shut but when she felt it the third time she sat up and looked around. She looked around and saw three little pebbles next to her. She waited for a second, just sitting around and waiting for something to happen.
    She saw a little pebble fly through her window and land on the wood floor next to her. She groaned and looked out her window to see none other than Elijah  standing outside with a pile of tiny pebbles.
    "What do you think you're doing? I'm trying to sleep!" she whispered loud enough so he could hear him, knowing everyone else in the house was asleep.
    "Come with me." he held out his hand. She scoffed.
    "I can't do that Elijah." She turned to go back to bed when she felt a light tape on the back of her head. She ignored it and continued to get back to bed when she felt another light tap on the back of her head. She turned around, enraged at the annoying endeavor.
    "Would you stop that?" she whispered as loud as she could, him silently laughing.
    "Not until you follow me." He held out his hand for her to take. She sighed.
    "No.". She felt a small pebble lightly hit the center of her forehead.
    "Elijah I swear to god, Mr Salis will be mad. He'll kill you.". She tried to explain.
    "I know, but I need to talk to you. Just follow me. For ten minutes." he pleaded
    "Elijah..." She stood there silently, and watched as Elijah took another pebble, reeling his arm back as if he was going to throw it, but stopped when she sighed.
    "Just ten minutes?" she asked.
    "Just ten minutes." he confirmed. "Could you trust me? Just for this one moment.". He reached his hand out further. She hesitantly held out her hand, debating her next move but eventually took his hand and jumped out the window.
    "Anything to get you to stop throwing those god forsaken pebbles at me"
    "Looks like the rolls are somewhat reversed now.". He attempted to make small talk as they walked, her just humming in response, somewhat regretting her decision to follow Elijah.
    "You know... Not too long ago my parents went and saw a showing of this new play called "Romeo and Juliet". I think you would enjoy it." he suggested.
    Elijah did his best to make small talk as he led her to one of her favorite places. Eventually he led her up a hill by a flower field and a willow tree. He led her under the willow tree and they both sat on the stump.
    "So... What do you want to talk about?". Meg asked, hugging her knees, looking away from Elijah.
    "I wanted to talk to you about what happened before you left.". He looked at her through the corner of his eye.
    She sighed.
    "Fine. Rest your case.".
    "Lucinda... Meg, I didn't cheat on her with you.". He said, she whipped her head towards him.
    "Didn't cheat on me? I walked in on you two kissing! And so many other occasions! Don't lie!" she spat out, he looked at her and gave her a genuine apologetic look.
    "Remember when she framed you?" he asked. Meg nodded her head.
    "Well, her job was to frame me. In front of you to make it look like I'm cheating on you.".
    "What do you mean?" she scooted over a tad so she could hear better.
    "My father made a deal with her, saying that if she tore us apart the king would help her find her long lost girlfriend who was banished to Pierella and promised to protect them from her father.". He explained, Meg's anger simmering down, now with a slight trace of guilt.
    "But that's what happened. She still has no excuse in trying to pull us apart.". Meg's tense body started to relax as she listened to him explain.
    "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to add more to your plate. I didn't think about the consequences and I am sorry." He hung his head, silence filling the area. He heard Meg sigh.
    "What about your father? He hates me. I will make your family miserable." she started picking at the grass, tearing singular pieces out of the ground. "Why would I come back if someone went through with this big an effort just to get rid of me?".
    "Meg, he is stupid. He doesn't see what I see.". He claimed.
    "And what do you see? What do I have that she doesn't.". She asked, squishing the small blades of grass in her hands..
    "She isn't the same, and will never be the same. We have no past and I don't know her. I know you Meg, more than I know myself. And don't you compare the way you look to her, because she is nowhere as close to your level of beauty. You are funny and aren't afraid to show your emotions.". He spoke.
    "But I am.". She returned. "I'm scared that I am going to be a disappointment. A disgrace to your family. This isn't Cinderella Elijah. I'm not some servant girl who is pristine and perfect in every way. I was a thief. A scoundrel. A bastard. I'm not completely kind. Without a bad bone in my body. I tore apart families instead of bringing them together. I killed people for Christ's sake! I'm lucky I'm not dead! How are you okay with that? No one in the world would be okay with that but you.".
