Safe With Scars

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Ahknrty was expecting it to be over. Why wasn't she dead yet? This is taking longer than she thought. She looked up to see Elijah in town square yelling about something but she couldn't hear what it was.
"STOP THE EXECUTION!" Elijah yelled, causing everyone to turn around and look at him.
He was wearing the nicest outfit he had. A red velvet coat with golden swirls embroidered on it trimmed in real gold. His undershirt was a shiny maroon color and he had a gold necklace with the kingdom's symbol on it. His pants were coal black which were made of pure cotton that were made to fit him perfectly. He had pure brown leather boots with gold buckles on them. His sleeves Had a maroon silk lining underneath them and he wore white silk gloves. His hair was tied back in a low ponytail but was flattened due to the rain with a red ribbon and he wore his crown on his head which was covered in many jews of different sorts.
"Yes Your Highness" Said the man in the black hood, putting down the sword.
"Have her unchained" He demanded again.
"Yes Your Highness!" Alexander said, pulling her up and unchaining her fully, immediately hugging her afterwards in which she hugged him back.
Elijah then walked up to the stage and looked at all the guards
"You will all stand down." he said as he made his way up to the stage. He looked at Alexander as a sign of "Could you please go to your station with the other guards?" so Alexander left the scene instantly with a big smile on his face.
"Are you okay?" Elijah kneeled down and hugged her then pulled away examining her condition, lifting up her arms and some of her shirt to examine her wounds.
"Why did you stop them?" she asked
"What do you mean "Why did I stop them"?" he asked
"I mean why did you stop them? I clearly deserve it. They were just doing the right thing.." She said looking up at Elijah with a soft and painful look that broke Elijah's heart into a million pieces.
"You don't deserve it." He said.
"Look." She pointed to the sword behind him."The sword is right there. Just do it. Everyone wants me dead anyways. You'd be doing everyone a favor.." She said, trying to reach for the sword, leading to Elijah grabbing it and calling over Alexander to take the sword away from the scene.
"I killed so many people... I destroyed so many families. I deserve this Elijah. I need this. I need to make up for everything I've done. This is the only way. I'll just hurt more people.". She said, tears now forming in her eyes.
Elijah knew for a fact that this was all the guards doing. They put these thoughts in her head. They put these Bruises on her body. They didn't feed her. They didn't treat her like a person. The thought of this filled him with rage.
"Come one. We're going back to the castle, ''he said softly now, picking her up bridal style. She was very easy to carry due to the weight loss.
"But-" She went to protest but got cut off.
"No "buts"." He said putting her on his horse and then getting on it.
They were about to start riding away but Brutus stopped them while they were about to start making their way out of town square.
"Your Highness!" Brutus yelled, getting his attention causing Elijah to stop his horse and look at him.
"Yes Brutus?" He asked.
"Why are you saving her? Are you aware of her crimes?" he asked
" I am aware, Brutus." said Elijah, now trying to ride away but Brutus still stopped them.
"Sir, she needs to be dealt with properly, she will hurt you if you don't do something. She is not going with you." Brutus said, grabbing Ahknrty's foot, trying to pull her off the horse.
Elijah grabbed her, keeping her from falling off the horse.
"Let go, Brutus." Elijah stated
"I will not let you get hurt" Brtus returned
"Brutus, you are defying my orders" Elijah said, pulling away, getting her out of his grasp, then he turned around to see Ahknrty gripping her body, lip quivering. He then looked down at her bruises and cuts.
"Did he do this to you?" Elijah asked towards Ahknrty in which she nodded leading to him looking back at Brutus with a look of rage.
"I don't know if you know this Brutus, but you guards aren't supposed to hurt the prisoners." Elijah said.
"Uh... I-I" Brutus stammered, getting cut off.
"If I'm correct, she looks pretty hurt don't you think?" Elijah asked
"Well-" Brutus said, getting cut off by the Prince again.
"Let's take a look at what types of wounds are on her body." He started now listing all the things he saw.
"Let's see. It appears that there are bruises covering her body. Many cuts which are bleeding through her clothing. She has no shoes on with rocks and thorns in her feet. She has whip marks on her front and back. Former scars which are now openly bleeding on her face as we speak. She looks like a skeleton. Her skin is pale and her eye color is practically gone. I don't know if it's just me, but I think she looks a little damaged don't you think?" Elijah asked.
"Yes Sir but-"
"You and the other guards are to make your way back to the palace immediately. Wait in the courtyard and I will deal with you all individually. Starting with you Brutus."Elijah said with more anger in his voice than sadness from when his friends claimed that Ahknrty wasn't real.
"Wait." Ahknrty said, getting Elijah's attention.
"Yes?" Elijah asked
"The guard. Alexander? Please don't put him through any trouble." She asked
"And why is that?" Elijah curiously returned
"Because when I was *cough* I-in the tower waiting for my exec-*cough* ution, he was the only nice person and took c-*cough* are of me." Said Ahknrty now coughing hardly
"As you wish." He agreed. "Guard Alexander shall make his way to the throne room and wait for me there."
Elijah hearing the sudden coughing led to him making the quick decision to immediately take her back to the castle to be taken care of.
Alexander looked shocked. He looked over and he made direct eye contact with Ahknrty. Between coughs, she mouthed a quiet "Thank you towards him before the prince rode her out of the village on his horse.
Alexander looked to the other guards with a smirk that said
"Looks like you guys are in trouble!".
Karma hits hard.
They then packed up their stuff and made their way to the palace. Mr Salis and Madam Elanor went up to Alexander and She immediately started thanking him
"Thank you so much for unchaining my baby!" Elanor said, hugging him.
Taken aback by the sudden embrace it took Alexander a couple seconds to respond. He hugged Elanor back.
"Of course. I truly care about her. I tried my best to get her out of this. I even went to the king himself to try and talk him out of the execution and I made sure she wasn't lonely in her cell in the tower." He explained, causing a smirk to form on Mr. Salis's face.
He liked Alexander. He feels like he could protect her due to the fact that he is a guard and that he tried to get his child out of execution and made sure she wasn't lonely. He was impressed about how much he cared about her that he would confront the king HIMSELF about getting her out of her execution. He wasn't one to like boys before. He is protective of Ahknrty. He has been ever since she was little and he is even more now.
"Thank you son." Mr Salis said, causing Madam Elanor to look up at him with a shocked look that her husband actually approved of a boy.
"You're welcome." Alexander said to Mr. Salis, giving him a firm handshake, which impressed Mr. Salis even more.
"Well, I must go back to the palace. It was lovely meeting you both!" Alexander said, walking away.
Elanor really liked him as well, his manners were on point. They wouldn't mind him with Ahknrty at all.

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