    "I guess I am, but that's over. The past, and I am not letting you die Meg.".  He stated.
    "I already died. There's no preventing it.". She hung her head.
    "If I didn't care, I wouldn't have been sitting in the room with you. Praying. Pleading for a miracle. I wouldn't have visited you every day. I would have just let it happen.". He turned and looked up at the stars.
    "There are not enough stars in the sky that amount to how much I adore you.".
    "Elijah... I appreciate that. I love you, but... I don't know. How can I trust you?". She retaliated.
    "What can I do to earn your trust back?" he asked.
    "I honestly don't think there is a way that you can. My trust was built up over a long period of time. You know how important it is to me.".
    "I know... I'll try. I'm going to do my best...". He hung his head and she lifted hers up to look at him, taking in his facial expressions. He seemed genuine. There was a short silence that felt like it lasted a lifetime. She sighed in defeat.
    "Okay." She said, him lifting his head up.
    "Thank you for the apology.". She said, a little smile forming on her face.
    "Are you going to come back? I'll make sure everything stays safe and gets better.". He proclaimed, hope showing through his voice.
    "It's going to take me a little while to forgive you. You know that right? I can believe what you are saying is real, but you broke my trust in Elijah. How am I supposed to know you are just saying that just to bring me back to the palace?" she asked, he just shook his head.
    "Meg. I don't want to bring you back to the palace because I feel like you should be there. I want to bring you back because I miss, and I love you so much more than you know. It has been so cold and lonely ever since you left. It has been so empty and I just. I miss you. You light up my world and it's all been dark since you left. Please give me a second chance. You don't have to forgive me, or trust me but please. That's all I ask." he said, practically on his knees, the damp mud staining the cotton pants, she stood up, back facing Elijah. She looked out to the flower field, all the flowers wilted. Silently waiting for the next day to come. She turned her head slightly so he could see her side profile.
    "I heard what you said to Mr Salis."She looked back to the field. Elijah, confused, got up and stood up and stood next to her. They just looked at the field.
    "You used the royal card. You know that right? You used it on my father.". She didn't look away. His head sank, remembering what he said and how she hated using "I'm royalty" as an excuse to get anything he wanted.
    "Meg. I'm sorry.". Hope gone in his voice, his hands fiddling with his pockets, his breath eventually slightly speeding up. He started losing sight of the world around him when he felt something grab his hand.
    He looked to see Meg, still looking out into the field, but she had his hand in his.
    "Calm down." is all she said, rubbing circles into his palm, like he usually does with her. He looked down at her, his eyes widened, tears shimmering in the moonlight. She softly looked up at him.
    "Elijah. Look at me." she said, Elijah looking down at the short girl beneath him.
    "It will be okay." she grabbed his other hand and held it in her opposing hand. He took a deep breath and relished the contact, afraid he was going to lose it.
    "I get it." she sighed, the moon dilating her eyes. "Can I trust you?".
    "Of course," he nodded.
    "Okay.  What you're saying seems logical. I'd be lying if I said I didn't somewhat believe you, but it's still difficult.". She spoke.
    "I understand... I shouldn't have broken your trust and I should have just told you what was going on... I have no excuses.". His eyes closed from shame. When he felt her hands leave, he immediately missed the warmth from them, his hands feeling cold until he felt something grasp from under him. His eyes shot open to look at the small girl just clinging to his waist. He hesitantly laid his hands on her back, her flinching at the slightest touch, causing him to lift his hands for a second, waiting for her body to untense and then put his hands on her back, her relaxing under his touch. He felt her hiccup and wet two spots forming on his shirt.
    "I believe you.". She muttered into his chest, refusing to move. He took note of her physical demeanor and just rubbed her back.
    "Meg. I promise you. Of anything, trust me on this. I will never leave you, no matter the circumstances. I will always be here by your side and I would do anything to have you by my side again. Not just my girlfriend, but my partner in crime. Yin to my yang. Everyday I'm with you is the best day of my life... I want to be with you until the end of my book.". He said as her grip tightened around his torso, a quiet sob being heard in the quiet night. He felt as if a spotlight from the moon was directly shining on them and only them. It went silent, the occasional cricket chirping in the distance, a slight breeze animating the field and brushing Elijah's hair out of his face, him feeling the wind harden the mud on his knees. He heard a mutter and looked down. He hummed in response to which was him asking if she could speak again.
    "I'm sorry.". She claimed him feeling the vibrations in his chest.
    "Because I jumped to conclusions. I promised myself that I wouldn't." she looked up, her eyes red and her hair sticking to her forehead and cheeks.
    "And I promised myself that I wouldn't cry.". He gently brushed her hair out of her face and whipped a small tear off of her cheek that had just fallen from her eye.
    "But I did jump to conclusions, and I was just so angry that I didn't hear a thing you were saying. I should have just listened to you and we could've sorted it out.". She hung her head in shame.
    "I'm really sorry.". She concluded. He patted her head as a way of accepting her apology. He chuckled, her feeling his chest bounce.
    Elijah looked out to the field and back down at Meg, recalling what she had said before she left.
    "You said we hadn't danced in a while..." he said, she hummed in response.
    "Do you want to?" he offered, petting her hair. "It's just the two of us out here. No one else.". She nodded. He gently grabbed her hand and she was led into the flower field.
    He placed her arms around his neck and he placed his hands on her hips. She laid her head on his chest and he laid his head on hers. They swayed in the night, the moon lighting their path, the occasional cricket chirp adding to the silence. As they swayed, Meg continuously relaxed the longer it went on, the corners of her mouth moving to form a shy smile, a slight shock from when she heard Elijah start singing a familiar song. She looked up at him to see him singing under his breath.
"Mi buen amor
Pues, la verdad, no hay otra cosa que yo pueda hacer
Tú no cambiarás, no me vas a convencer
De que ahora sí, todo va a estar bien
¿Hasta cuándo?
¿Seguirás pensando?
¿Que puedes jugar a pedir sin nada dar?
Pues, ahora no estaré esperando"
    "Elijah?" she asked.
    "Hm?" he hummed in response.
    "Is that-"
    "Your favorite song? Yes. I sometimes hear you sing it through your room, and I eventually learned the words. I know it holds a special place in your heart.". He said, shooting her a loving look, completely calm and in the moment, hearts in his eyes. She giggled a little bit before joining in with him.
"Mi buen amor
Si no quieres regresar
¿Por qué vuelves buscarme, una vez más?
No me pidas que te dé una última noche
Mi buen amor
Parece fácil para ti
Alejarte para luego exigir
Que te quiera como si nada
Nada, nada, yo sintiera"
    The more they sang together, the more they got into the dance, being careful to not step on any of the flowers, feeling as if they were the only two people left in the world. The night was dark.
    The devil has always taken my embrace and held me tightly, but with you here I now know I am finally free.
"Después de todo lo que tuve que pasar
Las terapias, los amores de mentira, más mentiras
Ahora quieres que sea tu amiga
Pues, amigo, dime cómo borro esto que siento
Mi buen amor
Si no quieres regresar
¿Por qué vuelves buscarme, una vez más?
No me pidas que te dé una última noche".
     Meg grinned under his embrace.
Mi buen amor
Parece fácil para ti
Alejarte para luego exigir
Que te quiera como si nada
Nada, nada, yo sintiera"
    Meg finished off the song.
"Mi buen amor".
    They just swayed in the sweet silence after the song was concluded. They could practically hear the twinkling of the stars in the sky, feeling the soft petals brushing against their legs as they moved. Meg listened to Elijah's heart beat, keeping the soft and even rhythm in her head. She closed her eyes, the anger draining from her body until there was nothing left.
    "My demons inhabit my soul, but with you around I believe that they cease to exist." She thought to herself. "When you are around, never turn off the lights because I fear what lies in the darkness that surrounds us. When I feel your grasp on my hands and your hands on my shoulders, without lighting a candle I feel the warmth of a singular ray of sunshine through a dark cloud on us. Only us, and I'm afraid to let go. To know that my light follows me wherever I go, I no longer have to be afraid. No matter what I do, I will always have my nightlight by my side.  I no longer have to be afraid, and I now know that I can be me.".
    He gently cupped her head in his hands and tilted her head up to look him in the eyes, blue meeting brown.

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